Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 61 Days and 77459 Haiku later...

well, as the form says:
"Bad Haiku: (necessary)"
though who can say why...
Haiku # 22286, September 13, 2002 4:11 am ET
by scotch
so many return
because they can't stop themselves
haiku heroin
Haiku # 22285, September 13, 2002 1:50 am ET
by ash
thanks for the nice words
but about all those fun drugs...
not sure i can wait
Haiku # 22284, September 12, 2002 8:01 pm ET
by scotch (okay, my pity party is officially over - stay tuned for the vicodan party)
A message sent as old as time,
A message not always told by rhyme.
A dream of hope and love so refine,
A dream of a boy told through my eye.
Haiku # 22283, September 12, 2002 7:35 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
I type on my blueberry stained keyboard
She types on my heart
We type to each other =)
Haiku # 22282, September 12, 2002 7:26 pm ET
by Boris
Scotch, such the cut-up
Now you'll have a great story
And they give you DRUGS!
Haiku # 22281, September 12, 2002 7:06 pm ET
by onjaysun
the image persists:
the saw meeting my ribcage...
that'll leave a mark!
Haiku # 22280, September 12, 2002 6:01 pm ET
by scotch
so much for cycling
passionate sex is out, too
what's left then - knitting?
Haiku # 22279, September 12, 2002 5:55 pm ET
by scotch (i'm giving myself another hour and a few more haikus to feel self-pity)
"you have a big heart,"
i was told, sadly by my

thirty four years old,
vegetarian and fit...
george burns is laughing
Haiku # 22278, September 12, 2002 5:46 pm ET
by scotch
GET IT OFF ME! Oh...just a
Watermelon seed.
Haiku # 22277, September 12, 2002 11:58 am ET
by onjaysun
Stinky booty, ugh!
Why don't you pull up your pants
I'm trying to eat here
Haiku # 22276, September 12, 2002 11:03 am ET
by Mundo of USA
it's sitting at a
crossroads, not well, a person
looking for a road
Haiku # 22275, September 12, 2002 10:19 am ET
by Moxie
cower at anon
"all your bases will belong"
trip the booby hatch
Haiku # 22274, September 12, 2002 10:04 am ET
by ash
born again poet
it's moxie resurrected
counting like a pro
Haiku # 22273, September 12, 2002 9:59 am ET
by ash
the morning coffee
and saving my own soul from
it's decaying self
Haiku # 22272, September 12, 2002 8:58 am ET
by Moxie
tasteless offerings
with quite a loss of relish
and no seasoning
Haiku # 22271, September 12, 2002 8:19 am ET
by ash
in this empty house
with the windows rattling,
the doors slam and slam
Haiku # 22270, September 12, 2002 2:36 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
moon rising sliced new
like the melon split open
this morning, cool, sweet....
Haiku # 22269, September 12, 2002 2:35 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
assholes who can't think
usually resort to hating
women, hating selves
Haiku # 22268, September 12, 2002 2:33 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
between stained curtains
the black cat's eyes follow a
snowflake as it falls
Haiku # 22267, September 12, 2002 2:31 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
why not an asshole
filter where we just screen for
people with something?
Haiku # 22266, September 12, 2002 2:29 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
why not a site with
goodhaiku? a place where we
could try to write well.....
Haiku # 22265, September 12, 2002 2:28 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
across the still lake
through upcurls of morning mist---
the cry of a loon
Haiku # 22264, September 12, 2002 2:27 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
a dozen roses
the cardboard lightly stained by
rain, box comes apart
Haiku # 22263, September 12, 2002 2:26 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
moxie strides past the
theater his shadow caught on
a nail, hammer down!
Haiku # 22262, September 12, 2002 2:25 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
with a flourish the
waitress leaves behind all these
rearranged messes
Haiku # 22261, September 12, 2002 2:24 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
you still don't get it
janis gave us this website
and pays to host it
Haiku # 22260, September 11, 2002 10:45 pm ET
by for now, anyway...keep it up moron and you'll have to leave your missives elsewhere
janis only cares
when it's HER name thats mentioned
troll, cunt- whatever
Haiku # 22259, September 11, 2002 9:06 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
to play by the rules
is to forget the weather
is always changing
Haiku # 22258, September 11, 2002 6:33 pm ET
by Moxie
A howl wakes the house
Getting water and stepped on
A damn Lego brick!
Haiku # 22257, September 11, 2002 6:03 pm ET
by onjaysun
I wait anxiously
For I know a new Badder
Haiku approaches
Haiku # 22256, September 11, 2002 3:16 pm ET
by Adam
Convert them I say
Besides we do really love
That Ray Stevens song
Haiku # 22255, September 11, 2002 2:51 pm ET
by onjaysun
listening to stern
saying "kill all the arabs"
guess we'd have peace then
Haiku # 22254, September 11, 2002 1:25 pm ET
by speaking of trolls...
Fez Monkey's staring
But banana, I have not
Don't fling poo at me
Haiku # 22253, September 11, 2002 10:47 am ET
by onjaysun
Do not feed the trolls
I know, but I just couldn't
resist temptation
Haiku # 22252, September 11, 2002 10:38 am ET
by Janis
morons with keyboards
short attention span visits
puking vile words
Haiku # 22251, September 11, 2002 6:20 am ET
by ap
this has become ridiculous
and Janis even sank to the bottom
of animal interaction

time to fry this place
Haiku # 22250, September 11, 2002 3:33 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
this guy is a shit, seriously. First of all,
ash is gooz!! and stunna and shizzo, theys
genius!!!! plus, anyone with bukkake in the
name is fucking LEGEND too son>!
Haiku # 22249, September 10, 2002 8:58 pm ET
by Lips McCoy
Ash, son you a goos.
I sees you still make haiku
goos goos, i pet alls
Haiku # 22248, September 10, 2002 8:42 pm ET
by Lips McCoy
Janis, you bees good.
I had a dream you in it.
PUN gots the ripples
Haiku # 22247, September 10, 2002 8:40 pm ET
by Lips McCoy
Haiku # 22246, September 10, 2002 8:39 pm ET
by Lips McCoy
viewing ground zero
deep pit of long sorrow...yet
flowerbed of hope
Haiku # 22245, September 10, 2002 8:16 pm ET
by Boston gal
i know yours janis
and i shall report your site
prepare for shutdown
Haiku # 22244, September 10, 2002 7:48 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
How "Anonymous"
do you think you are, Poet?
I know where you live:
Haiku # 22243, September 10, 2002 7:25 pm ET
by Janis
onjaysun = Janis
nice try asshole
Haiku # 22242, September 10, 2002 7:11 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
fuck off moxie....
Haiku # 22241, September 10, 2002 7:10 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Whine is the new red
Hey, I do sound kinda gay
Butch up Onjaysun
Haiku # 22240, September 10, 2002 6:58 pm ET
by onjaysun

Tomato season
Is such a good time of year
Grandma has a cock
Haiku # 22239, September 10, 2002 6:55 pm ET
by Janis
newkidvoodoo (boring rank amateur)
Janis (shut yer cunt!)
onjaysun (gayer than ever possible)
Moxie (Zoloft would help...or a gun)
ash (*yawn* - self-important swineass)

let the whining denials begin...
Haiku # 22238, September 10, 2002 6:41 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
i'm uninspired
ap's a fucking moron
call someone who cares
Haiku # 22237, September 10, 2002 6:34 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
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