I bought a parrot.
But it died when I got home.
Deceased. No more. Dead.
by It is an X-Parrot of "No, it's just resting."
Barbara Streisand.
Her nose has magic powers.
Boogers are diamonds.
by No, I am not Matt Stone or Trey Parker of But I can dream.
Go buy a parrot.
Teach it to say vulgar things.
Give it to a zoo.
by Or release it back to the wild so it can teach the other parrots.
You want to see Greeks?
A caged death match with Yanni?
Want to smash plates, too?
by A. Cropolis of Now
I want to see geeks.
Caged death match with a chicken.
Take the kids to watch.
by Wholesome family fun. of So what if he's naked.
Yessah. Finestkind.
Them lobstahs taste wicked good.
Penobscot. Ayuh.
by Mainely Haiku of Downeastuh
Get your Moxie up.
Take Coke from Doctor Pepper
Or Hunter Biden.
by Bicycle tha Crack Ho of Laptoplandia
Your satisfaction
guaranteed at this website
Quality Haikus
by Our new policy of Under Old Willow
Un monopolio:
Cuando los monos mandan
en monomundo.
by Fulano Banano of Guneo
i wonder if i
should get people from twitter
to come here to tell
me to fuck off
by moxie
I did not know they
can tattoo in microfilm.
Do they use lasers?
by People do anything to be "individual". of Even join the herd.
Whatchoo talkin' 'bout?!
Who the hell eats "iced cream"?!
But ice cream is good.
Expensive abroad.
Ten dollars for a damn pint.
Not fucking joking!
by Braum's, Haagen-Dazs... hell, even Blue Bell. of Anything but Nestle's... nasty artificial dairy crap.
I've seriously
cut back on my cheese intake.
No heart attacks, thanks.
by Unless I'm attacked by a heart. of That would be cool.
winter is coming
and though you thought it was snow
it's really iced cream
by ash of today's weather report
The hieroglyphics
tattooed on the very tip
of Figpucker's cock
by Translated to English of Just a cheese shopping list
New Superheroes
Flying Firehosepenis Man
and his Dalmatian
by Flying Firehosepenis Man of Not into kinks
Shoes in the doorway
Well it could be Grandma's dildoes
Broken hips for all!
by Jill Tripper of Welcome Mat
How many beak pecks?
Let's ask Cassowary Bird
One hundred and two.
by Fucked in the head (by Godzilla's member) of Trepanning Clinic (Just off the Old Willow Exit)
Who's had thorazine?
I wonder if it's worth it,
being admitted.
by A vacation is in order.
How many haiku
does it take to get to the
center of madness?
by Let's ask Mr. Owl.
Trepanning convert.
Cured of the insanity.
Let those demons out!
by Out demon! Out I say! of Holy water brain spritz.
Living in Asia.
Sneaking around late at night.
Jack off in their shoes.
by Strange how they pile their shoes in the doorway of the house. of Not even to the side, but like right in the doorway. You have to jump over them.
Penis cock schlong dick
dork member ding-a-ling bulge
one-eyed-wonder worm.
by The spirit of George Carlin compells you!
Godzilla's member?
We never see his penis.
New hentai genre?
by I mean, why not? of Beats demon octopussies.
We checked the fine print
Godzilla defecation
You’ll have full coverage
by Yul B. Needeep of in Godzilla poop
Movie Merchandise
Goldzilla Mega Member!
Makes your member HUGE
by Member of Membership has its benefits
No, teeth marks are good.
That means that it is real gold.
Not Jewish are you?
by Oy vay!
I hate to tell you
but I saw teeth marks down there
Dong’s made of Fool’s Gold
by Peter Panner of Undisclosed
Lloyd's of London.
Those freaks insure anything. Even my gold dong.
by No, I have not used it. of Thanks for asking.
If Godzilla pooped
and it landed on your house,
would insurance pay?
by I want to buy Godzilla poop insurane. of You're in good hands.
You probably noticed
my purrsonalized collar
and sandpaper tongue
by Starkitten of chat, chaton
starkitten...well heck
now where have i seen that name
before, chat rooms or?
by vhs
God does not love you,
but Godzilla loves money,
and that's close enough.
by Roar, smash, crash of give me that cash.
If you poop your pants
at Godzilla vs. Kong
then you're a pussy.
by Nothing to see here, plenty to smell though of move along, move along.
You have now been warned:
If you kiss the Figpucker
There will be maggots.
by Carrion Carry-on of CARRY ON
The shark has been jumped
That dead horse, one last time humped
Buh bye bad haiku
by .
Packing my valise
No need to bring much clothing
I’ll just wear a smile
by I. Tinerary of Cathouse
Listen to true crime.
That's where you will find the truth.
Because crime is TRUE.
by Forensic Analysis of The Scene
Is now dating site?
Soon you will all meet in hell
No need to make plans
by Jesus of Arkansas
The Holiday Inn.
At Oklahoma City.
Southwest Fifteenth Street.
by 4501 SW 15th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73108 of But will take some time for me to get out of here. Let's plan on July 4. We'll see.
Where will we meet, Darth?
No kissing allowed in here
Need a private room
by SK of Just a kiss away
I'm ready to quit.
Time to live on an island.
Humans are awful.
by The whole bloody lot of them. of Especially Eskimos.
I want just the best.
Lots of diners have waffles.
Few have twat waffles.
by Blue waffles made with blueberry syrup. of Yummy!
Okay Starkitten.
You want to hookup with me?
First one's a freebie.
by I'm such a whore. of And unashamed.
The lady next door
wears a triple G cup size
Better start running
by Noticed of Details of Laundry Detail
Nosey Neighborhood
Show them who's boss this summer
Lemonade in Face
by Sour Puss of Ready
Chugging Spring Tonic
Ma Nature's High Colonic
Dandelion Greens!
by Will Giveyoutheshitz of Take a Guess
A milkshake for two
Darth's balding head. We nuzzle
like horny horses
by Starhorse of Kicking the stall
Wild Springtime Bear Tug
Will he maul you this morning?
Or happy ending?
by Jack Urso, Proprietor, Grizz Tug Tours of Juneau, Alaska Juneau how to milk a cow??
It might get grizzly
if you masturbate a bear
during the spring thaw.
by New extreme sport. of Sponsored by Red Bull. It gives you wings!