If you can read this
you are standing to close
I swallow your soul
by Cabal468 of Pheonix
Anonymous sits
cowardly throws jabs at Priest
don't talk to Billy Idol that way!!!!
by Anonymous Poet
My Honda screameth
I accelerate and shift
The world then blurs
by Saint
reading his haikus
i wonder if priest may have
issues from childhood
by Anonymous Poet
Tense interview
the backdoor pressure building
results in seepage
by BattlePuppy of MI
I hear some music
coming from the parking lot
Rap! not to my taste.
by Cabal468 of Phoenix
Don't fall away, and
Leave Love bleeding in my hands
Don't fall away again.
by Priest
Proud by his flag plant
Dares all, "If you care for me
Then care this far."
by Priest
Two look at one another
Cobwebs gather, hang
Hours later, waitress comes
by BattlePuppy of MI
Art generally
enriches people, but bad
haiku causes crime!
by Anonymous Poet
Signs everywhere paint
just how rich you too can be
throw away your soul
by Battlepuppy of MI
My long hair doth suck
covers my eyes during sex
is she still naked
by Cabal468 of Phoenix
My thoughts are profound.
I am wise beyond belief.
You are so stupid.
by Anonymous Poet
Gas, it sometimes fills
my belly. Bloated! Bloated!
People avoid me.
by Anonymous Poet
at work i read bad
haiku, it is less boring
than the work i do.
by Anonymous Poet
even though it's hot
I've fallen into autumn
winter on its way
by mellie
and a yamaha
yellow like a canary
it sang so sweetly
by mellie
I cant figure out
what all of this poem crap is
really all about, ha!
by Goofuss
little tools from nuts
like you - globe spins; we are so
in the east and west.
by Miss Everything
too bad you can't just
satisfy your hunger by
rubbing your stomach!
by Miss Everything
Form matters little
We are not artisans of the east
But workmen with tools.
by Priest
brm, brm, brm - vibrations 'tween
my legs gripping you.
by Miss Everything
Squibble, squibble, POP!
Stomach protests digestion,
Hear its mighty voice!
by Priest
it's not Ev-ree-thing
it's E-ver-ree-thing; you had
sex instead of five.
by miss Everything of teach's lap
Real life reflections
make way into virtual realms
women ignore me
by Saint
intestines splayed out
ragged whistling belly hole
don't fart with cork'd ass
by Drophammer
jump on the wagon
do it like me, come on now
not original
by Drophammer
your flag is pointless
you may not succumb, but still,
you will always suck
by Drophammer
wondering about
wandering about, why am
I awake? no fun...
oh, sleep was so nice
but now I must take midterms,
write a paper, ug
by Anonymous Poet
Today I'm planting,
my flag standing proud and tall
I will not succumb
by Saint
over under out
the puppy knows not himself
i must scoop the poo
by Anonymous Poet of portland OR
Desperation here,
sees mellie likes motorbike
Her e-mail I want.
by Saint
You live your life free
Possess all but still complain
You're not so happy.
by Priest
saw stunning harley
started with a sigh so sweet
simply scrumptious, aaaaahhhhhh
by mellie
A large house, big yard
nice truck, fast motorcycle
no debt, I'm happy.
by Saint
An oxymoron:
good woman, there are none left
all's left are fat pigs
by Saint
No motorcycle
Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Nice car, too.
Cycle later on.
by Drophammer
Motorcyle purrs
the sound entices, speed thrills
This, you can not have.
by Saint
With a good woman
Nights are better, life is good
No woman... use hand.
by Drophammer
I may choose freely
not forced into situation
I can live my life.
by Saint
I'm the driver, I'm
the winner, things are gonna
change I can feel it.
by Saint
So much noise is made
To say a woman is bad
Protesting too much
by Drophammer
I hear the long cries
Of those without a woman
They wish they had one.
by Drophammer
give yourself, she takes
your soul and she runs with it,
to never return
by Saint
or maybe better
that she find someone else she
can fuck behind your back
by Saint
Love her and watch her
Leave you for someone with more
cash and nicer car.
by Saint
Think her the devil
Compare and impair her so...
What would make her stay?
by Priest
Think of her a weight
Dragging you down by your neck
And she will comply.
by Priest
Think of her evil
She becomes evil, but then
You turn just as dark.
by Priest
Would you sell your soul,
to the devil? No but you
would your dick to a chick.
by Saint