Oh woe, woe is me!
Thou lovest not poesy.
Thus may God hate thee.
by Pale Gentleman In Dark Frock-coat and Cravate Crying at E.A. Poe's Tomb With Black Lily in Hand
Nuclear and wind
That explains the commotion
In Figpucker's pants
by Noticer of details of Figpuckershima
Forbidden user
You may not access this site
Janis, please call me!
by Afraid to say but it’s the name of a color (blue-green)
Those are good choices
Don’t like pedophile rapists
They be harshing vibes
by Sigh Anne of Cyan Land
Only groups I will
Advocate to mass murder:
Pedophiles, rapists
by I want to dye my clothes with their blood
It’s a suggestion:
Apple TV plus new show
It’s called “Severance”
by Cyan is trying to not make fun of herself
Canadian Sponge
Soaking up that yummy cake
Not the eating kind
by If you can dream it you can Cyan It of Period Cramps
Canadians: go
There’s breaking headlines tonight
Undercover news
by She’s Shy and Cyan of Over the River and through the woods
We taking this BACK.
You hear me Russia? Get stuffed
With nasty kasha.
by War Heating Up of Haiku Front
Poo-poo in peephole.
Insert yoni in lingam:
Pee-pee in poophole.
by Swami Vivekonundrum of Higher-order Taxonomies
I am the New Darth.
No more poop and naughty bits.
I'm the NEW New Darth.
by Same As the Old Darth of Baba O'Riley's Dull Moog Synthesizer Solo
THEY: stunning and brave.
WE: heartbreakingly saddened.
CNN: big bomb blast.
by Massive Attack of Flat Earthulence
Oh no I relapsed.
I wrote one and now can't stop.
Need H.A. meeting.
by Will You Sponsor Me? of Bad Coffee
Roses are reddish.
Violets are blue. Haiku sucks...
And, yes, you do too.
by Linear Formulae of Suckability Factor
Snow sifts through branches.
Drifts have piled next the shrine...
Damn. Left the stove on!
by Yukasaki Sakahomo of Lower East Side Man Hat
This site monitored
By Blackstone operatives,
So write good haiku.
by Spooks of Internuts
That chick Shannon Tat
She did this and she done that.
(Pussy is a cat.)
by Feline Algebra Tutor of Charge per Minute
My weenis is small
But my compassion is huge
So buy me a dink.
by I mean a DRINK
There once was a man
From Nantucket Whose cock was
So long he could suck
by Gwidget the pwimp of Pawis
You will post haiku.
You will post in correct form
or you'll be dealt with.
by Haiku Enforcement of Death Squad
MyKelsey Online
Put on hold with Claire de Lune
I hung up on them
by Cyan is on the phone with one of the nurses, supposedly
Yes! Haiku is BACK.
Let's make haiku GREAT again.
Let's make it fascist.
by Benito Hitler of The Poetic Sphere
Exploding Tardis
Sugar sweet lipstick stains
Female doctor Hot
by Cyanie of Here and now
what is invasion?
plums in a bowl of oranges?
tranny in the pool?
by hi mom of mom's mom
I am the new Darth
He won't come here anymore
So I take his place
by Pervert Dinosaur
Once, a failed ass-clown
Pondered long and hard in verse
Then birthed a haiku.
by But It Died Immediately of Sudden Haiku Death Syndrome (S.H.D.S)
You cheated on me
with bad haiku poetry
and math equations
by One of Darth's bevy of beauties
I want a pizza
Anchovies and pineapple
I hate all the things!
by Pervert Dinosaur
Spwing is in the air!
Wed wobbins are fwiying fwee!
Darth shall soon be wed.
by As in Married, not the Color
Y'all got strange ritin'.
Looks like Greek wrote all backwords.
Y'all should rite
by Vladameer Takeout of Hickry Holler, Ozarks
putin seeks "social
justice" to "denazify ukraine...."
left freaks the fuck out
by revealing true colors of rainbow nazis are the worst
Invasion failure
Putin is total ass clown
His days are numbered
by We gonna remember him as a tool
Previous post flagged.
It are not in haiku form.
Please to obey rule.
by 575 Support Brigade of Haiku Enforcement
For past 4 yrs.
So in your opinion, the best thing is.... what?
To help them cope.
by Anonymous Poet
Hey, Darth Figpucker
Did you ever fall asleep
in a dry bathtub?
by Drained of Hope
Everyone lined up
and farted in unison
just like the Rockettes
by Choreographer of High
I stepped carefully
but my boots were caked with it
Steaming, fresh haiku
by Imprint of Size 10 work boot Encino, CA
I've always loved Darth
Up here in these tree branches
Since the dawn of time
by Stink Beak of Old Willow
The haiku are wrong
when you confuse hate with God.
And that's about it.
by Hate tears you down. Makes you lose control. of Don't let it ruin you.
It's called comfort room.
But it's not comfortable.
No seat, tank or wipes.
Just bowl and water.
Efficiency at its best.
The green way to go.
by 'Mericuns are so wasteful. of Now the poles are melting. Learn to swim.
Dear Lord, please bless Darth.
He's such a pitiful soul
He needs your sweet love.
by Your Old Aunt Mary of Rockin' on ma Front Porch
The Bible is wrong.
Believing in God is Hate.
All prayer is a crime.
by A Progressive Perspective of Etcetera, etcetera Inc.
That one crazy twin
Hit herself with Thor's hammer
And became famous.
by But For Wrong Reasons of UPPSALA
Hey Dexon, bite me.
Cheats, hacks, scripts, bugs and glitches
Aren't my cup of tea.
by Dexon Bit of Get It?
Swedish meatballs stew
Hot twins made a meal of you
(with no leftovers)
by Say Lou Lou of Ikea
Crazy Swedish twins.
Madness on the Motorway.
La folie a deux.
by Ursula of Sabena
Fart introduction...
Are haiku belong to you?
Up your bathroom hole
by Clean up in aisle 9 of Stink
by Can we just give the site back to the real poets. of Your hate is tearing you down. Just send it to me.
Let's just settle it
Balut egg eating contest
The winner gets the runs
by Rhapsody in Balut of Restroom
Parallel timeline:
Ukraine invaded because
They're mostly unvaxxed
by Media fawns over Putin