blast furnace ass knobs
punctured pustules soaking shorts
until the butt rots
by Drophammer
With this haiku
I now present a song to
the tune of dreidle
Cumin Cumin Cumin
you're kept in jars of clay
Cumin Cumin Cumin
we all think S. is gay.
by Saint
I bring to you spice
That will make all your friends think
you love cock in ass
by The Cumin Faerie
Drophammer coats walls
With his wide rectal spectrum
The third coat today.
by Priest
Beware, yon Solace
I perform cuminoscopies
On C. Lord's lost souls.
I'll remove your spice
Take your beloved cumin
Leave you only salt.
by Cumin Hunter Yoko
A pinch of cumin,
rosemary, a nick o'thyme.
Grandma cooks a cock.
by Anonymous Poet
Sumer is a cumin in...
Loudly sings the butt cork song
Grandma is a cock.
by Windsong
NEW! Priest action toy!
Rocket trousers and butt cork
Sold separately!
by Drophammer
Welcome, yon Solace
I spread cuminosity
To all worthy brethren.
With great joy and song
Stand proudly and cry out loud,
"I want my Cumin."
I will answer you.
by The Cumin Lord
mantis says, "boogie".
do not me ask why we must
just know that we must
by praying mantis
blessed tangent time;
my mind wanders far away.
to return? i hope.
by elvisgrotto of va
Elton John singing,
"Rocket Ass! Burning down a-"
Well, you get it, right?
by Drophammer
Trousers rocket down
Ass accelerates, reaching
Escape velocity.
Double clutch, butt fake,
Contented, I think I'm done,
But ass thunders on.
by Priest
just a moment of
inertia, passing through time;
too little, too much?
by elvisgrotto of va
Dangerous roosters
broken free of the barnyard!
A cock has Grandma!
by Anonymous Poet
Shall I compare thee
to a Summer's Eve? Thou aret
a douchebag indeed
by Rant
There once was a bar
maid from Vale, who tattooed on
her chest, "Drinks for sale"
...and on her behind
for the sake of the blind was
the same as the front
but in braille
by Calendar Day of VA
Dirty minded fools
Remember that porn is free
You hopeless bastards
by Grog of Seattle
reasons preceding impeachment
global warming is
good for air conditioning.
we sell energy*
*didn't you get what
you voted for: higher prices?
winning minories!
by unconceding of white Outhouse
sell high, buy low: it's
orchestrated; only the
little guys lose out.
orchestrate brown-outs
raise rates, no one contemplates
rapes in the greenhouse
by unconceding
my son, when you beat
your penis, your penis will
end up beating you
by praying mantis
yes, my penis is
angry, for it is beaten
nightly for pleasure
but women run from
me because i don't fit in
-- even with the freaks
by raging johnson of cube farm CTP2E
a raging johnson
pissed penis, angry mantool
a warpath willy
by praying mantis
when you buy the skank
by Anonymous Poet
payday in one week
til I have more cash in hand
I cannot have sex
I'm so ugly that
i have to buy skanks to screw
someone please shoot me
by raging johnson of cube farm CTP2E
mellie you are wrong
learn, my child, from the master
and face haiku dao
by praying mantis
Love my thigh master
suzanne sommers breast cancer
god save her wu wu
by Anonymous Poet
small child fingers
exploited, damaged and worn
thin as grandma's bone
by Anonymous Poet
It cannot be true
Get out of my head, sight of
Granny with a cock
by Solace of MI
No strange practices
Lude sexual behavior
I'm just your granny.
You should be ashamed
Now come here, sonny, make me
Feel like a woman!
by Granny
Just for the record
I have no cock, there are no
five men a'fisting
I don't let strange hands
In my pants, in me, in my
hamburger patte
by Granny
Lay off Kathy Lee!
She claimed she didn't did it.
Her grandma's cock did.
by Windsong
Sees naked women
on HBO, changes the
channel. So flaming!
by Saint
I may be single
but not gay, I did get head
from a girl Tuesday
by Saint
Priest, gay? Maybe
No girl, no dates, fruity drinks
writes flowery prose.
by Saint
Saint drinks Tropico
It's alcoholic orange Tang
What could be more gay
by Solace of MI
something eating you?
it's no wonder you're angry
your climax is death
by mellie,message for mantis
Cumin and theater
what makes one more gay? A
fruit margarita
by Saint
kathy lee gifford
exploited latin children
to knit grandma's sock
by Anonymous Poet
Solace Cooking Set
Lifetime stock of cumin spice
Lifetime lack of cock.
by Priest
you have angered me
with your disregard for me
the mantis still lives
by praying mantis
I am not soulless
But the haiku Cthulu
Chaos crawling on
by Drophammer
NO! you are souless
it was not Saint or the Priest:
Drophammer, maybe
by mellie
The "Solace Love Bowl"
Feel what it's like to have Gran-
ny's cock in your ass!
by Saint
i find no solace
in penises... no penis
on Solace either
by praying mantis
stand still small children
hear the wisdom: haiku do
the way of haiku
by praying mantis
Did you just see that!
It's Saint Priest and Drophammer
Sucking Grandma's Cock!
by Solace of MI
Let me Ferret out
the identity of one
Chicago 'kuer.
by Windsong
anger to the point
words are that scrambled just
in brain my hurting.
by ferret70 of chicago