kitchen is too small
but only masochists think
"kitchen remodel"
by scotch of masochism central
Scuza da extra a syllable
by Anonymous Poet of Italy
Jesus walked with me
So I asked a Him a question
Are those Birkenstocks?
by Fuckin Hippie
I blame the Flintstones
"Gonna have a gay old time?"
Bad theme song lyrics
by A generation of American homosexuals because of Hanna Barbera
Are you sick of life.
Maybe life is sick of you.
You can divorce life.
by So many options.
New York Dolls aren't gay.
And there's something wrong with that.
Bunch of glam posers.
by Like so many of their time.
If the truth be told,
I'm a horrible person.
And keep getting worse.
by Thanks be to God for that!
Yeah and verily
I'm Janis of Toronto.
Damn straight. Right Janis?
by Some Dead Haiku Genius of Beyond the Grave
I am IAmBack.
Well, at least I think I am . . .
Pretty sure its me.
by Personality Crisis of Got It While It Was HOT (New York Dolls)
You know you LOVE it.
Get your leg up on that bed.
Yeah, baby. Haikuuuuuuu . . . .
by Poetic Subjugation of Women Through Haiku Verse-form
Bring it on! Right NOW.
Bring it, pathetic bitches.
Let the haiku start!
by Eternal Recurrence of Genesis of Haiku Will to Power
Oh filthy weaklings
You shall be cleansed from the earth.
Then Haiku shall reign.
by Maybe a Few Limericks but only If They Are Good
I shall smite the world
with these haiku syllables.
just you watch, sucker.
by Bow before me for I am the omniscient omnipotent omnipresent Lord of the final haiku of the dreaded cleansing fire
The great mothership!
Behold she descends with lights!
Let judgement begin!
by But First Gotta Buy a 12-pack of Beer
Bring that black goat here:
Slit its throat now. Drain its blood.
Ah yes. I am pleased.
by Great Power of Exu of Macumba
I am Wallace Fard.
Yes, I AM the twelfth imam.
And I have returned.
by To Fulfill All Prophecy for those of Limited Intelligence
Am I not the Lord?
Do I not write the best verse?
My haiku kicks ASS.
by And I run the universe at the same time
When rat cages become overpopulated, many of the rats engage in homosexual behavior but still it does not fix the population problem or even slow the population growth much at all until it's too late and by then they are all dead from starvation and violence.
We should do that, more violence.
And they should stop putting chemicals in the water because it makes the freakin' frogs gay!
by Anonymous Poet
Holier than thou!
Speak ye not the name of God,
for that's just silly.
by Your silly goose is cooked!
Iron overdose.
Magnetic masturbation.
Testes: 1, 2, 3.
by Testicular polarity. of I'm just looking for North.
Poetry is dead!
If it's not, then what's that smell?
Oh wait, that's me... oops.
by Hard to control oneself at this age.
Maybe I need my
own talk radio program
since Limbaugh is dead.
by And then I'll run for president! of Iamback can be vice prez if he ever comes out of hiding. VHS can run the CIA.
I'm praying for war.
China versus the "free world".
Or us versus them.
Fuckers gonna hunt every wild animal in the world to extinction, so I say nuke the commies! I can no longer tollerate the greed of communism. Power hungry war lords. We must destroy them before they destroy us!
by You know I'm right.
Enough of these games!
Life's no longer worth living!
Bring me my chainsaw!
by I never was too wild about that Texas Chainsaw movie. of House of 1000 Corpses though... that's how to murder!
I miss "Iamback".
He was a funny fellow.
"Gay Star Wars weddings."
by Star Wars weddings aren't as gas as Grande Pumpkin Spice Lattes though. of If I was a terrorist, I'd suicide bomb the Starbuck's head office. 2401 Utah Avenue South Seattle, WA 98134
I have heard the Lord.
He said to go burn witches.
Where's my flamethrower?
by Do it modern style.
Ye wayward children,
Hear the voice of the Lord God:
Write ye GOOD haiku.
by For in this I am well-pleased of Sayeth the Lord
This site's like a church
I know God's in here somewhere
Lord, make yourself known!
by parishioner of kneeling
Приветствую Вас господа!
Качественное удобрение - залог отличного урожая, поэтому так важно применять минеральные подкормки осенью, благодаря которым растениям удастся пережить зимний период и уцелеть от нашествия грызунов и насекомых. Однако классические (простые) подкормки несколько негативно воздействуют на качество распределения их по участку. Для того, чтобы исправить этот нюанс, рекомендуется использовать сложные удобрения, содержащие в себе азот, калий и фосфор.Минеральные удобрения содержат в себя следующие виды полезных микроэлементов:Азотные - прекрасно способствуют стремительному росту и развитию растений. Фосфатные - существенно повышают показатель урожайности, и улучшают качество продукции. Калийные - хорошо обеспечивают устойчивость растений к различным болезням, кроме того, такой урожай долго хранится и прекрасно переносит транспортировки.
Нам будет приятно видеть у нас на интернет ресурсе
by agrohimxig of Andorra
Darth is Figpucker
Starkitten is Noticer
The rest are beatniks
by Anonymous Poet
And please don't tell me
that Ash is Figpucker too.
That would be awful.
by St. Arkitten of F. Igpucker
Where is Wong Lofan,
Wise old man of the mountain?
Has he ascended?
by Ancestral Sage of Full Moon
Peer-reviewed science!
We need peer-reviewed science.
(To combat the truth,)
by Jest a ole' knuckle-draggin' Neurosurgeon of Hillbilly Holler
Have you seen Se7en?
I imagine it's like that.
Better than Fleshlight.
by Narrated by Morgan Freeman.
Craigslist vagina
original packaging
Its still in the box
by Price of Firm
The dead walk the earth.
They check their Instagram page.
Then back in coffin.
by Requiescat in Pace of Boneyard
Life is much better.
Now I see most women as
Walking vaginas.
by Betty Friedan of The Feminine Mistaque
Haloween is here.
It's the best time of the year.
Peace, love, and goodwill.
by Darthkitten of Starpucker
Does Jesus hate golf,
or is that only Buddha?
Smash the damn TV!
by I'm not racist, but Tiger Woods should die.
A young man's penis
is possessed by the devil
and spits up pea soup.
by Watch the Peckercyst of Channel 666
I like seaweed snacks
Like eating rolling papers
but with wasabi
by starkitten of purrcific nw
Under house arrest
but I committed no crime
Going stir crazy
by Stuck of Middle of nowhere
Tom Bosley's Nozzle
There's an actual ski trail
named after him. Wow!
by Starkitten of Shredding trails like I shred your new couch
We eat the curry
Fart directly in your face
You're on vacation!
You've seen India
Where would you like to go next?
Holland? No problem
by Ms. Metheney (travel agent) of Prepping my "windmill"
Holland might be good.
Grow me some magic mushrooms.
Sell them all over.
That's what the world wants.
Get high and escape this shit.
And I can't argue.
by go with the flow and grow grow grow!
You might think it's meaningless.
It should be a word.
by We just have to give it meaning. of The degree to which a cunt is fun and fabulous.
Love me some hot chai.
Chai kind of makes me horny.
Bang me some Injuns.
Wrap it up real good.
Months of antibiotics.
Hope you don't get AIDS.
by I think it's best to just stay in bum-fuck Indiana or whereever. of Know what I mean, Vern?
But I like the food.
Way better than Philippines.
Fucking Jolibee.
by I don't get how people can eat food that I would rather throw away than even look at. of It's good not to be poor... but that shit costs a lot! And they love it!
Hindus only have
a plethera of VD.
Been to India?
by Embrace the nature of our microbial brothers and stuff. of All is one is all.
gathered for a BBQ.
Jeffrey Dahmer came.
by I don't care if someone's gay. of But when they slip it in (pun?) their conversation every other minute, I feel violated.