Frasier and the rock!
...Kelsey in Alcatraz? nah.
"The Mummy Returns"
by The Fourth Way of seattle
Back again, Fourth Way?
Here I thought you had a life...
Well, neither do I.
by Sonya of Seattle
Reality Realty:
hosing housing but buyer
is wishy washy
by The Fourth Way of seattle
Apnea, Asthma,
Arthritis: skull, chest, crossbones-
need pirate doctor.
by The Fourth Way of seattle
I see Imposters
posing as poets, posting.
guess it's a sixth sense.
by The Fourth Way of seattle
synechdocal labia
as i kiss the gnome
by radical cheerleader of in the shit
oh oh mmmm uh uh
yeah oh god yes uh mmm mm mm
oh god baby yeah baby
by sylph of airborne
you say cranberry
juice drips from your lips, distant
as i kiss the phone
by kitten of love of in your mouth
boz sez 'good tings! yes
own lee good tings! no bad tings!
good tings! yes now yes!
by global village
you are ugly inside
full of poop and intestines
outside you are cute
by ozlore of indoors
goodness gracious me
I seem to have offended
let me drop my pants
by ozlore of indoors
my monkey is nice
he has only six fingers
love him very hard
by pooper doo of doo land
anyone can ask
what's the answer to it all
it is 42
by Ozlore of indoors
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 8
(seven is too long)
by ozlore of indoors
A sad monkey weeps,
crying, his lost banana.
Feel for the monkey.
by HappyEvil of
my lava lamp sucks
I burned out the bulb in it
shoddy 60's crap
by Ozlore of indoors
mind be lost, is mine?
inner peace, tranquility
have gone from me now
by redbeard, ranting in KU
I post today, my
sanutty maintained by
only misspelling.
by redbeard
I don't care about traditional haiku format.
Seventeen syllables is a bad thing and I don't like it.
Why don't you all suck my ass?
Thank you.
by raging johnson
I fondle my balls
with a ladle full of soup.
Hot Soup! I see God!
by Frenchy
I think I'm in trouble now.
I pulled off my balls.
by Frenchy
The yield is too low
Disgruntled technicians frown
Management wonder
They will close the plant
No more platters for Big Blue
A loss for no-one
by barry of Under the cleanroom
I am calm and bob..
for tech support is all called
by the name of bob
by redbeard
Be calm little ones,
Rabbi Bob is calm you know;
Be calm and be Bob.
by Rabbi Bob of Maine
base junkies die, for
what you create is sure not
artistic hiaku
even at bad haiku
there is not a need for your
constant babbling.
by redbeard
i long take my hmm?
wonder it to idea
how will get across.
by mike fictitious of baltimore, md
Give me all your BASE!
You have no chance to survive!
ZIG, for great Justice!
Hello gentleman.
Your base are belong to me!
Set up us the BOMB!
by Ferris5150 of Pittsburgh
counting off minutes
this day will never be be done
I want to go home.
by arcsine
In the shadow of
Glass and concrete, busy ants
Do their work unseen.
by Sonya of Seattle
Why are women bad?
They must lack all the extra
goodness we men have.
by mike fictitious of baltimore, md
don't say it if it's
been said! You dildo heads don't
care or know what's there!
by Miss Everything
I was gonna say -?
400 haiku - one day
too much, no one reads?
then I saw: Janis!
beat me to it at #6240
I do my research!!
by Miss Everything
office fog of funk
visitors mention nothing
I know they smell it
by dirty washcloth of SantaClara, CA
mr. T is white
thot you knew he was outa
sight. he ain't? alright!
by boo
Visions of cheddar
Remind me of what once was
Who moved my cheese, eh?
by Anonymous Poet
That is not dead which
can eternal lie, suckas!
Mr. T is back.
by Plastickiwi
Ulyssean ruse,
Doppleganger missives:
Naked Wife virus
by Plastickiwi
bash korn bourne bin dot,
var home temp vol dev opt proc.
I am _such_ a geek.
by arcsine
I did not mean to
Press the button twice to send
Message said error
by Anonymous Coward of Hell
Javascript is off?
You cannot view this site, friend.
I suggest upgrade.
by Anonymous Coward of Hell
Javascript is off?
You cannot view this site, friend.
I suggest upgrade.
by Anonymous Coward of Hell
Clear, flawless diction;
conversational phrasing;
warmth; humanity.
by Jude of Austin TX
die, mean ex-girlfriend
drop mothballs in her gas tank
on the fourth of july
by arcsine
I hate business trips
Quitting is not an option
Poor overpaid shmuck
by Anonymous Coward of Hell
Whine like little turds
But you knew this was coming.
Japan is more screwed.
Current dumb leader:
"A ten percent approval?
One in ten like me!"
by mad
perhaps if you code
and if you write bad haikus
as perl poetry
then you should visit
2 0 6 . 1 7 0
. 1 4 . 7 6
which has too many
sylables to be this poem
poetry link good
by redbeard of Intellectual sweatshop, beaverton, OR.
Last night's sleeplessness
forced extended listens to
Karen Carpenter.
by Jude of Austin TX
inner meaning sucks
why think someone else's thoughts?
horny flowers rule.
by arcsine
My tongue this morning
smelled like a hunk of Gouda
left out in stiff wind.
by Jude of Austin TX
Crocuses thrust up;
Daffodils pierce frigid earth;
Winter raped by spring.
by Sonya of Seattle