hook line and sinker
would you like to set the bait?
while i cast the rod?
by indiana>>wecaninsertithere
I'm so gullible
I would swallow anything
and I'm not kidding
by mellie
he leveled the gun
by indiana>>oneclueoverthecuckoo
take it lying down
just a spoonful of sugar
helps la la go down
a sweet little song
mary poppins nuns alps god
must break the habit
by mellie
Need positive spin?
Blood is sweeter than water.
Guess we all must cope.
by echo
so i'm still legless
you may say something's afoot
i won't stand for it
by ash
let me console ash
I would do a better job
even blindfolded
getting down to it
comes naturally to mellie
I don't itch either
by mellie
(line 21084 is mine, why did it become
Anonymous Poet???)
by jewel1
i was consoling ash for pete's sake
............just fuck off me k
by ronin
......that's uncalled for k
it meant that the fading pain
.......is merely fleeting
(try to understand first, ok?)
by ronin@youdidntgetitohwiseandsmartychick
......that's uncalled for k
it meant that the fading pain
.......is merely fleeting
(try to understand first, ok?)
by ronin@youdidntgetitohwiseandsmartychick
......that's uncalled for k
it meant that the fading pain
.......is merely fleeting
(try to understand first, ok?)
by ronin@youdidntgetitohwiseandsmartychick
this ain't ronin it's
some other asshole (like mox)
moxie killed ronin
and assumed his identity
by k
....evanescent pain
as fugacious as moxie's
...granger philosophy
by ronin@howaboutreadingagoodnovel
send me mail mellie
and i'll hotmail a return
dull convalescence
by ash
ain't got no gangrene
just vasodilatation
as i slowly heal
by ash
i'm euglycaemic
diabetes does that stuff
but i'm just clumsy
by ash
...........DIABETES DOES
renal failure, hemorrhagic stroke
......and ash's gangrene FOOT
..........(plus heart attacks)
by doctor ronin says
..."Clue? What clue is that?!"
He scolded himself, "I've been
......digging without clues!"
(as he feels the contours of his
Colt .45 Mark IV Series tucked
.........in his obese waist)
by ronin@thelinesarequiteimpressiveAPamazingreally
Silently she walked
That con of a man...
by Anonymous Poet
Collecting photos
documents and stuff
she will expose him
by jewel1\findingdocuments
the toad is croaking
wishing the owl
by indiana>>thenightisfullofcreatures
So, Moxie when is
the Chrucificion? A.M.
sounds so much better.
by Anonymous Poet
i've been on this site
since BM--bowel movement?
no--Before Moxie.
by Anonymous Poet
If not lushly green
most southern grass is brown thatch
does it itch you much?
by echo
my epilogue now
steamy hot green grass new O
a feeling down south
by mellie
I'm pro log cabins
hiding in the wilderness
apalacian way
taking lots of pics
stopping jotting posting stuff
nothing could be finer
chatanooga choo choo way
reaching the crossroads cruising
straight down the middle
by mellie
well, how much per foot
is each word we cut to shape
our haiku houses?
by Moxie
excess syllables
a thousand words per picture
as my foot would note
by ash
.....moshi moshi
(an alliteration, AP)
by ronin@#21069aintmine
yeah post it like k
if you can figure it out
if not, it's magic....................
by k
take a picture ash
and post it like k does, with
haiku as footnote
by Anonymous Poet
my bones are undead
skinny leg with zombie foot
swollen beetroot toes
by ash
ronin you are deeply creepy
by Anonymous Poet
by ronin....each dot is a baby, baby
we are in a pulsing
wave of cocoons, wrapped up
awaiting re-birth, untold millions
by Moxie
we walk on the dead
corpse powder a component
of the very earth...
by untold billions of dead
something oddly alien
comes to her an wraps her
in a silky cocoon
to await transformation
with others in a vast
chamber of rebirth
by Moxie
her mouth open now
drool glistening lips moist
sharp intakes of breath
hand brushes nipples
slides down her smooth belly now
grandma has a cock
by mellie
more like a cocoon
becoming human for the
first time, hypocritical
the nature of the race
is to see things through a glass
darkly, and not clearly
by Moxie
he couldn
by indiana>>stillthinking
yeah, fuck you too Anonymous Poet
by ronin@cometothinkofitthat'sbetterthanpostingblanks
...."you okay," said scott
as he caressed her breasts
......nipples taut and wet
...meantime, worlds apart
a harried mox digs a grave
......looking for etchings
..(your move indy, mines:
by ronin@thecontinuation....
She started planning
Every move would be perfect
A pained sigh escaped
by jewel1//shehasgottohelpsomehow
One hundred million?
So many people were dead
All dead for money
by jewel1\onehumdredmilliondollars?
She tried to picture
Who was that on the picture?
How many were dead?
by jewel1\whatwasthatpictureagain?
a row of tombstones +++
engraved by a psychopath
yields a dark secret
by indiana>>twotwistedshellsmakesaknot
fuck off to me too
by Anonymous Poet
fuck off organic matter
by Anonymous Poet