I can't stand this shit.
God is omniscient, and just,
but we are so lost.
by Calvinist Doctrine of the Ongoing Reformation
Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust. We all fall down.
Ring around Rosie.
by Extinction Excitement of Thanatos
corona virus
sailing out to take us all
a sampandemic
by ash
subjected choices
confected predications
toss a word salad
by ash
Whistleblower killed.
Obamacided. Yeah, right.
Phukk the See Eye Ay.
by something happened of SHOPPING
nothing wrong with dogs
but me, i'm a cat person
tail, claws and the rest
by scotch of licking my butt - what?
No thumbs: learned English
Government experiment
I'm a real good boy
by Dog of Internet
i don't know my arce
from a big hole in the ground
but I can google
by scotch of untied states of the intertubes
the second-person
singular present active
imperative of...
by scotch of arceÅ
So now the question
Is, what does the word "arce" mean?
You dangum sumbit
by Anomalous Poet
meaning of laurice:
the foetus of the rabbit
eaten as a treat
by scotch, yum yum of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laurices
"prove humanity"
the sumbit page entreats us
and then you post links
by scotch of oh, the humanity (and yeah, page title is sumbit, which sounds like a cowboy curse)
so there's bad haiku
and then there's bad rambling prose
beyond bad, there's this
by scotch of speechless, but not haiku-less
You, Laurie Arce,
Are the greatest poetess.
What great links you have!
by Bot-Generated Marketing of Haiku Timeshare
Global Warming fears:
Alternative religion
For the atheists.
by Mystical Myths of Doom
babies are sinful
only a twisted fucker
could come up with that
by scotch of i mean, overpopulation yes
but st. augustine
had major momma issues
he said sex was sin
by scotch of "The Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve" by Stephen Greenblatt
i think sin is in.
cheat on your wives with porn stars
you're the messiah
by scotch of untied states of hypocrisy
When virtue becomes
A swear word what will come next?
Righteousness, Heaven?
by Manipulation of Population (Matt 18;2-4)
We ARE born into sin...
But the virtue-signaling
Drives me up the wall.
by St. Knox Von Calvin of Saxony
Original Sin:
The idea that birth is
The primary sin
by False Doctrine of McChurch
has infected everyone
including Christ's church.
by Your Nonexistent Virtue
pointless has a big
point like chaos, a theory
to get to a point
by vhs
who said i had these
ideas things, i just stole one
then relabelled it
by vhs of mine!
few things more pointless
than badhaiku bug reports
except the haiku
by scotch of untied states of ocd
few things more pointless
than badhaiku bug reports
except the haiku
by scotch of untied states of ocd
margin right of 10
on css class poem
would fix that^ issue
by scotch of frontend developers untie!
here's a real shocker:
the u.s. has more poor folks
than all of china
by scotch of https://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2015/10/14/credit-suisse-wealth-report-there-are-more-poor-people-in-america-than-china
When out of ideas
You can just hit them with your
Canadian Club
by Trudeau of Bludgeoning
when out of ideas,
threaten us with a good time.
boo! it's Canada
by scotch of and the rest of the developed world, but all you know is Venezuela
Hey kids! You can try
COMMUNISM! It's like how
Things are now but with
Way less food and rights!
by Salesman of Communism Rebranding Effort
You are such little
Rascals, typing haikus with
Your little fingers
by Doting Guardian Figure of Bad Haiku
May the lines blur and
I be legally allowed
To slaughter you, bitch
by Line of lines
This is a haiku
This is not a good haiku
This was a haiku
by Andrew
I can't stand money.
I know money can't stand me.
But I need money.
by Co-dependent Mess of Mammon
A Gary Busey
Pokemon, wanders into battle:
Just stands there - won't leave
by high HP, though
spoonful of sugar
heals damage and cures poison
umbrella is whack
by scotch of the imperial march from star wars is very close to spoonful of sugar , btw
here's a crazy thought:
Mary Poppins pokemon
think of her attacks
by scotch of courtesy of my nine year old son
i've posted sonnets
also a few limericks
bend, don't break the rules
there once was a guy, name of scott
who posted joku here a lot
and a sonnet or two
when he sniffed some glue
but limericks, no he did not
by scotch/scott of counting syllables
purity is an
illusion created by
the dogmas of Man
by vhs
i have not been here
in a while now, do i care?
sometimes, sometimes no
by vhs
Haiku must reign soon.
All non-haiku to be PURGED.
(Restore True Haiku)
by Bloody Upheavals of Haiku
I was born haiku
But feel like I'm a sonnet.
Please call me "Sonnet".
by Poetic Dysphoria of Damaged Goods
You make haiku. Ungh!
We make haiku together.
Ungh! Haiku. Ungh, UNGH!
by SEcret CoDE of GrUntiNG
I will report you
To Haiku Purity Squad.
You will change your ways.
by State Guidelines of Haiku
I'd write more but the
Garden gnome under my bed
Won't leave me alone
by Schizofabulous
My non-haiku identify as haiku
If you don't respect that you're a Nazi
by Syllable Justice Warrior of Trans-Syllable Equality Movement
Say it in haiku
Or don't bother to say it.
This site is haiku.
by Prose is not Poetry
my new policy:
i will ignore non-haiku
did you say something?
by scotch of the rules must be respected
i'm more concerned with "forever chemicals" and glyphosate in the water table nationwide; plants breathe co2 not micro plastics and bpa, personal solution: water and air filters - derpocrats too busy for anything but scooby doo chase to impeach orange man, improve self: improve world... something > nothing
by Oog