contemplating the
computer screen for a full
morning of non-work
by sandra
nevada in the summer
is hot and everything else
but vegas is nice
by sandra
trying to get the
hang of writing bad haiku
this isn't that hard
by sandra
silicon valley
silicon breasts, beasts and all
manner of plastic
by k of the 'Ho (San Jose)
What's madness but no
bility of soul At odds
with circumstance? The
day's on fire! I
know the purity of pure
despair...The edge is
what I have.
by k of poetry can be quite cool
watching the sun go
down on the ocean reminds
me of something else
by k of ha!
count the syllables
and have another drink, think
how stupid this is
by k of :)
anyway, men who
logic love miss the point, those
that feel, just get it
by k_against_models of why do guys say that want intellect? and then go just for looks????
skinned, and I'm 3
4, red hair, live the life of
a single chick and
I program, write, and
generally try to just
enjoy this weird life
by k_still_against_everyone of working again finally, lost out at love (shocking!) and reading Roethke over and over again
sure whatever make
me into a sexual
object or just a
haiku girl, really
don't care I've slagged you all off
many times, I'm thick skinned
by k_against_everyone of ronin, ap, WAHTEVER!!!! I just don't care. As long as it's not Mox
never been on board
the British ship QE2
as it sailed today
by indiana
to the web mistress:
I'm coming to Toronto
meet me for a drink?
early May Janis
would be fun to meet with you
is that possible?
by mellie
Bush knew, or did he?
Does it matter? It's only
Three thousand people.
by Anonymous Poet
try painting right side
polarity repels cops
while the poles attract
by indiana
My car will go zoom
Paint "Cop Magnet" on the side
Another ticket
by WyldKyss
Important thing lost
Vision is blurry today
Glasses left at home
by WyldKyss
that cardinal change
disrobes the queen to e2
for a fitting move
by indiana
.i am quite constrained
to make a conservative
........reply - Bc6!
by ronin@nowalkingonthewildsideforme
the table is set
with wine, silver and china
while time eats away
by indiana
you know the answer,
all your job belong to us,
by Anonymous Poet
Listening to stuff
Posting bad haikus on here
Is this what job is?
by WyldKyss
isnt mine
but AP's
by ronin
isnt mine
but AP's
by ronin
isnt mine
but AP's
by ronin
Local Radio
All your base are belong to
Us, is playing now.
by WyldKyss
are you counting ref?
rattle of pea, infringements
I cop penalty
by mellie
a tight head pleases me
alfie handles balls with style
lockyer goes off
straight-up bennett
only thing crooked's ya smile
beautiful maroons
by mellie, QUEENSLANDER!!
..............I am sorry k.............
.......I will not mock/imitate again, come back.....'s ya honey....
by ronin......................................
..........let the lady be
she might have her own pacing
.......or none at all dude
by ronin@howaboutaknuckleheadsandwich
..with your latest move
you're practically giving
.....the center to me
by ronin to indy@areyousurethatyourmove
Lolita drops trou
(size two Calvin Kleins) says hey
kiss my royal ass
by Lolita to Anonymous Poster
My tooth aches right now
Medical Coverage costs lots
I just suck it up
by WyldKyss
The way he can float,
you'd think he was a dead whale.
Metaphors: so real.
by merlin of
was never away
it looks like moxie's away
mostly with pixies
by mellie
Push, mein F
by Jonathan B
fuck off lolita
by Anonymous Poet
ya see, the past?
just so much crap...enlightenment?
what is advertised.
by get it? get it? just trying to reclaim the dots in this world from knuckle-head ronin
......i meant fisher guys
a toast to stephen jay gould
........evolution's ace
by ronin@thegreatpretender
cereal-box zen,
tomorrow is advertised,
the past..down toilet.
by Anonymous Poet
let's pretend it's chess
while actually we just play
hide and seek all day
by Lolita bishop takes knight? tempting really
.....fischer-marshall style?
.(or a conservative korchnoi?)
by ronin@givemeadaytoimbibetheframebro
Cereal boxtop
zen: tomorrow is coming
but yesterday
by Chowderhead
now the motion's passed
how full is your ah, gender?
let's cut a rug Ash :-)
fox trot samba waltz
the canadian two-step
janis loves that one
by mellie
committee meeting
now i can move a motion
without laxatives
by ash storm subsides
waters empty in the drain
.a young girl hawks news
by ronin@
.....mellie is now back
.can moxie be far behind
stay tuned and watch out
by ronin@a$64stephenkingquestion
"it's: Bd7"
..i meant
by ronin
......suck your own dildo
and stop projecting yourself other's stead dude
by ronin@hey!
.............cocoa you say
is that what your Lindts' made of
..........may i have a drink
by ronin