Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 61 Days and 77459 Haiku later...

And yet again I
Must reprimand you few who
refuse to listen
Haiku # 15111, September 30, 2001 11:37 pm ET
by Dr. Claw
Jacob and Esau
both sought their father
Haiku # 15110, September 30, 2001 11:25 pm ET
by indiana
As mY PrOf. oNcE sAiD
MonEy iSnt' eVeRytHiNg.....
iT's ThE oNLY tHiNg
Haiku # 15109, September 30, 2001 10:13 pm ET
by goku
MoNdAy moRNiNg BluEs.... :(
cAsH rEgIstEr sTaRts To FilL
mOnDay mOrNingS....CoOl !!! ;)

(hi jewel !)
Haiku # 15108, September 30, 2001 10:09 pm ET
by goku
This, I pray, dear God
give me a sign that he shall
hold my hand once more
Haiku # 15107, September 30, 2001 8:23 pm ET
by jewel1
no please go the fuck
away mox the pox you suk!
and you bore and.. and.........
Haiku # 15106, September 30, 2001 7:07 pm ET
by another Anonymous Poet
I don't listen to
you, ap, because it's just
wrong to be like that
Haiku # 15105, September 30, 2001 6:40 pm ET
by Mox
Then go the fuck away Mox
Haiku # 15104, September 30, 2001 6:17 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
There's more to this place
that poems can handle in
any given space time
Haiku # 15103, September 30, 2001 5:52 pm ET
by Mox
it amuses me
how bad haiku can be mean
it must be magic!

Haiku # 15102, September 30, 2001 11:17 am ET
by indiana
homeward thoughts linger
of silver threads from heaven
scaring goats away
Haiku # 15101, September 30, 2001 11:04 am ET
by indiana
the dry barren sand
awaits the luscious rainfall
from which life begins

Haiku # 15100, September 30, 2001 10:45 am ET
by indiana

....jewel "he" is here
..finally, he's conceded his heart's desire

(the black sheep's back)
Haiku # 15099, September 30, 2001 9:25 am ET
by ronin@gen.specific
Bahhhh! Very cute! Puns
are not an art form with you
but who really cares?
Haiku # 15098, September 30, 2001 8:01 am ET
by lost goat
it's quite flattering
how you pine for absent goats
haven't herd the last...

(hmmm, indy...cookies? yes, us goats like cookies! oshi!)
Haiku # 15097, September 30, 2001 4:11 am ET
by lone goat on a distant hill

ooops, i meant: "resurrect"
Haiku # 15096, September 30, 2001 1:53 am ET
by ronin

......the herd is asleep
on their comfy grass of hay
.pooped from being milked

.....(best time to strike)
Haiku # 15095, September 30, 2001 1:51 am ET
by ronin@shhh

.........go to the mountains
with your red piece of gruff frieze
........and basket of cheeze

........together with thy staff
..mimic the scoundrels high bleat
...........ensnaring the fool
Haiku # 15094, September 30, 2001 1:48 am ET
by ronin

.....let us do voodoo*
try to ressurect the goat
...and hex a summons

...(trying times call for
.....trying measures)
Haiku # 15093, September 30, 2001 1:38 am ET
by ronin2*moxknowshow
knowing the herds' baaahs
still twenty five moves ahead
my heart still longing...
Haiku # 15092, September 30, 2001 12:04 am ET
by jewel1smilingsilly
such love far outshines
equal in passion thus the
pain of loneliness...

(why did he go to Kabul anyway?)
Haiku # 15091, September 30, 2001 12:01 am ET
by jewel1justwaxing
.............TO JEWEL him ever so
tender, caress his face with
....the palm of your hand

.(i know this is gonna raise
.a howl of hyeanic laughter)
Haiku # 15090, September 29, 2001 11:59 pm ET
by ronin@forgethimordont(?)

...oh to have loved and
lost is far better than not have loved at all
Haiku # 15089, September 29, 2001 11:54 pm ET
by ronin@waxingphilosophical

......unrequitted love
forlorn and quite desolate
.....such is life i guess
Haiku # 15088, September 29, 2001 11:50 pm ET
by ronin@hullotherejewel
I am missing him
I don't want to, but I do
his breath on my ear
Haiku # 15087, September 29, 2001 10:10 pm ET
by Jewel1
small entertainment
reading the telephone book
smoking cigarettes
Haiku # 15086, September 29, 2001 10:08 pm ET
by ap

presented with dreams
.beyond his limitations
...ronin bites the dust

......(just like mox)
Haiku # 15085, September 29, 2001 10:03 pm ET
by ronin

..........ever hurtling on
zipping past the time called life
......knowing not his dream
Haiku # 15084, September 29, 2001 9:56 pm ET
by ronin
no visable signs
no struggle and no screaming
purpose, clarity
Haiku # 15083, September 29, 2001 9:49 pm ET
by ap

.......the technology
...indy, the technology
show us what you've got
Haiku # 15082, September 29, 2001 9:33 pm ET
by ronin@

......neither young nor old
somewhat like the midday sun
..........fretting over life
Haiku # 15081, September 29, 2001 9:31 pm ET
by ronin@
the pain, the horror
of seeing you alive once
do cats have nine lives?

Haiku # 15080, September 29, 2001 9:22 pm ET
by indiana
you woman basher
the light may have blinded her
just needs new glasses

Haiku # 15079, September 29, 2001 9:12 pm ET
by indiana
creases fanning from
corners of my eyes deepen
set by years of sun

and wife is amused
at who we were and are now
yet not quite autumn
Haiku # 15078, September 29, 2001 8:35 pm ET
by ap
From out of nowhere
springs a "Ron" not the "Ronin"
who protests too much

(What's your "Ron" short for, Veronica?)
Haiku # 15077, September 29, 2001 8:13 pm ET
by jewel1
I ask, you respond
one-sided, maybe you sigh
It just isn't me

(why did I?)
Haiku # 15076, September 29, 2001 7:55 pm ET
by jewel1
and so gottandamerung
has passed for our fair country?
who is fenris and what is loki
going to do on Jerry Springer?
Haiku # 15075, September 29, 2001 6:39 pm ET
by Mox
in war Bush has invested
(the market had collapsed)
he marched his army there, where
they're still there, doing time.
Haiku # 15074, September 29, 2001 5:11 pm ET
by ting-a-ling
they only got arrested
(hi untelligence had lapsed)
and therefore he was unaware
that invasion is a crime.
Haiku # 15073, September 29, 2001 5:09 pm ET
by ting-a-ling
you can crusade in ol' grenada
in panama you slaughterized
but you'll end up with hands in nada,
fore gone without God on your side.
Haiku # 15072, September 29, 2001 5:08 pm ET
by ting-a-ling
please stop callin him
ron, when it is ronin you
are speaking to..please?

It confuses us other rons on the list
Haiku # 15071, September 29, 2001 3:50 pm ET
by ron
cleaning rain gutters
or bass fishing with my son
that is the question
Haiku # 15070, September 29, 2001 11:29 am ET
by ap

.....hello my children
i have been to a session
.....eating bitter baaa*

...(cooked native style)
Haiku # 15069, September 29, 2001 11:11 am ET
by ronin@hic!goonyt
Two times a hundred
images teleported
Just two have the meat

(hey goku, didn't Ron tell you
you are...good?)
Haiku # 15068, September 29, 2001 5:04 am ET
by jewel1
In tHe AfghAn SaNds
dUsT tRaiL oN tHe hOrizOn
Ben RidiNg a gOaT
Haiku # 15067, September 29, 2001 2:10 am ET
by goku
meanwhile, in a secret lab
Haiku # 15066, September 29, 2001 12:15 am ET
by indiana
Haiku # 15065, September 28, 2001 10:07 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet

the new dude sounds quite
..familiar as if he's been
.......around for a while

..(jewel, quick thy noose!)
Haiku # 15064, September 28, 2001 9:26 pm ET
by ronin@anotheronebitesthedust

...........webmaster indy
can we perchance have balloons this place of ours

....(a peep into our technology)
Haiku # 15063, September 28, 2001 9:21 pm ET
by ronin@8)
Haiku # 15062, September 28, 2001 8:04 pm ET
by indiana
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