oH nO i'Ve BeEn CloNeD!
lAsT tHrEe eNtrieEs aRe Not MiNe
jUsT sOmE dUmBaSs' WoRk
by goku@therealmccoy
some erotic urge
to spread my seed far and wide
prompts me to post this
by (beats working)
snippets from the soul
exposes the intellect
some to oblivion
by indiana
Let us see the GREAT
ey pee submit his so called poetry
so light may shine bright
(common, enlighten us nitwits with
your GOOD poetry, okay?)
by jewel1
Such intentions are
must "life" be limited so?
it is the haiku.
(and forgive me for trying to explain)
by jewel1
What's with you ey pee?
I be the Judge for MYSELF
not for anyone
by jewel1
haiku number one'
five, five, nine, two, is not mine
ronin still a creep
by ron
School: Instructor or-
gy, student rape. "Bend over!"
They might as well say.
by SharkAria of UC Davis
the singing is fine
the poetry not as good
but fix the tooth, please
by ap
jesus mary and
joseph! she's come to judge us!
shall i genuflect?
by ap
jewel gives us life?
and then we all must yield
to jewel's judgement?
by ap
So broad is the scope
I will, my own, be the judge
for intentions held
by jewel1
Perceptions formed words
The soul of haiku requires
that all need to yield
by jewel1
Knowledge of the past
shall lead, this happened before
it happens once more
by jewel1
For as you submit
the seed starts germinating
Again, I give life
by jewel1
lord jesus, forgive
me for fucking with moxie
please send me pussy
by ap - i pray. reverently. of course.
as I was sleeping
something happened in Seattle
new elevators
by indiana
i think porno boy
might be a good name, GokU
you wanna try it
by ap
holy fucking shit
tell us all you know, moxie
who are these posers
by ap
five mice can't drive cars
fuck me in the ear and call
my name today bitch
by joe of ward
There's more than one
person being someone else
the Net is an open
season for all takers
by Moxie
Nothing is direct-
ed at anyone in par-
ticular ok?
by Janis
"Defaced" equals, the
Submitting of hundreds of
Empty bad haiku
You know, the type of
Thing that makes the site really
Hard to read and use.
Don't worry my friends
I would never delete verse
Never Never Nev...
by Janis
these haikus are shit
neither good nor poetic
bad zeros and ones
falling of the rift
certain of uncertainty
schizm of my soul
by soma of farfromafghanistan
okay, okay
we'll just take the punches
for now
by Ms. Singapore
duhh, stop it guys really you should
let's just kiss and make up,and
try to make things better,
and do our best to be nicer
by mox
go suck moxie's seeds
its the only thing you do
where you most stand out
by Ms. Singapore
shut up fucking bitch
I don't add things in brackets
it's in the poem
by mellie
when seeds have been sown
fresh blooms will flourish anew
must pull out some weeds
by mellie
shut up you bitch-head
you cant even write poems
all you say is fuck
(much like a dumb-blonde)
by Ms. Singapore
hang in there janis
some might rise up from ashes
others badly burnt
by mellie
costs nothing for you
no effort no poetry
you've got shit for brains
by mellie
mox is the Anonymous Poet
it's his style, he copies names
by ron
all of you, i am
sorry i was such a dick
please, just forgive me
by ronin
Hey Mr. Ronin
You seem like youre rolling
Shut up your droning
by Jakob the L. of Siberia
go brood elsewhere mox
you dont deface you shit head
you defecate heaps
by mellie
fuck you too lone wolf
another stinking feral
should be shot on sight
by mellie
i brood and brood
just what is "defaced" to be precise
the definition to me seems
to be subjective and
quite restrictive. one man's fun is another's censorable delight. this omen does not sit well...
by mox
fuck you AP
you dont tell us
what to do around here
(but deletion is not pretty,
hope this is the last. regardless,
it's still public, cost is immaterial.)
by lone wolf
MoX SkTz tHe LeE SkTz
yOu HaVe a PlAce iN ThIs SiTe
SiX fEeT BeLoW DuDe
by goku
nO fLoWeRs fOr Me
I aM MiSteR BumBLe Bee
I dO tHe FlOwErs
(i SiP nEctArs, YoU sUcK ScUm)
by goku
oops oops oops oops
Two many entries I see
oops oops oops oops
by Wk
You silly people
Bicker through the poetry
Are ya'll just that bored?
Make silly haiku
Or serious if you want
Apply Golden Rule
by WK
You silly people
Bicker through the poetry
Are ya'll just that bored?
Make silly haiku
Or serious if you want
Apply Golden Rule
by WK
I wish I could set
things right and repair instead
of debate and blush
by Mox
The last haiku should
Be called, "why I deleted
a bunch of entries"
by Janis of Toronto
Perhaps you cretins
Out there in haiku land
Should know all of this
I do pay money
For server space etcetera.
This place if for fun
So when you deface
This site and try to break it
I have to fix it
Be considerate....
by Janis of Toronto
on the other side
of the machine we don't know
each other's own real lives
by Mox
in any debris
the best thing to do is make
a new, rebuild, home
by Moxie