Found five ticks on me...
Kentucky Derby blessing.
Then I found a sixth.
by Tick Tock of Bloodsuckers
What’s inside the moon?
Figpucker’s hidden cheese stash
Giant balut egg
by Fawn Doo of Mrigashirsha Park, PNW
all hail our new king
the best one we've had for yonks
liz was a stayer
by ash of the colonies
Dunno if he's gone
To the pig pen prodigal
Son, the other side
by Mox of Waiting for godot.
Roquefort cheese on bread
With some red pepper jelly...
I thought of you, Darth.
by Noticer of Cheeses
"this is my body"
like divine antipasto
foreskin antichrist
by ash of a concept hard to swallow
Am I Christ's foreskin?
Is that why I feel cut off?
Where is His body?
by Pauline Metaphors of Madness
you disappoint me
with no lolita at all
there's no fucks to give
by humbert humbert
Have I noticed what...?
The first line of your haiku,
Swinging in the wind?
by Noticer of Incomplete Haiku
Have you noticed it?
by Anonymous Poet
We can dream, right, well
Dream a little dream, and make
Sure the film aint broke
by Mox
Hey everybody:
National Poetry Month
is about to end.
by So Write Haiku Like You're About To Run Out of Gas
Couldn't find the knife
And I got so paranoid...
It was in dish-rack.
by Witchcraft of La cocina
The mosquito's buzz
Its anthem, its battle cry
And yet, its death wish
by Shigure of Victory Belles game
In time of despair
Drink deep such joy as you find
In the throats of foes
by Shigure of Victory Belles game
Its elekshun time.
JOE will save us once agen.
But watch out for TRUMP!
by Edjicated Populace of Amurca
sporadic poet
as fickle as the weather
blowing hot and cold
by ash of intemperate regional variability
salute the anzacs
but fuck off the flyover
waking me at nine
by ash of world wars won
Who is the madman...
Our geriatric puppet
Or Vladimir P?
by Noticer of Doomsday Cuckoo Clock
Haiku has returned!
It's back, stronger than EVER.
Hail the New Haiku.
by Militant Haiku of Imperialist Expansion.
i'd rather sleep in
the protestant work ethic
is over-rated
by ash of lassitudinous torpor
Ashes to ashes
Canada imprisoned by
The zeitgeist of soc
by Mox
united states of death
looks like i have to shoot you
because you are here
by ash of the wrong to bear arms
Hey cyan
Where did u go from here?
Who are you..
by Outside of Joshua
I will be polite
Toward that point-three percentage
of the total Pop.
by Idi Amin Dada of LGBTQRS Non-profit
Cowboys: vaqueros.
Y las vaqueras (cowgirls).
I like the cowgirls.
by Hot and Bothered of Boots and Hats
This explains why its
haiku is so shitty. We
trained that mofo.

by Janis of Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus
Yup, the cowboys change
But dumb people like you can't
Go wash my dishes.
by VHS career counseling agency
ol' rupert murdoch
not so much a silver fox
as the fox with gold
by ash of continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards
where have all the cows
gone, mind you the cowboys CHANGE
Broke back the times here
by vhs
i can hear the sea
gulls blabbing outside far from
the ocean, inland
by vhs
Haiku falls like leaves;
Spring cherry-blossom wind-gust...
Where's my bloody phone?
by Angry Haiku Poet Freaking Out in his Car of NIPPON
a long time passing
where have all the haiku gone ?
long, long time ago
by ash
Tepid Joe Biden
Toilet seat teleprompters
Money laundering
by Let's Go Brandon of Future Nostalgia
warm water bidet
that toilet seat is toasty
the hand wash is cold
by ash of japanese ablution review
Someone: give Klaus Schwab
Just short of heroic dose.
Perhaps he'll wake up.
by Lysergic Intervention of LSD-25
Fraud, corruption, lies...
Fraud, corruption, lies, oh my--
"City on a hill" (?)
by Black-pilled of Pulled
Based and red pulled were
Said to be extreme by
Fbi standards.
What about murder, rape
Human trafficking, slander
Fraud, corruption oh...
by Vhs
I mean "Switzerland".
Sorry for my mistake there.
Helvetica. Right.
by Bot Assassination Squad of Bosnia
Hello to "Roger",
The fucking inhuman bot.
Now stay in Finland.
by You Can't Do Haiku of So Why Try?
by RogerHek of Switzerland
No one posts on here.
It's actually depressing.
Such a great website...
by Sad Lonely Haiku of Internetz
Count syllables. It's
National Poetry month,
Oh haiku masters.
by Basho's Editor of Old Nakamura Spring Bamboo Grove
damn repeats, i just
tend to forget to post to
this place, then i do
by vhs
having worked in kitchens
for some time as the dish guy
here i am right now
by vhs of if you have questions just ask, if you have disdain, you might have to do this yourself
having worked in kitchens
for some time as the dish guy
here i am right now
by vhs of if you have questions just ask, if you have disdain, you might have to do this yourself
the dishwaser raises
a glass, smashes it on the ground
says mazaltovs
by vhs
Hey chatbots. Hey trash.
Get your fake ass over here.
Top THIS brilliant verse.
by Sick and Tired of Goddamn Algorithms You Kids Get Off My Lawn NOW
Original cast
London nineteen seventy
They messed with the best.
by Ian Gillan of J.C.S.S.
Haiku Palm Sunday
Get those fronds up in the air.
Jesus is the LORD.
by He who is ashamed of Me, etc. of Yerushalaim