I poke at Saint and
Solace, leaving myself wide
Open to their flames
by Drophammer
Hello gentlemen!
All your base are belong to us!
I had to do it.....
by Sean-O of Rhode Island
Now in toy stores! New!
The Solace action figure
With pink ballet shoes!
by Drophammer
insipid cold verse
soothing the imbecile and
poking out his eyes
by Drophammer
dance the lambada
with my pants full of veggies
until my cuke pops
by sango orangutango
Tarot cards or no
you will not be bludgeoned by
a blue-assed monkey
by Rant of Near East
Pansy piss bucket
He drives the car pool today
We're going to hell
by Solace of MI
i like a big ass,
shaking, turning to and fro
Come sit on my face.
by The game of DC
I know who flung poo
The man with the stinky hands
He has a firm grip
by Solace of MI
sango likes the goo
but the goo slot is congealed
into the cheese slot
by Drophammer
drip, drip, drip, all night.
It keeps me up tonight, not
the faucet; my ass
by Saint
inside the goo slot
Paulo's pounding pud plunged pink
skin slick with sex slime
by sango orangutango
Phlegm, if said right,
Should be two strong syllables
instead of just one.
by Nan who is old enough to know better... of NJ
get the great new toy
a Saint action figure with
whack action button
by Drophammer
golly! i hope that
wasn't aimed at me because
it is still coming
by mellie, so in australia golly is just that, a big bit of phlegm
they say that shaft is
a bad mutha, shut yo mouth
i'm talkin bout shaft
a complicated
man, no one understands
him but his woman
by raging johnson of cube farm CTP2E
color copier:
noun: fantastic piece of shit
we'd like to destroy
by thegrue of down the hell from hola
in and around the
lake, mountains come out of the
sky and they stand there
by raging johnson of cube farm CTP2E
Yes, the band that did
owner of a lonely heart
yes, their name is yes
by raging johnson of cube farm CTP2E
A grumble in my throat
lips curl, I spit, my plegm smacks
loudly on your face
by Saint
A good friend would call
sooner but a great friend like
you always forgives
by John of Austin
suddenly i know
that "down the hall from hola"
is a haiku line
by thegrue of down the hall from hola
meteoric shit
flying free from Uranus
inbound flaming poo
by Drophammer
Mellie - look at my name
there is my e-mail address
I do not have yours
by Saint - edfred@voyager.net
makes you wonder boys
why times they are a'changing
but sure, things have changed
by mellie, you are so cool. congrats Bob Dylan
fucked up by hickups
they're chronic doc, make them stop.
feeling (HIC) helpless
by mellie
HICkups aplenty
How can they be cured doctor?
Tell me there's a cure.
by mellie
smelly nelly poked inside her belly
and found some goey mess
this made her sick cause she smelt it
and today smelly nelly takes bathsss
by sj
lazy afternoon
not too much cause for complaint
they could pay me more
by ash
soft drizzle drizzling
harsh glare humidity gone
it is overcool
by mellie
eleven pieces
of Kentucky Fried Chicken
and gravy and rolls
by Mr Horse of Horstralia
back to the chat room.
will I be tickle teased to
sublime sexuals...?
or be raunch-sacked by
the say, "fuck!" and feel had guy;
and their "yuck" like ilk!
by Miss Everything
what are you saying?
what are you trying to say?
anyway at all?
by Miss Everything
a crazy monkey
wearing nazi uniform
drives a plastic jeep
by Betty LeBomb
stretched out in the sun
relaxed recumbent rodent
whiskers glistening
by ash
see man performing
wasting precious ... um, moments
so unbecoming
you should have found me;
mounted up in your leather.
why won't you listen?
by mellie, waste not want not, Saint
doodoo fixation
heredity? environment?
mom? dad? who can say
by Sister Flo
I drink
Therefore I am
by Mr Marballs
the bag is empty
the crowd begins to drift off
he is alone now
by mount madonna mama
smoothing an eyebrow
she glances back at her heel
at the new scuff mark
by mount madonna mama
cargo hold echos
dank air tastes of rust and salt
soon the men will come
by mount madonna mama
loose hubcap rattles
back window doesn't shut right
the heater's broken
ah but the chrome shines
and the v-8 still kicks ass
got nothing to lose
by mount modonna mama
loose hubcap rattles
back window doesn't shut right
the heater's broken
ah but the chrome shines
and the v-8 still kicks ass
got nothing to lose
by mount modonna mama
ocean state job lot
endless rows of hearts of palm
dusty chocolate hearts
by mount madonna mama
new leaves did not come
to the dogwood tree this spring
bare limbs scrape the earth
by mount madonna mama
acrid filter smoke
illuminated briefly
by passing headlights
by mount madonna mama
nicotine stained
fingernails like a woman
tremulous sickly
by mount madonna mama
slippery snot hawkers
waiting for their luck to change
pose at the bus stop
by mount madonna mama
workwhistle blows now
it tells me, "go quaff some beer!"
belly smiles, waiting
by mondongo of uranus