honestly, that should
get some of you guys going
it's been real boring
(I really did have
a lung biopsy, but it
was all for reaearch).
by k of no action lately on badhaiku..why?
lung biopsy to-
day, and all guys want to write
about is dicks
what a surprise to
know that while I'm looking at
pictures of my lungs
guys are simply yank-
ing away at their stupid
little, unused dicks.
by k_against_stupidity
thers a gine in my wine
test and more tests
man i want to have sex
by Anonymous Poet
ass and gum on my thumb
and genis on my penis
ohh my boner
im a stoner
by Anonymous Poet
i looked at her lucious breasts
so fine like that science test
looking at them just got me hard
i just felt like a retard
by Anonymous Poet
hmmm...k sounds guilty
doesn't she? I thought I had
picked up code blue
..for a while there
by Anonymous Poet
no submit problems
here. Maybe you just need to
reboot or switch off.
by k
hmm didn't happen that time!
by Anonymous Poet
my browser IE 6+ has been
crashing after submitting XP home ed.
any one else? Where is everyone?
by Anonymous Poet
Jump up and down ten
Times, Drink a glass of water,
What is going on?
by Janis
janis i think your site
is giving my browser the
hicoughs.... possible?
by Anonymous Poet
A simple love awash,
Ocean of complexity,
Enjoy the voyage.
by pigdog
Canadian snow,
Brightness covers our sins,
Wash those blues away
by Anonymous Poet
test test test test test
test test test test test test test
test test test test test
by Anonymous Poet
The ROCK Says Bjork and
The Rock says, Bjork and Coffee
The Rock says, haiku
by Chaos
trekking where you have
never before traveled, the
sound of the leopard.
by k
She said, "I hope you
Are not alone" and, "thank-you,
Thank-you, thank-you, you".
hmmm...You looks strange if you type it over and over.
by me, myself and I
Cyberspace goonies,
By green-skinned millions,
Stunned by their bright screens.
by John Updike
On Jingle Bell Street
Jewels of light all aglow
chilly, chilly night
by Emerald
Tender Elric's fall
wishing he was this kind soul
but torment was his path
by Chaos
empty bottles float
as i sit on the pool
by indiana
if we now sum up
all parts on this table we can
call her jaqueline
by mastahari of austriaah
a layer of fat
swimming on formalin is
called cafe au lait
by mastahari of austriaah
ronin can feel her
impaled on his britney spear
pop goes the pop star
by ash
I don't run with mox
a girl can still dream can't she?
more like a nightmare
by mellie
:) ronin... hello
by Emerald
.....no need to rub it
in Anonymous Poet dude
...she's fair and smart
(so bright and sunshiny)
by ronin
eef a peec-ture paints a thou-sand wurds
then whyyy can't i paint you..................
by ronin
yeah britnay
.original sin
by ronin
ahhh she looks so sad
........and alone
...needin company
by ronin@ibetshesshybutsincere
meestah lovah lovah!!!
.great goin great dude
...........the AP
by ronin
by ronin
.......yowza yowza yowz
the greatest luuuv of all dudes
...britney the luuust spears
by ronin@yeahsureinyourdreamsmelliemox
you know, britany
is so, like, original.
So intelligent!
by Anonymous Poet
did I say you could
use my photo on here?
ask me first next time
by mellie
Those were sad times
when, without you,
I watched days come up
And go down again
by Anonymous Poet
it is not easy
to be sure which
end is which of
A resting snail
by Kapre
le mouse did figure
how to bell the sleeping cat
with just a few clicks
by indiana
mouse dead stiff useless
went to don the Village tree
at home war games on....
by Emerald
... :)
ello there indy
by Emerald
ows? i tot, i tot
i jaz saw a putty tat
by indiana
clueless but working
you poor unemployed wench :)
get a job kayty!
Some of us know how, but have respect
by Anonymous Poet
by THE ?
afgans celebrate
the taliban's destruction
perfidious yanks
by ap
bad haiku postings
they are insignificant
not to be "figured"
by ap - but the pictures are "nice"