Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 61 Days and 77459 Haiku later... my wife my LOVE
in its most pristine essence... life's yours to take

...(uhh...hi there mellie...8))
Haiku # 13398, September 2, 2001 11:12 am ET
by ronin@c'estl'amour k_a-ok
here's to preempting you from
........going against me
Haiku # 13397, September 2, 2001 11:10 am ET
by ronin_specifically_against_noone_inparticular(pardontheredundancy)
ronin makes me blush
ash is my inspiration
ap, janis not mox

when mox is raving
I miss bung daddy's motions
and the wonder boys
Haiku # 13396, September 2, 2001 10:07 am ET
by mellie
riddles and puzzles
coo-coo he sure is pretty
good old bob dylan
Haiku # 13395, September 2, 2001 10:01 am ET
by mellie

...and to ash old friend
please continue to inspire
.......others in haiku
Haiku # 13394, September 2, 2001 9:20 am ET
by ronin janis my wish
that she'd find it in her heart quaint old picture

Haiku # 13393, September 2, 2001 9:17 am ET
by ronin@blah ap my thanks
for sticking it out with me spite of myself
Haiku # 13392, September 2, 2001 9:15 am ET
by ronin@blahcoughcough mellie my kiss
gentle, tender and most sweet for a lady
Haiku # 13391, September 2, 2001 9:14 am ET
by ronin@blahblahstill Betty my lust
eternal and unchanging
...passionate and hot

.......(woof woof)
Haiku # 13390, September 2, 2001 9:11 am ET
by ronin@moreblahblah scott i afford
BROTHERLY love and relief
......equal among peers
Haiku # 13389, September 2, 2001 9:08 am ET
by ronin@blahblahblah

..moxie is quite good (or deep)
to have talked of Temple's book*
.....and a quaint nice place**

........*-The Sirius Mystery
........**-Toledo, Spain (?)
Haiku # 13388, September 2, 2001 9:06 am ET
by ronin@andsowithscottinhisseemingchoiceofspecialwords.notbaitingareyou

magnified sound waves
of adumbrating thunder
...blasting all the walls
Haiku # 13387, September 2, 2001 6:56 am ET
by ronin@yeah

.......grandpa has no teeth
and, well...grandma has a glock
Haiku # 13386, September 2, 2001 6:50 am ET
by ronin@thisihavetosee

.......jose escrivas'
motto: matthew 10:16
....macchiavelli style
Haiku # 13385, September 2, 2001 6:47 am ET
by ronin@thepope'sultrascecretpolice

.flirting with a god
is not as difficult as
..flirting with janis

Haiku # 13384, September 2, 2001 6:43 am ET
by ronin@flatterywillgetyounowheremrfallguyscott
if i did nothing
else today, at least i wrote
"grandma has a glock"
Haiku # 13383, September 2, 2001 4:34 am ET
by scott (so damn pleased with myself it's more than a little sickening)
hamburger meat arms
bring out the pain inside me
i wish it would stop.
Haiku # 13382, September 2, 2001 1:14 am ET
by maryjane

...colorated prisms
spewing heliacal light flaming fury

Haiku # 13381, September 1, 2001 9:19 pm ET
by ronin@aflashback were the fall guy
.for all imagined errors apologies

(am i being nice enough
Haiku # 13380, September 1, 2001 9:11 pm ET
by ronin@thisiswaytoosweetforme

.hey dudes check this out
........matthew 16:28
"they" had long been here

.....(hindu old guides or age immortals)
Haiku # 13379, September 1, 2001 9:01 pm ET
by ronin@acorrobrationbythevaticaneditedscriptures
Haiku # 13378, September 1, 2001 4:22 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
some flirt with danger
others flirt with disaster
ronin flirts with god
Haiku # 13377, September 1, 2001 2:10 pm ET
by scott (i took two tabs and still nothing...)
honeybees can sting
and roses are wrapped in thorns
grandma has a glock
Haiku # 13376, September 1, 2001 2:07 pm ET
by scott (sugar and spice and ammunition...)
Across the green fields
my nose swells with a deep breath
allergy season
Haiku # 13375, September 1, 2001 12:06 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
Across the green fields
my nose swells with a deep breath
allergy season
Haiku # 13374, September 1, 2001 12:04 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
Haiku # 13373, September 1, 2001 8:19 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 13372, September 1, 2001 8:18 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 13371, September 1, 2001 8:18 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 13370, September 1, 2001 8:17 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 13369, September 1, 2001 8:17 am ET
by Anonymous Poet

...purple lightnings flash
amidst orange helix clouds
........heliotropic sky
Haiku # 13368, September 1, 2001 6:58 am ET
by ronin@wow

.....dancing the samba
popping lag effervescence
...painting all the swirls
Haiku # 13367, September 1, 2001 5:43 am ET
by ronin@goingformycocktailsandgrilleries
god sent a message
to rise high above our peers
and take the tablets
Haiku # 13366, September 1, 2001 3:29 am ET
by ash
as i tried to sleep
floods of coloured light flashes
laughed at my lockjaw
Haiku # 13365, September 1, 2001 3:22 am ET
by ash

..just you and me babe
let's go out on a hue trip
..just you and me babe

...........(,"b c",)
Haiku # 13364, September 1, 2001 2:56 am ET
by ronin@inakaleidoscopeofstaticdreams
how did you get in?
just put down that knife slowly
and no one gets hurt
Haiku # 13363, September 1, 2001 1:49 am ET
by scott (warning shot - jeez, go flame moxie, will you) of Scott's Apartment
Scott has no grandma.
So how can he suck her cock?
He needs to move on!
Haiku # 13362, September 1, 2001 1:40 am ET
by k_now_specifically_against_scott of scott's apartment
malignant haiku
overgrowing syllables
uglier than bad
Haiku # 13361, September 1, 2001 12:31 am ET
by ash best-loved haiku
.......number 13306
such sweet enchantment

Haiku # 13360, August 31, 2001 9:15 pm ET
by ronin@imspeechlesssheactuallydidtalktome

......"starry starry nights
paint the sky in hues of gray"
.....colours make me fey

...(uhh...hi there, janis ;-))
Haiku # 13359, August 31, 2001 9:02 pm ET
by ronin@LucyandtheSkywithDiamonds
this isn't real life?
ah, so that would explain why
grandma has a cock.
Haiku # 13358, August 31, 2001 8:50 pm ET
by scott (realization dawning...hoping i don't wake up in a vat of goo...)
Jay and Silent Bob
was indeed really awful
they stole my money!
Haiku # 13357, August 31, 2001 7:28 pm ET
by k
The moon loops around
another night, here I am
staring at my soup.
Haiku # 13356, August 31, 2001 7:22 pm ET
by newt_gingrich
Moxie, your haiku
isn't bad when it's haiku.
Don't be dramatic!
Haiku # 13355, August 31, 2001 7:19 pm ET
by k_against_everyone of A place of non-seriousness, becasue's JUST badhaiku. It isn't REAL LIFE PEOPLE!
There is a time and
there is a place where bad works
are judged by "sod off"
Haiku # 13354, August 31, 2001 7:00 pm ET
by Mox
i desire to go
and master haiku, even
if it costs me my life
Haiku # 13353, August 31, 2001 6:58 pm ET
by Moxie
the, you meet me 1/2
way, and be like us, then you
can do what you will

my problem in life is basically a long life long
urge of go flip off and be even more resistant, thus getting entangled in self hatred and feeling censored...
Haiku # 13352, August 31, 2001 6:57 pm ET
by Moxie
I mean can't you find
a usenet group or something?
This is badhaiku.
Haiku # 13351, August 31, 2001 6:56 pm ET
by k_against_specifically_Moxie of Still in Moxie's trailer which he probably never leaves
It's hard to take you
seriously when all your
posts are non-haiku

Haiku # 13350, August 31, 2001 6:53 pm ET
by k_against_moxie of Moxie's trailer
People go to great
lengths to tempt in order
to make themselves feel
better about, stuff, things
and will indeed, slay the innocent
which I am not, for petty little
things, it is a material world
Haiku # 13349, August 31, 2001 6:53 pm ET
by mox
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