Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 61 Days and 77459 Haiku later...

that's a wise grandma
you may tackle me in fact
great expectations
Haiku # 11128, June 5, 2001 10:57 am ET
by mellie
Stare in disbelief
The damn server fails again
I dislike NT
Haiku # 11127, June 5, 2001 8:42 am ET
by limey_tank of Dublin 8
Extra. Sugar free
It has laxative effects
Better stop chewing
Haiku # 11126, June 5, 2001 8:41 am ET
by limey_tank of Dublin 8
Small, black, velvet bag
It came free with my walkman
But good for nothing
Haiku # 11125, June 5, 2001 8:41 am ET
by limey_tank of Dublin 8
Curvy and Peachy
I look as she walks past me
I am such a letch
Haiku # 11124, June 5, 2001 8:40 am ET
by limey tank of DIT
Squat, blue and yellow
Claims to be isotonic
Lucozade bottle
Haiku # 11123, June 5, 2001 8:40 am ET
by limey tank of DIT
+ : running running
+ : running through the jungle
+ : can you smell the heat?
Haiku # 11122, June 4, 2001 9:08 pm ET
by argh
heavenly legspread
fuck it with a big ol' cross
prono with jesus
Haiku # 11121, June 4, 2001 9:06 pm ET
by argh
Texas, technical
ass of the u s of a,
bet yer split-tailed beehind.
Haiku # 11120, June 4, 2001 7:48 pm ET
by Dubya, light my fart TX
East by west and trial by
on line fire, and Jesus was Lord
but I added Goddess to the song
Haiku # 11119, June 4, 2001 4:51 pm ET
by Moxie
feeling super blessed,
received more than I deserve,
Jesus is the Lord!
Haiku # 11118, June 4, 2001 3:32 pm ET
by Buns_of_Steel of Dallas, TX
Sounds like all re runs
not you all mind you but this
the fight, the contest, still in
the slough of despair
Haiku # 11117, June 4, 2001 2:23 pm ET
by Mox
tackle still intact
anticipating danger
grandma circumspect
Haiku # 11116, June 4, 2001 7:44 am ET
by ash
oh so much hamas
thickly spread over the news
yet no tabooli
Haiku # 11115, June 4, 2001 7:38 am ET
by ash
i hate him; i hate him
but I want to give his twin daughters
my hot steaming man juice
who is he??
Haiku # 11114, June 4, 2001 2:16 am ET
by argh
times are good
times are bad
there is no time
we've all been had!
Haiku # 11113, June 4, 2001 2:14 am ET
by argh
i cut it off
its good and gone
i cut it off
yes grandma's cock
Haiku # 11112, June 4, 2001 2:13 am ET
by argh
Do you know what the
secret to shiner bock is?
animal enzymes
Haiku # 11111, June 4, 2001 12:55 am ET
by Betty LeBomb
tomorrow, texas
steers queers and shiner bock beers
grandma has a cock
Haiku # 11110, June 3, 2001 10:21 pm ET
by ap
By Eris, take this
Ye Golden apple
and good love to thee...
Haiku # 11109, June 3, 2001 10:12 pm ET
by Mox
tonight we will love
not ever satiated
always satisfied
Haiku # 11108, June 3, 2001 10:06 pm ET
by ap
she loves me for this
no whining just plow ahead
jesus i love her
Haiku # 11107, June 3, 2001 10:03 pm ET
by ap
too tough to notice
insensitive fuck am i
life is for living
Haiku # 11106, June 3, 2001 10:00 pm ET
by ap
arthritic back pain
sailing today anyway
grandma has a cock
Haiku # 11105, June 3, 2001 9:59 pm ET
by ap
#i saw this:
$code or die;
#stupid elitist perl nazis.
#Why is $foo in a different
#namespace than $foo[0]?
Haiku # 11104, June 3, 2001 7:46 pm ET
by argh
ascii orgasm
on my keyboard

is this ISO compatible?
Haiku # 11103, June 3, 2001 7:43 pm ET
by argh
masturbating furiously
porno is great
the vikiden sooths my pain
Haiku # 11102, June 3, 2001 7:41 pm ET
by argh
you should be writing a book
your name, twinkie
twinkie twinkie little star
why don't you...
ok, this is dumb
Haiku # 11101, June 3, 2001 7:40 pm ET
by Twinkie
I think hostess twinkies
think that the price of carots in
japan think too much
Haiku # 11100, June 3, 2001 7:39 pm ET
by Something
I think that DJ J's ass tastes like
twinkies, because they both have cream
Haiku # 11099, June 3, 2001 7:38 pm ET
by Something
That's some nasty cheese
peppered with black jumping fleas
stinks like crotch disease
Haiku # 11098, June 3, 2001 7:31 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
Can you sieze the breeze
stop the wind and swaying trees
let these dreams sprout leaves?
Haiku # 11097, June 3, 2001 7:22 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
Can you catch the breeze
make the wind still in the trees
let these dreams sprout leaves
Haiku # 11096, June 3, 2001 7:16 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
Where did the beauty
go? All this hate makes me sad.
may have to move on.
Haiku # 11095, June 3, 2001 7:11 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
This band that I know,
infinite typing monkies,
only sing Shakespeare
Haiku # 11094, June 3, 2001 7:07 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
I hated my gran
who gives a hairy fuck if
she has a cock eh???
Haiku # 11093, June 3, 2001 3:57 pm ET
by i hate austrailians too
You're the one eye sees
panning across all of these
watching swaying trees
Haiku # 11092, June 3, 2001 1:21 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
Can you sieze the breeze
and gather up all of these
plant these dreams with leaves
Haiku # 11091, June 3, 2001 1:20 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
predisposed to artifice
grandma has a cock
Haiku # 11090, June 3, 2001 9:32 am ET
by ash
politics will fail
people are not that stupid
they are stupider
Haiku # 11089, June 3, 2001 9:27 am ET
by ash
sometimes senryu
sometimes something seasonal
Haiku # 11088, June 3, 2001 9:25 am ET
by ash
On colors of blue
I surfed and splashed within you
I drank with you too
Haiku # 11087, June 3, 2001 2:51 am ET
by Betty LeBomb
dickhead times any-
thing else still equals dickhead.
brilliant math, fucko
Haiku # 11086, June 2, 2001 9:37 pm ET
by UNUN-unconceding
so that's whose skull it
was, eh, boo? and what we did to it?
"one nation undergrads"
Haiku # 11085, June 2, 2001 5:17 pm ET
by unconceding
deep thought while putting
on socks, look down and see two
socks on the same foot !!
Haiku # 11084, June 2, 2001 5:15 pm ET
by we are doomed!!!!!!!!!
some jerk said he was
UN-unconceding?! cuz he
Haiku # 11083, June 2, 2001 5:14 pm ET
by unconceding
you pledged allegiance
to the privatized, undemocratic
republic (screw the public)

for which it keels over
we changed it since your sacrifice
we do that ALL the time
Haiku # 11082, June 2, 2001 5:11 pm ET
by unconceding
hey! great idea
infinite typing monkeys
fine name for a band
Haiku # 11081, June 2, 2001 5:11 pm ET
by sister flo
what kind of loser
pushes 'send that bad haiku'
without typing stuff?

sometimes I think that
infinite typing monkeys
could do lots better.
Haiku # 11080, June 2, 2001 7:44 am ET
by sliiiiiinted
RE #11048

This is a good page
the 5-7-5 thingy
is not write in stone

Attention ash;
thank you sickyellow person

Haiku # 11079, June 2, 2001 4:26 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
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