It is my birthday
The site is now updated
Big thanks to Adam
by Janis of Toronto
Is product placement
getting out of control, what
Mountain Dew you think?
by onjaysun
the bad haiku site
is more like rotting herring
and we? garbage gulls?
by (heroin?) imho, ash
the almost silent
pulse throbbing expectations
the Hammer returns
by Drophammer of The Ninth Gate
by Lips McCoy
Someone set up us the bomb!
All you base are belong to us.
by Shizzo Bot of Sock Dammit
well, as the form says:
"Bad Haiku: (necessary)"
though who can say why...
by scotch
so many return
because they can't stop themselves
haiku heroin
by ash
thanks for the nice words
but about all those fun drugs...
not sure i can wait
by scotch (okay, my pity party is officially over - stay tuned for the vicodan party)
A message sent as old as time,
A message not always told by rhyme.
A dream of hope and love so refine,
A dream of a boy told through my eye.
by Anonymous Poet
I type on my blueberry stained keyboard
She types on my heart
We type to each other =)
by Boris
Scotch, such the cut-up
Now you'll have a great story
And they give you DRUGS!
by onjaysun
the image persists:
the saw meeting my ribcage...
that'll leave a mark!
by scotch
so much for cycling
passionate sex is out, too
what's left then - knitting?
by scotch (i'm giving myself another hour and a few more haikus to feel self-pity)
"you have a big heart,"
i was told, sadly by my
thirty four years old,
vegetarian and fit...
george burns is laughing
by scotch
GET IT OFF ME! Oh...just a
Watermelon seed.
by onjaysun
Stinky booty, ugh!
Why don't you pull up your pants
I'm trying to eat here
by Mundo of USA
it's sitting at a
crossroads, not well, a person
looking for a road
by Moxie
cower at anon
"all your bases will belong"
trip the booby hatch
by ash
born again poet
it's moxie resurrected
counting like a pro
by ash
the morning coffee
and saving my own soul from
it's decaying self
by Moxie
tasteless offerings
with quite a loss of relish
and no seasoning
by ash
in this empty house
with the windows rattling,
the doors slam and slam
by Anonymous Poet
moon rising sliced new
like the melon split open
this morning, cool, sweet....
by Anonymous Poet
assholes who can't think
usually resort to hating
women, hating selves
by Anonymous Poet
between stained curtains
the black cat's eyes follow a
snowflake as it falls
by Anonymous Poet
why not an asshole
filter where we just screen for
people with something?
by Anonymous Poet
why not a site with
goodhaiku? a place where we
could try to write well.....
by Anonymous Poet
across the still lake
through upcurls of morning mist---
the cry of a loon
by Anonymous Poet
a dozen roses
the cardboard lightly stained by
rain, box comes apart
by Anonymous Poet
moxie strides past the
theater his shadow caught on
a nail, hammer down!
by Anonymous Poet
with a flourish the
waitress leaves behind all these
rearranged messes
by Anonymous Poet
you still don't get it
janis gave us this website
and pays to host it
by for now, anyway...keep it up moron and you'll have to leave your missives elsewhere
janis only cares
when it's HER name thats mentioned
troll, cunt- whatever
by Anonymous Poet
to play by the rules
is to forget the weather
is always changing
by Moxie
A howl wakes the house
Getting water and stepped on
A damn Lego brick!
by onjaysun
I wait anxiously
For I know a new Badder
Haiku approaches
by Adam
Convert them I say
Besides we do really love
That Ray Stevens song
by onjaysun
listening to stern
saying "kill all the arabs"
guess we'd have peace then
by speaking of trolls...
Fez Monkey's staring
But banana, I have not
Don't fling poo at me
by onjaysun
morons with keyboards
short attention span visits
puking vile words
by ap
this has become ridiculous
and Janis even sank to the bottom
of animal interaction
time to fry this place
by Anonymous Poet
this guy is a shit, seriously. First of all,
ash is gooz!! and stunna and shizzo, theys
genius!!!! plus, anyone with bukkake in the
name is fucking LEGEND too son>!
by Lips McCoy
Ash, son you a goos.
I sees you still make haiku
goos goos, i pet alls
by Lips McCoy
Janis, you bees good.
I had a dream you in it.
PUN gots the ripples
by Lips McCoy
by Lips McCoy
viewing ground zero
deep pit of long sorrow...yet
flowerbed of hope
by Boston gal
i know yours janis
and i shall report your site
prepare for shutdown
by Anonymous Poet