Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 114 Days and 77564 Haiku later...

internet connec-
tion gave out last night, but I
had so much more to

Haiku # 20540, May 17, 2002 1:28 pm ET
by k of ronini'dgobarhoppingwithyouanytimebutonlyifwehopononefootthewholetime
the hoofy haiku,
may I use it? will leave your
name on ... a master piece.
Haiku # 20539, May 17, 2002 1:19 pm ET
by those lazy, crazy, goofy, hoofy days of summmerrrr ....soda's, pretzles and beer???
A fine line between
fishing and standing on shore
like an idiot
Haiku # 20538, May 17, 2002 12:54 pm ET
by Chowderhead
Watch it wiggle. See
it jiggle. Cool and fruity
and it
Haiku # 20537, May 17, 2002 12:54 pm ET
by Chowderhead
the mahamudra?
the five paths and ten stages,
lets just go swimming!
Haiku # 20536, May 17, 2002 12:43 pm ET
by floating bliss
childhood memories
entering summer cottage
cedar scents the air
Haiku # 20535, May 17, 2002 12:22 pm ET
by Boston gal

.............expected, indy
now here's something quite novel
................Be7, yes!
Haiku # 20534, May 17, 2002 10:44 am ET
by ronin@nowwheresthatdangbook

.........movies entertain
but the themes keep repeating
........quite boring really
Haiku # 20533, May 17, 2002 10:42 am ET
by ronin@whynotaladybuggirloralizardmanoramutantlikemoxie

the clones have attacked
and they have duplicated
old jedi mind trick
Haiku # 20532, May 17, 2002 8:03 am ET
by indiana

indeed you had one
jedi knight guarding the stone
so i
Haiku # 20531, May 17, 2002 7:58 am ET
by indiana

indeed you had one
jedi knight guarding the stone
so i
Haiku # 20530, May 17, 2002 7:58 am ET
by indiana

...yo creo que la
cerveza bonissima
.....esta corona
Haiku # 20529, May 17, 2002 7:33 am ET
by ronin@ mistake indy
my algebra's gone haywire move: Nc6
Haiku # 20528, May 17, 2002 7:31 am ET
by ronin

...cognac's best for me
making me feel romantic
.....and non-sensical
Haiku # 20527, May 17, 2002 5:47 am ET
by ronin@soklikeyoufeelgoingbarhopping
I am a big bug.
Watch me make many children
And eat my husband.
Haiku # 20526, May 17, 2002 5:14 am ET
by Say-Goodnight Gracie
Here is a big tree.
It is a big old big tree.
My, what a big tree.

Haiku # 20525, May 17, 2002 5:13 am ET
by Say-Goodnight Gracie
To master the language
of gestures is to learn all
you need to know to

enter your life And
embrace it tightly, with a
species of joy You've
Haiku # 20524, May 17, 2002 4:46 am ET
by k of from Carl Dennis--- a good snippet from a poem
anyway, just here
sharing a private joke but
whatever, drinks on

Haiku # 20523, May 17, 2002 4:20 am ET
by k of to everyone (not Moxie) hi Ronin!
swiming suits are so
overrated, why not just
get a PHD?
Haiku # 20522, May 17, 2002 4:12 am ET
by k
for all those people
going to antwerp, have fun
drink really good ale!
Haiku # 20521, May 17, 2002 4:07 am ET
by k
anyway, going
away parties are so much
hassel. why reply?

Haiku # 20520, May 17, 2002 4:04 am ET
by k of scott 2 scotch
think i'll go by "scotch"
hmm, that gives me an idea
think i'll go buy scotch
Haiku # 20519, May 16, 2002 11:46 pm ET
by scotch (formerly scott, scotological, scott the satyrical, fgv, etc)
it's a common name
but not to confuse people:
you're "uppercase scott"
Haiku # 20518, May 16, 2002 11:45 pm ET
by scott to scott
so many good haiku
on a bad haiku webpage,
what's up with that ehh?
Haiku # 20517, May 16, 2002 11:36 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
The space is bigger,
And, the filling is smaller,
Time for a divorce.
Haiku # 20516, May 16, 2002 11:35 pm ET
by scott, I would say so long honey but you would probably laugh
I'm off from work now
Heading to the Irish Pub
Maybe get free beer
Haiku # 20515, May 16, 2002 8:56 pm ET
by WyldKyss
now that spiderman
is through, people are into
that star wars bullshit.

(i hate people)
Haiku # 20514, May 16, 2002 6:20 pm ET
by jackass@themovies
Clone movie was ok
Better than the first, but worse
Than the first three flick

Yoda kicked much ass
But I feared that Ani would
Rape the Senator.

Lucas needs to learn
To direct his actors so
Their acting won't suck.
Haiku # 20513, May 16, 2002 6:04 pm ET
by WyldKyss
love this stuff right here
but not as much as I love
the stuff over...there
Haiku # 20512, May 16, 2002 4:12 pm ET
by grass is always greener
ahh the power of
cheese! must be the most stupid
advertisement ever
Haiku # 20511, May 16, 2002 3:41 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
neighbor's burning leaves
winds gusting to twenty knots
house is filled with smoke
Haiku # 20510, May 16, 2002 3:24 pm ET
by Geez! call 911
tiny tim is dead
no no-no-no, he's outside
looking in...thank you!
Haiku # 20509, May 16, 2002 12:53 pm ET
by scott (another sing along)
Saran Wrap over
toilet rim. Girlfriend can
Haiku # 20508, May 16, 2002 8:35 am ET
by Chowderhead
Cold fish, seaweed, and
rice, rolled up neat. That
Haiku # 20507, May 16, 2002 8:35 am ET
by Chowderhead
Red-headed stepchild
David among Goliaths
Royal Crown Cola
Haiku # 20506, May 16, 2002 8:34 am ET
by Chowderhead
Plop plop, fizz fizz. Oh
What a relief it is. Ahhh
Haiku # 20505, May 16, 2002 8:34 am ET
by Chowderhead
A novel idea:
beer-flavored Budweiser. How
about it, Science?
Haiku # 20504, May 16, 2002 8:33 am ET
by Chowderhead
Leggo my Eggo
Now there
Haiku # 20503, May 16, 2002 8:31 am ET
by Chowderhead
people who don't use
turn signals on the highway
should ride with Moxie

Haiku # 20502, May 16, 2002 1:15 am ET
by k_against_ of my way or the highway
poop poop poop poop poop
poop poop poop poop poop poop poop
poop poop poop poop poop
Haiku # 20501, May 15, 2002 10:29 pm ET
by LPG
i can't wait until
people lose interest in
that spiderman crap
Haiku # 20500, May 15, 2002 10:28 pm ET
by jackass@themovies
Commercials confuse
collect phone calls at midnight
I am George W. Bush

Haiku # 20499, May 15, 2002 10:27 pm ET
by hugh
la reina de las
cervezas mexicanas:
negra modelo
Haiku # 20498, May 15, 2002 9:22 pm ET
by scott, sin duda
beers that need a lime
a poor excuse for good hops
grandma has two cocks
Haiku # 20497, May 15, 2002 7:44 pm ET
by ap

........corona is fine
it's so light and less filling
........yet inebriating
Haiku # 20496, May 15, 2002 7:14 pm ET
by ronin@WyldKyssisOphra?
battle of the clones
should be titled something like
recapturing dreams
Haiku # 20495, May 15, 2002 7:08 pm ET
by sigh
I'll be at Midnite
Showing tonite, I'll be the
First to bitch after
Haiku # 20494, May 15, 2002 7:00 pm ET
by WyldKyss

Haiku # 20493, May 15, 2002 6:57 pm ET
by indiana
Yuengling Lager beer
pity those who can't obtain
grandma has a cock
Haiku # 20492, May 15, 2002 6:27 pm ET
by ap
nothing like a wipe
to build dramatic tension
...just like blacking out
Haiku # 20491, May 15, 2002 6:20 pm ET
by scott
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