whine, gripe, and complain
losing mindfullnes, quiet calm.
our cat doesn't care
by big nose of oceanside,ca
she doesn't fight fair!
I defend my point of view
she changes the rules
by big nose of oceanside,ca
George W. Bush
with his V.P. both crooks
dirty bush and dick
by big nose of oceanside,ca
Ted Williams is dead
Is cryogenics the key?
Fuck you, John-Henry!!!!
by Anonymous Poet
Herr Tommy, woman,
Wake up young blood, stop stalling,
instead, start running...
by Dr. Claw
I sit and seek a
place to submit my haiku
for publication
by Mr KNow-It-All-Yeah of NY
at last i am enthroned
train station cubicle
fully airconditioned
by jyb
You can't hear my screams.
I hide them behind my smile
Wrapped in my laughter.
by Anonymous Poet
what happened to k
i am concerned she's o k
she mentioned illness
by ap
big congrats to ash
though his wife did all the work
his was the best part
by ap
he IS so cute his sister too
they'll keep you hopping
by mellie
happy birthday jack
you are quite small and bright red
and totally cute
by ash
another baby
we know what causes that now
but we still do it
by ash
We know you love him
You watch his "flaming" taunt pose
And get your jollies
by Anonymous Poet
Hey, what can i say?
Jin is a hot sexy man
... But I never looked
by JD
Jin has a robot
He strips down to his skivvies
JD gets aroused
by Da Jibsta
Jib is hairy gay
He likes men in pink outfits
Nothing wrong with that
by JD
Mini eggs and butter popcorn
Call my cell phone, not my cat
God, Canada is the sucks.
by Sora-chan
JD is teh crap
If he talks bad about me
I will squeeze his face!!
by Anonymous Poet
Glue is for dumb chumps
I went straight to crack, bastards
I have a bruised ass
by JD
Blue and green monkeys
Fly screaming around my head
The glue melts my brain
by El Jibby
Angela is mine
For me to corrupt my way
I am Evil One
by Craig of Midwest
speaking for myself
i never heard that rumour
nor travelled that path
by ash
My prize brown nipple
big and round like bologna
taken by knife's edge
by Betty LeBomb
some of us on line
are united by lust and
boredom, need and want
by Mox
Is the rumour true?
That Ash likes it up the ash?
Grandma's happy cock.
by Anonymous Poet
brown nipples, and pink
nipples, blue nipples and black
nipples all are good.
by blue tit
Although I've never
HAD them - I bet Brown Nipples
are better than pink.
by Kackarott
My grandmother's teeth
False would pop out from coughing
It scared us shitless
by kackarott
Dreams of red wookie
Haunt your depraved little brain
It mocks your tight fist.
by Kackarott
I really don't care
sometimes when I'm really bored
I poke dogs with sticks
by Betty LeBomb
it's a choice to come
here, but to deal with the self
ish hit and runs, one
has to experience
the tragedy in order
to understand it
by Moxie
slash a back and call
it good, death is welcome, go
for it and all's well xxx
by Mox
react, react...come
you lit out for the bitch, shum
rest assured, fog
by Moxie
the the with the lit
and the rest assured, she said
I am green, go fly
by Moxie
betty lelandmine
blew off a hand of mine
yankee doodle dandy
by Anonymous Poet
Shades of army green
peel away the fat and lean
leave the core obscene
by Betty LeBomb
I'm painting my nails
patriot shades of blue
to claw holes in you
by Betty LeBomb
see, it's different now
because you see how a hit
and run villian works
and only if you knew
by Moxie
well, I'm full of holes
the big spiritual empty
spot, a giant sponge
by Moxie
the danger is when
ego packs a wallop so
missed out on those who
by Mox
self employed patient
fifty-seven days sick leave
show me the money
by ash
after surgery
my award winning toe jam
outspreads all others
by ash
oh foot fetishists
fat toes are waving to you
so beguilingly
by ash
"interesting site" oh yeah,
revel in times when covert
really meant covert
your despicable
parents, enjoyed their consumer
goods while world was subdued
subdued 'anonymously' of course you american cunt
by Anonymous Poet
sheena the moth girl
is back, fuck off sheena, or
go fuck a mothman
by Anonymous Poet
for site of int'rest
intelligence and dry wit
click this little link
my link
by sheena
janis, howya been?
although your presence is sensed
nice to see you "here."
by sheena
fuck off, anonym
take the easy road due left
quick, snotty remarks
none investigate
merely pontificate, sneer
cheap philosophies
by sheena
AP had it right
Moxie you are abysmal
get off of this site
by Smalltown Voodoo