....red alert haiku
red alert haiku red a
....lert haiku red a
(so whats new goku)
by ronin@stillatitdude
......"slippery when wet"
so the road sign informs me
.........only way to go
by ronin@higokuhijewelsoarewetannedyet
loli popped all night
staring at the blue ceiling
lonely and empty
by jewel1
...........okay okay so
Tom could be tom perhaps, yes
.......that could be a start
by bartender ronin
that would be "lou"
by *sigh*
....as louie armstrong says
..it's a wonderful world yeah
........rainbows in the sky
.........people passing by
they say how do you do, yeah
...........i say i love you
by ronin@suchanicesong
.........send me a pillow*
where you lay your head to rest
.......scent of love so true
............(or a picture)
by ronin@whyamisomushy
...bare my soul to you?
it is etched in every poem
....that i make for you
by ronin
.hey, what's with this Tom
and what is he to you babe
.......am i not enough
by ronin@standingbytheshorealoneatlateafternoonthrowingcowshellsattheocean
no tiny ticks of ran-
dom flicks from the invisi-
ble, just rain falling.
by k
...can you moan for me
one that is sincere but hot
.......diving into you
by the new bartender
purchased tom waits' new
albums today, I don't care
if his voice gasp, rasps
those who pick on this
elementary beauty
forget that it's Tom
after all.....
by k
.maybe you have trysts
heavens may be jealous
.....take ronin along
.(he's good at massage)
by bartender with time@travelagencyaskingaboutjamaica
solve all leaps of light
raptures are hard to sustain
go moan somewhere else
by k of poetry coming back...finally
my sex on the beach
happened in Jamaica where
it is plentiful
by Lolita
My Sex on the Beach
Drinks came out quite well last nite
New bartender here?
by WyldKyss
won der ful ly or
simply won der fully, hhmm
poetic license
by time for renewal
wet stones dry by fire
so wonderfully formatted
old world workmanship
by rain rain go away
champagne and mangoes
what a way to spend the day
rainwater and time
by A. Musing
words are cumbrances
so I lay them down, try to
arrange them neatly
by Boston gal
rainwater and time
blur the face of memory
colors bleed and fade
by Lolita
Now I work again
But Never-ending Story
Was watched Friday night
by WyldKyss
first day at the shore
all it does is rain and rain
then it rained some more
by not A. Musing
bits of colored stone and glass
empty promises
by Lolita misses ash
Tanzanite, lapiz
Amethysts and diamonds
playing in my hands
by jewel1
Champagne and nachos
the sight of fireworks excites
Celebration now!
by jewel1
L.A.'s NoT ThAt BaD
If You HaVe CaBlE T.v.
OtHeRWiSe....Ho HuM...
by goku
.welcome back goku
wonderfully formatted
poem you have there
by ronin@itssohotinLA
PiDgEoNs AlL OvEr
StArBuCkS oN EveRy CorNer
WeLcOmE tO L.A.
by gOkU
PiDgEoNs AlL OvEr
StArBuCkS oN EveRy CorNer
WeLcOmE tO L.A.
by gOkU
now back to haiku
by indiana
......i like pretzels too
in fact i taste just like one
.........i'm also salty
by ronin@mmm...ijustlovepretzels
..that may be quite hard
to do but with you oh well
....anytime sweet babe
by ronin@anaturalgrasshopper
bluegrass jam, sitting?
how can you not be dancing?
let the good times roll
by Cajun twostepper
Oh, Gardettos, you!
Salty pretzle party mix
Makes my mouth happy
by WyldKyss
listening to a
bluegrass jam while ignoring
the world around me
by k
Am flattered you like
jello haiku. Feel free to
use, but just for good
(not for evil)
by Chowderhead
happy again, don't
know why, except to say that
poetry helps some
by k
But this joy, disguised
is yours already, you've been
longing again for what
you have
by k of the rest of the poem went like this
internet connec-
tion gave out last night, but I
had so much more to
by k of ronini'dgobarhoppingwithyouanytimebutonlyifwehopononefootthewholetime
the hoofy haiku,
may I use it? will leave your
name on ... a master piece.
by those lazy, crazy, goofy, hoofy days of summmerrrr ....soda's, pretzles and beer???
A fine line between
fishing and standing on shore
like an idiot
by Chowderhead
Watch it wiggle. See
it jiggle. Cool and fruity
and it
by Chowderhead
the mahamudra?
the five paths and ten stages,
lets just go swimming!
by floating bliss
childhood memories
entering summer cottage
cedar scents the air
by Boston gal
.............expected, indy
now here's something quite novel
................Be7, yes!
by ronin@nowwheresthatdangbook
.........movies entertain
but the themes keep repeating
........quite boring really
by ronin@whynotaladybuggirloralizardmanoramutantlikemoxie
the clones have attacked
and they have duplicated
old jedi mind trick
by indiana