Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 61 Days and 77459 Haiku later...

Sounds like all re runs
not you all mind you but this
the fight, the contest, still in
the slough of despair
Haiku # 11117, June 4, 2001 2:23 pm ET
by Mox
tackle still intact
anticipating danger
grandma circumspect
Haiku # 11116, June 4, 2001 7:44 am ET
by ash
oh so much hamas
thickly spread over the news
yet no tabooli
Haiku # 11115, June 4, 2001 7:38 am ET
by ash
i hate him; i hate him
but I want to give his twin daughters
my hot steaming man juice
who is he??
Haiku # 11114, June 4, 2001 2:16 am ET
by argh
times are good
times are bad
there is no time
we've all been had!
Haiku # 11113, June 4, 2001 2:14 am ET
by argh
i cut it off
its good and gone
i cut it off
yes grandma's cock
Haiku # 11112, June 4, 2001 2:13 am ET
by argh
Do you know what the
secret to shiner bock is?
animal enzymes
Haiku # 11111, June 4, 2001 12:55 am ET
by Betty LeBomb
tomorrow, texas
steers queers and shiner bock beers
grandma has a cock
Haiku # 11110, June 3, 2001 10:21 pm ET
by ap
By Eris, take this
Ye Golden apple
and good love to thee...
Haiku # 11109, June 3, 2001 10:12 pm ET
by Mox
tonight we will love
not ever satiated
always satisfied
Haiku # 11108, June 3, 2001 10:06 pm ET
by ap
she loves me for this
no whining just plow ahead
jesus i love her
Haiku # 11107, June 3, 2001 10:03 pm ET
by ap
too tough to notice
insensitive fuck am i
life is for living
Haiku # 11106, June 3, 2001 10:00 pm ET
by ap
arthritic back pain
sailing today anyway
grandma has a cock
Haiku # 11105, June 3, 2001 9:59 pm ET
by ap
#i saw this:
$code or die;
#stupid elitist perl nazis.
#Why is $foo in a different
#namespace than $foo[0]?
Haiku # 11104, June 3, 2001 7:46 pm ET
by argh
ascii orgasm
on my keyboard

is this ISO compatible?
Haiku # 11103, June 3, 2001 7:43 pm ET
by argh
masturbating furiously
porno is great
the vikiden sooths my pain
Haiku # 11102, June 3, 2001 7:41 pm ET
by argh
you should be writing a book
your name, twinkie
twinkie twinkie little star
why don't you...
ok, this is dumb
Haiku # 11101, June 3, 2001 7:40 pm ET
by Twinkie
I think hostess twinkies
think that the price of carots in
japan think too much
Haiku # 11100, June 3, 2001 7:39 pm ET
by Something
I think that DJ J's ass tastes like
twinkies, because they both have cream
Haiku # 11099, June 3, 2001 7:38 pm ET
by Something
That's some nasty cheese
peppered with black jumping fleas
stinks like crotch disease
Haiku # 11098, June 3, 2001 7:31 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
Can you sieze the breeze
stop the wind and swaying trees
let these dreams sprout leaves?
Haiku # 11097, June 3, 2001 7:22 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
Can you catch the breeze
make the wind still in the trees
let these dreams sprout leaves
Haiku # 11096, June 3, 2001 7:16 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
Where did the beauty
go? All this hate makes me sad.
may have to move on.
Haiku # 11095, June 3, 2001 7:11 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
This band that I know,
infinite typing monkies,
only sing Shakespeare
Haiku # 11094, June 3, 2001 7:07 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
I hated my gran
who gives a hairy fuck if
she has a cock eh???
Haiku # 11093, June 3, 2001 3:57 pm ET
by i hate austrailians too
You're the one eye sees
panning across all of these
watching swaying trees
Haiku # 11092, June 3, 2001 1:21 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
Can you sieze the breeze
and gather up all of these
plant these dreams with leaves
Haiku # 11091, June 3, 2001 1:20 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
predisposed to artifice
grandma has a cock
Haiku # 11090, June 3, 2001 9:32 am ET
by ash
politics will fail
people are not that stupid
they are stupider
Haiku # 11089, June 3, 2001 9:27 am ET
by ash
sometimes senryu
sometimes something seasonal
Haiku # 11088, June 3, 2001 9:25 am ET
by ash
On colors of blue
I surfed and splashed within you
I drank with you too
Haiku # 11087, June 3, 2001 2:51 am ET
by Betty LeBomb
dickhead times any-
thing else still equals dickhead.
brilliant math, fucko
Haiku # 11086, June 2, 2001 9:37 pm ET
by UNUN-unconceding
so that's whose skull it
was, eh, boo? and what we did to it?
"one nation undergrads"
Haiku # 11085, June 2, 2001 5:17 pm ET
by unconceding
deep thought while putting
on socks, look down and see two
socks on the same foot !!
Haiku # 11084, June 2, 2001 5:15 pm ET
by we are doomed!!!!!!!!!
some jerk said he was
UN-unconceding?! cuz he
Haiku # 11083, June 2, 2001 5:14 pm ET
by unconceding
you pledged allegiance
to the privatized, undemocratic
republic (screw the public)

for which it keels over
we changed it since your sacrifice
we do that ALL the time
Haiku # 11082, June 2, 2001 5:11 pm ET
by unconceding
hey! great idea
infinite typing monkeys
fine name for a band
Haiku # 11081, June 2, 2001 5:11 pm ET
by sister flo
what kind of loser
pushes 'send that bad haiku'
without typing stuff?

sometimes I think that
infinite typing monkeys
could do lots better.
Haiku # 11080, June 2, 2001 7:44 am ET
by sliiiiiinted
RE #11048

This is a good page
the 5-7-5 thingy
is not write in stone

Attention ash;
thank you sickyellow person

Haiku # 11079, June 2, 2001 4:26 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 11078, June 2, 2001 3:13 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 11077, June 2, 2001 3:13 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 11076, June 2, 2001 3:13 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 11075, June 2, 2001 3:13 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
Haiku # 11074, June 2, 2001 3:13 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
honeyed chicken wings
executing sly revenge
with cholesterol
Haiku # 11073, June 2, 2001 12:49 am ET
by ash
shoes saturated
i didn't expect the rain
on my motorbike
Haiku # 11072, June 1, 2001 9:41 pm ET
by ash
In your case it is
probably smegma smothered
steak with cotton lint
Haiku # 11071, June 1, 2001 7:34 pm ET
by QUASHER!!!!!!!!!!
bloomers boxers shorts
tightey whitey cock surprise
cotton smothered steak
Haiku # 11070, June 1, 2001 6:50 pm ET
by ap
you have green thigh rings.
so you give me a gold gift
to wear on my ears.
Haiku # 11069, June 1, 2001 6:49 pm ET
by Buns_Of_Steel of Dallas, TX
panties in the air,
we slowly came together.
flowers in our hair.
Haiku # 11068, June 1, 2001 6:45 pm ET
by Buns_Of_Steel_lesbo_dream of Dallas, TX
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