His day looms closer
soon, in plethora of souls
Spica wavering
by jewel1
On the river Styx
Old Nick shrouded, holding sycthe
faces Oberon
by jewel1
oh, its you again
would you want another fit
or be dressed chicken
by indiana
twins buy pricy suit
poor fit refund sought pronto
Want Armani back!
by Anonymous Poet
i have more fun here
than anyone except mox
murder is exempt
by ap
not mine right below
chickenshit motherfucker
using my handle
by ap
i like coffee now
beer took a little longer
mox: eternity
by Anonymous Poet
Too much bubble gum
Jaw gets tired from chewing
But still it tastes good.
by WK
Here they are writing
I was waiting, baited breath
For another smile
by Anonymous Poet
Well, Moxie is quite
an acquired taste and some
never do like it too much
by Moxie
i finally come
giving myself a facial
smiling for my fans
by AP
sometimes the real thing
is worse than imitation...
case in point below
by Anonymous Poet
that was actually quite funny...
by Real Mox
i like fucking dogs
each day brings me a new chance
to fuck a new dog
by Moxie
I flush the poopy
Down my porcelian goddess
Stink has left the room
by Anonymous Poet
shit happens...
flush it...
by Moxie
Well, that's what the truth is,
a bored little kid on the other end
not worth bothering with because they're probably not that smart
by Moxie
Boredom setting in
I was laughing yesterday
Where did they all go?
by Anonymous Poet
islamic anthrax??
came from genetically
fucked labratories.
no crime in selling!
3-4-3 billion$ still can't
protect headquarters.
by flip ant of play it again, oSAMa
Brown pie tastes just like
The special Jelly bean pie
But missing the spite.
by WK
Wake up with crap in
my mouth, grampa tastes so good
i love his brown pie
by WK
I blink and wake up
Haiku is no way to start
A decent morning!
by WK
when there are no more
what on earth will happen then?
next comes plan obit
by mellie
PoEtrY iN CoUrT?
MuSt bE a SiGhT tO WitNeSs
ProSeCutiOn ReStS
by goku
that celestial
extraterrestrial dude -
the man in the moon
by Anonymous Poet
JuDgE SeEMed VeRy plEaSed
by goku
AcCuSed...a nO ShOw
ToOk The StAnD AnD SaId My PiEcE
JuDgEd seEmEd vErY PlEaSed
by goku
the moon is slowly
moving away with each turn
t-rex saw it best
by Anonymous Poet
a CeLeBraTioN
fOr A cOuRt BaTtLe ThAts WoN
PeRriEr JouEt FloWs!
by goku
Vino Sangrea
Con chorizoz catalan
a noche la paz
by jewel1
some Bordeaux, monsieur?
el hombre left hurriedly
with empty bottle
by indiana
another birthday
planet orbits way too fast
moreso each new year
by ash
Goddam nose itches
Like snorting ground fiberglass
Fuckin' allergies!!
by O. Sammy bin Louden Wainright III
my newest dessert
two piles of icecream flamb
by ash
drink that special wine
while I finish my novel
by indiana
of course, we can drink!
spirits collected with time
one reserved for fools
by indiana
good idea, indy
you'll need to get your strength up
to write dumb haiku
by Anonymous Poet
constantly slipping
how long till we next slide to
the world of the dumb
by indiana
inconsistencies bomb there.
allah's just deserts.
by unconceding
lay it all out mox
you work at denny's? ooo fahhh!
that explains a lot!
by ap - still searching for a deceptive handle
now for the new name
jellybean pie! yes! that's it!
jellybean pie is?
by ap - still searching for a deceptive handle
mayonaise, ok
we should call it mayonaise
or jellybean pie
by ap - still searching for a deceptive handle
this is all too good
even the moxiemorons
cunt cheese is funny
by ap - still searching for a deceptive handle
mixing metaphors
can cause nausea and headaches
better stick to whine
by feathered donkey/goat vermin that bites
Humpin Hannahs sign
Evenings and Weekends $3.00
Is what I see here
by Clean Poet of ????
the description of
female smegma was good too,
lets have more of that..
the ku not the peeeeuuuuu...!
by Anonymous Poet
You could not help it
I like the poem, teasing
the punks wasting space
by WyldKyss