80% girls
like themselves, 20%
teens - who's conceited!
by Miss Everything
where is our Solace?
his horrific imagery
makes me dream bad things
by Drophammer
the weekly world news
says, "Elvis ate my baby"
and I believe it
by Drophammer
the bean-laden charge
in my belly seeks release
i erupt in joy
by Drophammer
i do hate myself
maybe i should walk into
the street and die, thoughts?
by raging johnson of cube farm CTP2E
glarg exc weffle joo
qwz sedo eep bibb shively
viff dodod kip bno!!!!
by raging johnson of cube farm CTP2E
who shall i whack to
today, I ponder. Cher? why not.
*whack whack whack whack whack*
by raging johnson of cube farm CTP2E
Saint, you missed this one:
Seven syllables!
by Priest
this morning I greet
a sun through a shuttered blind
chains of work enslave
by Grog of Seattle
All can be salvaged!
Saint may find work at airports
with wind-finding ass.
by Priest
Forces are too strong
my rectum inverts and blows
out like a wind sock
by Saint
Remember P V
equals n R T do not
let the colon burst
by Saint
Pressure is rising
By boyle's law, I strain, compress
Colon gets warmer.
by Priest
Rectum now coated
with honey it's dripping from
one side to other
by Saint
Raisins and peanuts
carrot shreds and corn kernels
My special ass stew
by Saint
Hopes laid on far girl
who has no reason to mail
to call himself "lost"
by Priest
putred wretched filth,
porcelain coated with it
I think of someone
by Saint
Try the new RonCo
Mr. Fistibuttocks now
And get free lube, too!
by Drophammer
Rocket drop of pants
Still too slow, face the fury
Of volatile purge.
by Priest
That vilest siren
teases me so - only to
go munch on carpet
by Saint
Drop and Priest, I say
I wish someone would fucking
e-mail already!
by Saint
Construction bastard
collective asses, their heads
are in them, fuckers!
by Saint
why does mellie tease
Saint so? perhaps she is male
or hermaphrodite?
by Drophammer
sudden release of
exploding intestines and
there goes a kneecap
by Drophammer
have you ever blown
bubbles in peanut butter
with your ass? not me.
by Drophammer
Saint, away on errands
left defenseless to assault
Who will rescue him?
by Priest
Hyperdrive engaged
And Set to full-on-bitch-mode
Saint unloads his wrath.
by Priest
Mellie answers, Saint,
But you're oblivious, lost
In your misery.
by Priest
Saint buries his head
In the depths of his own ass
Missing Mellie's flirts.
by priest
I care a lot, Saint...
about face more than ballsstick --
this Board is the BEST.
by Nan of NJ
god almighty saint
chuck them in the laundry man
then put then back on
by mellie, UMPIRE, "LOST BALLS"
My balls are sticking
to my underwear when I
pulled them off today
by Saint
fine leg long leg glance
they know how to use the crease
balls dancing in slips
by mellie, congratulations India, well done
a long time ago
I rode a big Indian
so heavy and mean
by mellie, to make saint smile
It matters not Nan
whether I can link or not
because no one cares.
by Saint
hello grasshopper
colour green, what is your name
snake and iguana
by Mr Sanjuro of Oxford
Genius Saint may be...
Can't post link to save hisass.
I figgered it out.
by Nan of Dismal New Jersey
yes I just lost it
forgot to tap my fingers
somehow lost the beat
by mellie
I now leave with my
tail between my legs I will
wallow in defeat
by Saint
by mel, cataplexy? Yes, of course
catastropic ? no
cataplexy? of course
not cataclysmic
ashes to ashes
embark on a new journey
it will make good mulch
chainsawed pepper trees
I hid in the house and wept
planted more trees then
by mel
It's ok Mellie
now you know what it's like
to be a loser
(like me)
by Saint
by Mellie. I did use too many for haiku. Hell I hate that.
bitter I am not
realistic that I am
for I know my fate
by Saint
playing games with words
at yahoo literati
one uses so many
by mellie
Drophammer returns
Never give up, Saint, never
Do not be bitter
by Drophammer of going to bed as we speak
I have much to say
space is lacking with haiku
must find other way
by Saint
I try no more now
there are no takers of me
Saint will never rise.
by Saint
ride right on up mate
I am on the top up here.
Is that you coming?
by mellie,from right down under neath
Efforts are in vain
I will now lower my sails
Acknowledge defeat
by Saint