Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 60 Days and 77457 Haiku later...

Collecting photos
documents and stuff
she will expose him
Haiku # 21083, June 13, 2002 1:34 am ET
by jewel1\findingdocuments

the toad is croaking
wishing the owl
Haiku # 21082, June 12, 2002 8:56 pm ET
by indiana>>thenightisfullofcreatures
So, Moxie when is
the Chrucificion? A.M.
sounds so much better.

Haiku # 21081, June 12, 2002 3:32 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
i've been on this site
since BM--bowel movement?
no--Before Moxie.
Haiku # 21080, June 12, 2002 3:24 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
If not lushly green
most southern grass is brown thatch
does it itch you much?
Haiku # 21079, June 12, 2002 1:24 pm ET
by echo
my epilogue now
steamy hot green grass new O
a feeling down south
Haiku # 21078, June 12, 2002 11:33 am ET
by mellie
I'm pro log cabins
hiding in the wilderness
apalacian way

taking lots of pics
stopping jotting posting stuff
nothing could be finer

chatanooga choo choo way
reaching the crossroads cruising
straight down the middle

Haiku # 21077, June 12, 2002 11:31 am ET
by mellie
well, how much per foot
is each word we cut to shape
our haiku houses?
Haiku # 21076, June 12, 2002 10:38 am ET
by Moxie
excess syllables
a thousand words per picture
as my foot would note
Haiku # 21075, June 12, 2002 8:35 am ET
by ash

.....moshi moshi

(an alliteration, AP)
Haiku # 21074, June 12, 2002 4:28 am ET
by ronin@#21069aintmine
yeah post it like k
if you can figure it out
if not, it's magic....................
Haiku # 21073, June 12, 2002 3:20 am ET
by k
take a picture ash
and post it like k does, with
haiku as footnote
Haiku # 21072, June 12, 2002 12:43 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
my bones are undead
skinny leg with zombie foot
swollen beetroot toes
Haiku # 21071, June 11, 2002 10:23 pm ET
by ash
ronin you are deeply creepy
Haiku # 21070, June 11, 2002 5:41 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 21069, June 11, 2002 4:30 pm ET
by ronin....each dot is a baby, baby
we are in a pulsing
wave of cocoons, wrapped up
awaiting re-birth, untold millions
Haiku # 21068, June 11, 2002 3:37 pm ET
by Moxie
Haiku # 21066, June 11, 2002 1:49 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
we walk on the dead
corpse powder a component
of the very earth...
Haiku # 21065, June 11, 2002 1:42 pm ET
by untold billions of dead
something oddly alien
comes to her an wraps her
in a silky cocoon

to await transformation
with others in a vast
chamber of rebirth
Haiku # 21064, June 11, 2002 12:51 pm ET
by Moxie
her mouth open now
drool glistening lips moist
sharp intakes of breath

hand brushes nipples
slides down her smooth belly now
grandma has a cock
Haiku # 21063, June 11, 2002 12:40 pm ET
by mellie
more like a cocoon
becoming human for the
first time, hypocritical

the nature of the race
is to see things through a glass
darkly, and not clearly
Haiku # 21062, June 11, 2002 11:25 am ET
by Moxie

he couldn
Haiku # 21061, June 11, 2002 9:40 am ET
by indiana>>stillthinking
yeah, fuck you too Anonymous Poet

Haiku # 21060, June 11, 2002 9:06 am ET
by ronin@cometothinkofitthat'sbetterthanpostingblanks

...."you okay," said scott
as he caressed her breasts
......nipples taut and wet

...meantime, worlds apart
a harried mox digs a grave
......looking for etchings

..(your move indy, mines:
Haiku # 21059, June 11, 2002 9:05 am ET
by ronin@thecontinuation....
She started planning
Every move would be perfect
A pained sigh escaped
Haiku # 21058, June 11, 2002 8:54 am ET
by jewel1//shehasgottohelpsomehow
One hundred million?
So many people were dead
All dead for money
Haiku # 21057, June 11, 2002 8:52 am ET
by jewel1\onehumdredmilliondollars?
She tried to picture
Who was that on the picture?
How many were dead?
Haiku # 21056, June 11, 2002 8:50 am ET
by jewel1\whatwasthatpictureagain?

a row of tombstones +++
engraved by a psychopath
yields a dark secret
Haiku # 21055, June 11, 2002 7:03 am ET
by indiana>>twotwistedshellsmakesaknot
fuck off to me too
Haiku # 21054, June 11, 2002 3:21 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
fuck off organic matter
Haiku # 21053, June 11, 2002 3:21 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
fuck off humans
Haiku # 21052, June 11, 2002 2:21 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
fuck off world
Haiku # 21051, June 11, 2002 2:20 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
fuck off ronin (dot-head)
Haiku # 21050, June 11, 2002 1:11 am ET
by Anonymous Poet

fuck off Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 21049, June 10, 2002 11:20 pm ET
by ronin
fuck off ronin
Haiku # 21048, June 10, 2002 10:38 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
an old shark takes him
by the leg and pulls him
down into heaven
Haiku # 21047, June 10, 2002 10:37 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet

....and then she WOKE UP
"shit, mellie" she told herself
......"take it easy, babe"
Haiku # 21046, June 10, 2002 8:54 pm ET
by ronin@themoveisNe8
Poop deck is a mess
crow's nest unkempt, crew all drunk
Shiver me timbers
Haiku # 21045, June 10, 2002 12:55 pm ET
by Chowderhead
the ten of swords plunged
1000 spiritual
little deaths in me
Haiku # 21044, June 10, 2002 10:09 am ET
by Moxie
Her load was lifted
A dull pain holds steady
Tolerable now
Haiku # 21043, June 10, 2002 7:43 am ET
by jewel1\backtowhereweare
Loathing the dumb clocks
Sick to her stomach, fasting
The weight still heavy
Haiku # 21042, June 10, 2002 7:42 am ET
by jewel1\fb
She read lots of books
Chose a bizarre work schedule
Frisking away time
Haiku # 21041, June 10, 2002 7:39 am ET
by jewel1\fbstill
world cup soccer is
great, but I still can't fight off
intense depressions
Haiku # 21040, June 10, 2002 5:32 am ET
by Anonymous Poet

the sounds he produced
broke the silence of the trees
as he made etches
Haiku # 21039, June 10, 2002 4:58 am ET
by indiana>>porfavorconjugarelverboetcheshermano

..........then he ran away
half-sobbing, half-laughing (?) in- the silhouette

.(into the dark and lonely comfort
...of the shades and the trees...)
Haiku # 21038, June 10, 2002 12:40 am ET
by ronin@theoffice

the weight of the world
made him inarticulate
no rhyme no reason
Haiku # 21037, June 9, 2002 9:00 pm ET
by indiana>>17gramsofgold
what if He is She?
and the one you reach for is
of this newer world?
Haiku # 21036, June 9, 2002 11:43 am ET
by Moxie
She looked for her Guide
Reading and searching for him
Clammy hands trembling
Haiku # 21035, June 9, 2002 8:59 am ET
by jewel1\fb
She offered her pain
More pain came, she was losing
Wanting to forget
Haiku # 21034, June 9, 2002 8:57 am ET
by jewel1\fb
The horror, the weight
She wonders how long it heals
She was tired of life
Haiku # 21033, June 9, 2002 8:55 am ET
by jewel1\fb
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