Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 60 Days and 77457 Haiku later...

scott's imposter is
easy to spot as he is
Haiku # 20589, May 19, 2002 5:04 am ET
by k of #20586 by scott...MY ASS
I am like a sail,
needing a warm summer breeze,
to move me to you.
Haiku # 20588, May 19, 2002 5:02 am ET
by call me
tom waits is a hard act
to follow as he is the
best musician 'round
Haiku # 20587, May 19, 2002 4:59 am ET
by k of but ronin still...i'm open to the idea
ronin's dots .... lamer
than rabbit droppings very
Haiku # 20586, May 19, 2002 4:58 am ET
by scott
He AsKeD iF i KnEw
WhY He HaD puLLed Me OveR

Haiku # 20585, May 19, 2002 3:53 am ET
by goku
rEd aNd Blue LiGhTs FlAsH
wAiLinG cRiEs FloOdS mY sEnSes
cOp PuLLs Me OvEr
Haiku # 20584, May 19, 2002 3:44 am ET
by goku
all four jedi knights
makes a force to reckon with
Haiku # 20583, May 19, 2002 3:28 am ET
by indiana

...............Nf3 I say
measure and counter-measure
.......pre-ops and post-ops

.......(ruy-petroff hybrid or
...........simply, inanity?)
Haiku # 20582, May 19, 2002 1:48 am ET
by ronin@tooearlyforactionbutthenwhattheheck alert haiku
red alert haiku red a
....lert haiku red a

(so whats new goku)
Haiku # 20581, May 19, 2002 1:42 am ET
by ronin@stillatitdude

Haiku # 20580, May 19, 2002 1:19 am ET
by indiana

......"slippery when wet"
so the road sign informs me
.........only way to go
Haiku # 20579, May 19, 2002 12:07 am ET
by ronin@higokuhijewelsoarewetannedyet
loli popped all night
staring at the blue ceiling
lonely and empty
Haiku # 20578, May 18, 2002 11:34 pm ET
by jewel1

...........okay okay so
Tom could be tom perhaps, yes
.......that could be a start
Haiku # 20577, May 18, 2002 11:02 pm ET
by bartender ronin

that would be "lou"
Haiku # 20576, May 18, 2002 10:19 pm ET
by *sigh* louie armstrong says's a wonderful world yeah
........rainbows in the sky

.........people passing by
they say how do you do, yeah
...........i say i love you
Haiku # 20575, May 18, 2002 10:16 pm ET
by ronin@suchanicesong

.........send me a pillow*
where you lay your head to rest
.......scent of love so true

............(or a picture)
Haiku # 20574, May 18, 2002 10:09 pm ET
by ronin@whyamisomushy

...bare my soul to you?
it is etched in every poem
....that i make for you
Haiku # 20573, May 18, 2002 10:02 pm ET
by ronin

.hey, what's with this Tom
and what is he to you babe i not enough
Haiku # 20572, May 18, 2002 9:54 pm ET
by ronin@standingbytheshorealoneatlateafternoonthrowingcowshellsattheocean
no tiny ticks of ran-
dom flicks from the invisi-
ble, just rain falling.
Haiku # 20571, May 18, 2002 9:48 pm ET
by k

...can you moan for me
one that is sincere but hot
.......diving into you
Haiku # 20570, May 18, 2002 9:48 pm ET
by the new bartender
purchased tom waits' new
albums today, I don't care
if his voice gasp, rasps

those who pick on this
elementary beauty
forget that it's Tom

after all.....
Haiku # 20569, May 18, 2002 9:46 pm ET
by k

.maybe you have trysts
heavens may be jealous
.....take ronin along

.(he's good at massage)
Haiku # 20568, May 18, 2002 9:44 pm ET
by bartender with time@travelagencyaskingaboutjamaica
solve all leaps of light
raptures are hard to sustain
go moan somewhere else
Haiku # 20567, May 18, 2002 9:42 pm ET
by k of poetry coming back...finally
my sex on the beach
happened in Jamaica where
it is plentiful
Haiku # 20566, May 18, 2002 9:04 pm ET
by Lolita
My Sex on the Beach
Drinks came out quite well last nite
New bartender here?
Haiku # 20565, May 18, 2002 8:59 pm ET
by WyldKyss
won der ful ly or
simply won der fully, hhmm
poetic license
Haiku # 20564, May 18, 2002 4:50 pm ET
by time for renewal
wet stones dry by fire
so wonderfully formatted
old world workmanship
Haiku # 20563, May 18, 2002 4:46 pm ET
by rain rain go away
champagne and mangoes
what a way to spend the day
rainwater and time
Haiku # 20562, May 18, 2002 4:34 pm ET
by A. Musing
words are cumbrances
so I lay them down, try to
arrange them neatly
Haiku # 20561, May 18, 2002 4:32 pm ET
by Boston gal
rainwater and time
blur the face of memory
colors bleed and fade
Haiku # 20560, May 18, 2002 4:16 pm ET
by Lolita
Now I work again
But Never-ending Story
Was watched Friday night
Haiku # 20559, May 18, 2002 3:38 pm ET
by WyldKyss
first day at the shore
all it does is rain and rain
then it rained some more
Haiku # 20558, May 18, 2002 11:30 am ET
by not A. Musing
bits of colored stone and glass
empty promises
Haiku # 20557, May 18, 2002 11:26 am ET
by Lolita misses ash
Tanzanite, lapiz
Amethysts and diamonds
playing in my hands
Haiku # 20556, May 18, 2002 8:56 am ET
by jewel1
Champagne and nachos
the sight of fireworks excites
Celebration now!
Haiku # 20555, May 18, 2002 8:53 am ET
by jewel1
L.A.'s NoT ThAt BaD
If You HaVe CaBlE T.v.
OtHeRWiSe....Ho HuM...

Haiku # 20554, May 18, 2002 4:01 am ET
by goku

.welcome back goku
wonderfully formatted
poem you have there

Haiku # 20553, May 18, 2002 3:01 am ET
by ronin@itssohotinLA
PiDgEoNs AlL OvEr
StArBuCkS oN EveRy CorNer
WeLcOmE tO L.A.

Haiku # 20552, May 18, 2002 2:35 am ET
by gOkU
PiDgEoNs AlL OvEr
StArBuCkS oN EveRy CorNer
WeLcOmE tO L.A.

Haiku # 20551, May 18, 2002 2:34 am ET
by gOkU

now back to haiku
Haiku # 20550, May 17, 2002 9:57 pm ET
by indiana
Haiku # 20549, May 17, 2002 9:06 pm ET
by indiana

......i like pretzels too
in fact i taste just like one
.........i'm also salty

Haiku # 20548, May 17, 2002 8:46 pm ET
by ronin@mmm...ijustlovepretzels

..that may be quite hard
to do but with you oh well
....anytime sweet babe
Haiku # 20547, May 17, 2002 8:37 pm ET
by ronin@anaturalgrasshopper
bluegrass jam, sitting?
how can you not be dancing?
let the good times roll
Haiku # 20546, May 17, 2002 6:43 pm ET
by Cajun twostepper
Oh, Gardettos, you!
Salty pretzle party mix
Makes my mouth happy
Haiku # 20545, May 17, 2002 5:39 pm ET
by WyldKyss
listening to a
bluegrass jam while ignoring
the world around me

Haiku # 20544, May 17, 2002 4:55 pm ET
by k
Am flattered you like
jello haiku. Feel free to
use, but just for good

(not for evil)
Haiku # 20543, May 17, 2002 4:25 pm ET
by Chowderhead
happy again, don't
know why, except to say that
poetry helps some
Haiku # 20542, May 17, 2002 1:32 pm ET
by k
But this joy, disguised
is yours already, you've been
longing again for what

you have
Haiku # 20541, May 17, 2002 1:30 pm ET
by k of the rest of the poem went like this
internet connec-
tion gave out last night, but I
had so much more to

Haiku # 20540, May 17, 2002 1:28 pm ET
by k of ronini'dgobarhoppingwithyouanytimebutonlyifwehopononefootthewholetime
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