On Wisconsin On -
What a stupid song or place
that you would call home.
Oops...I crossed the line
now didn't I. Made my bed
lie in it with me.
by Saint
On Wisconsin On -
What a stupid song or place
that you would call home.
Oops...I crossed the line
now didn't I. Made my bed
lie in it with me.
by Saint
Sturgeons? What the hell?
We all know carp are better
My ass carp that is!
by Saint
i am not so sure
that despite what i have said
i do not hate you
by Anonymous Poet
surging insurgents
urgently merging sturgeon
splurge purging the urge
by Drophammer
McVeigan fire-
crackers: with peanut oils,
no dung by-products.
pay your last respects
to your constitution - same
as your first, but worse.
by Sargeant Insurgent
In my day we believed
we went to the moon BeCause
we were TOLD we went to the moon
and we were better for it. Yeah,
and the Dish ran away with the spoon.
by Dana Garvey's mean old man
McVeigh? Bad haiku.
But not GOOD bad haiku, eh?
Find a belly hole.
by Drophammer
I receive channels
one-fifty. With my dish and
telly in my ass!
by Saint
dead wrong you are that
I shouldn't go on haiking
up my Mountain U.
dead wrong in the search
for answers, reson, justice,
results, and clossure.
by McVeigh
Saint keeps on finding
Things in his ass that were lost
Where is my TV?
by Drophammer
Distant memories
I lost a coin, but just now
fount it in my ass
by Saint
Saint keeps a beehive
Up in his duodenum
12 fingers my ass!
by Drophammer
oozy and drippy
it sticks in me as Drop drinks
my colon honey
by Saint
exercise your ass
cheek pumping visceral strain
to expel butt nubs
by Drophammer
I do not know much
but I know my shorts should
not stick to my balls
by Saint
ee ee ooh ooh ah.
Spank me, I'm a bad monkey
Suck my banana
by Saint
ee ee ooh ooh ah.
Spank me, I'm a bad monkey
Suck my banana
by Saint
But Saint is alone
So... this night, he will have to
Spank his own monkey
by Drophammer
Saint must bend over
Anticipate the spanking
Very bad monkey
by Drophammer
Gurgling noises
I have now made butt chili
for 'hammer's hot dog
by Saint
you thought you were safe
Saint, Hammer, and others gone
we are back now... fear
by Drophammer
I feel tongue and teeth
as Drop approached and he then
eats out of my butt.
by Saint
yawping cries of joy
the colon unclenched lets loose
and deluges feet
by Drophammer
blast your rectal maw
with spurting mustard and cheese
buns await my dog
by Drophammer
I have been away
I've brought you back a mem'ry -
Grandma has a cock!
by Saint
Grandma stood proudly
shooting the hot load from her
roman candle cock
by Betty LeBomb
Rogue bottlerocket
launched with a great roar, hit my
mom in the buttocks
by Betty LeBomb
I am sorry for
being dumb at your party
Glad you don't hate me
by Anonymous Poet
Visit MacDonalds
Order the new McNugget
Deep Fried Chickenhead
by Klink of Los Angeles
You are right right right
Your parties are too much fun
You make me crazy
by Anonymous Poet
too drunk and way too
belligerent. what were you
thinking when you drove
don't get so shit-faced at my parties!
by Anonymous Poet
Wanna trade some files?
Hail eDonkey2000.
Watch Hxllywxxd die.
by Janis
crisp bright brittle light
crisp breeze brightest blue ocean
kites dogs kids skate boards
clear crisp evening
skate across silver ocean
midnight moon madness
by mellie
not good for munching
codswallop is strong ju ju
give it a few days
by ap
codswollpop? oh boy!
so i had to look that one up.
chiefly british word
by ap
vodka is magic
never causing hangover
russians got that right
by ap
codswollop is hard
to swallow more difficult
to consider now
by ap
this is curious
and not easily explained
moxie has a cock
by ap
seeking an answer
is rather questionable
but what would i know?
by ash
Occasionally there is
a wreckless load
and it's all on the toad
by Asshole
I forgive you for calling me an asshole...
by Moxie
Mellie was some queen sometime
Ash struck me with his silver rod
Grandma had a cock sometime
ap is a grocer
and I'm here wasting my time
because maybe, you have potential, you liberals
by Mox