Anthrax, the band was
the first thing that came to mind
from old lawn sales in Fall
by Moxie
It's been a long time
but words do kill, words can kill
esp. the empty ones
that mean nothing because
the words people mean tend to
be ignored
by Moxie
remember that band
that went by the name "Anthrax"?
me neither, really...
by ready for a spinal tap
by pre-emptive strike against typo watchers...that was meant to be "let's" of course
specialists in beer,
tobacco, chocolate, cheese,
the world's finest weed,
and not to mention,
last but not least, tolerance,
the Dutch have it down
by ap
new threat to the world
no more powders up the nose
guess it's back to crack
by ash
your colors so blue
our lonely eyes turned to you
(let bring back boo, too)
by fgv, holding a seance for the dearly departed
betty please come back
your colored haikus dazzle
among haiku trash
by ap
and for the record
you accused me of smashing
your japanese nose
by trumping the race card
what are you smoking?
i am not responsible
for ash's haiku
by i have enough names, don't need to steal the names of others
not a racial slur
baby-talk: "very stinky"
only bad haiku
by peace already!
.......same with "oheYO"
.....which is really ohei NA*
......scott tries to be slick
(he plays with two emphatic
..particles, YO and NA to be
......seemingly innocuous)
by ronin@*arrogantscott
betty is long gone
vitriol has replaced her
sublime offerings
by fgv
..A Literal Translation Once More
............."totemo 'kuchai' "
........totemo KUchi/CHAIro
thus: too many horrid brown holes.
by ronin@oncemorearacialslur?
kusai...kuchai is
the cute baby-talk version other teacher
if i understand
the nihongo that's used here
it is quite basic
and quite elitist
when not employed for haiku
but just for chit-chat
by goatjin (peace to your japanese nose, ronin-san) it poetry
.you ask, if you "do" my jap
nose? smash your white first
..(scott, u can't hide behind
ash'es name. hanashimasu?
by ronin
....but still i'm impressed
i do know it is no mean feat do the tenses
........(oyasumi nasai)
by ronin@sohowcomeyournamerarelycropsup
....i have been called
a fool girl, arrogant and
....a tasteless urchin
..(ahhh, a nihongo too
...literal and corrupted.
....and no verbs and
........particles too)
by ronin@andjustwhatis"kuchai"?acorruptionofkuchikochaorchairo
it's already here
biological warfare
my farts are deadly
by ash
the tree bears its own
the abundance of its fruit
and dry wood for fire
by indiana
once familiar lines
quickly exposed the queen bee
to the goat
by indiana
scissors go snip, snip,
hedge cutters go, clip-clip-clip,
dildos just go hmmmmmmm
by bbbbash
watashi wa koko ni
deshita, anata?
by i remember a ronin who used to write haiku...
baka geisha boy
watashi-wa samurai ?
no arigato
by ash
scott, gambatte kudasai
........motto ii, hai
by ronin
bit of good and bad
in everyone, i suppose
that haiku, my bad
by re: that kuchai haiku #15990
Numbed by the long years
I still pray for your battles
Do you need honey?
(I can get you one, I'll leave it
where you can pick it up)
by jewel1
The frost that I took
dwells within now, I go home
and watch the sunset
by jewel1toindiana
to ap...
I tried to call you
"sir", really honey, I did
But I gagged real bad
(something in my throat barred my
adoring address, was it grass?)
by nastier
softly, swiftly, go.
if you care for me no more.
my beautiful broom.
by moonflower
a worm in his head,
coackroaches, beetles, flies too.
In Osama's head.
by moonflower
weak and sick sometimes
bouncing,giggling, kicking too
life goes on, thank you.
by moonflower
moxie is evil,
mox is not good, he can't count,
he ruins haiku
by --bash--
evil is evil,
good is good, you suck me off,
and I pray for you
by --bash--
evil is evil,
good is good, we bounce between,
our neighborhood
by --bash--
Your leathery hands
touch my skin, your crazy eyes,
and your reckless grin
by miles
keep yer pecker hard,
an yer powder dry, we all
have, a time to die
by --bash--
evil is evil,
good is good, in between is
our neighborhood
by --bash--
your haiku was sixteen thou!
the grand prize winner!
by yes, it's goat dip unfortunately...but prepared with peace n' love
another haiku
follows another haiku
like night follows day
by ash
what is so funny
about peace, love and the rest?
is it the clothing?
i wish peace and love
to all earthly visitors,
along with goat dip
by feathered goat vermin - i mean this in the nicest way possible
no more, no more pls.
too much evil in this world.
peace and love we need.
by moonflower
i adore you babe
my one dimpled darling carl
precious gift from above.
by moonflower
my pup is steffi
loves unconditionally
am surely lucky!
by moonflower
my teardrops in bed
i am so lonely see me.
did you ever see sweet bee?
by moonflower
pretty butterfly
come stay by my side today
come to me ...oh come.
by moonflower
Why is it that it's
your fault when people call you
a retard, and they're being assholes?
by Moxie
gibber jabber shit
drivel drivel drivel shit
more stupid drivel
by Anonymous Poet
totemo kuchai
anata no oheso
mazui uni
by feathered goatjin vermin