Nah, it really should be Va-
by The Fourth Way of seattle
I am going school
It is a shame they do not
are have fried rice there.
by fattroll
Indiana Jones
In the bedroom with the whip
Raiding the treasure
by The Fourth Way of seattle
Meaning found within,
not in some lousy haiku :
go try seppuku!
by Rhys of New Orleans
I hate "All Your" crap
How many fools can there be?
will it never end?
by ghostxxx of Fort Worth
Too much Haiku here.
No more meaning any more.
Chaters must all die.
by Vert
Are belong to us now
Don't be afarid of
spontaneous poetry:
makes us fools sound wise.
by Rhys of New Orleans
What good's a blow job
When you're stuck on an island.
Soth? no...Ginger? yes!
by The Fourth Way of seattle
Is Popedo my
father? my penis is quite
unmatched in size
by fattroll of hi
I am deathly scared
that my normal speach patterns
will be haiku form
by ghostxxx of Fort Worth
Soth suck mad dick
Thurston smiles happily
Because the dick is his
by Anonymous Poet
Dallas is very close
Debbie has left her mark here
I walk with a limp
by ghostxxx of Fort Worth
Solve ghostly riddle :
look no farther than my phone,
corp'rate slave to Sprint!
by Rhys of New Orleans
Wow, "ghost xxx".
Is that like porn for spirits?
"Deb does dallas dead"?
by The Fourth Way of seattle
I can't tell if you
spelled "lose" wrong purposefully
if not, point well made.
by ghostxxx of Fort Worth
misspelled words confound
even the savviest folk
no need to loose sleep
by The Fourth Way of seattle
I feel like a dolt
my spelling is often fine
I guess i fucked up.
by ghostxxx of Fort Worth
Here is a riddle:
Wireless, red square, lines, pin drop
who do i work for?
by ghostxxx of Fort Worth
It's ampersand
@@ like those creatures in
those star wars movies
by The Fourth Way of seattle
Woops I did it ag-
This sentence is in between
Living la vida-
by ghostxxx of Fort Worth
e-mail: dumb dot org
preceded by g h x
and then amperstand
by ghostxxx of Fort Worth
Balloon buffoon box
clown pulls out honkers, toys, games,
for a birthday bash
by The Fourth Way of Seattle
I will give to you
My Identity if you
Let me have yours once
by ghostxxx of Fort Worth
I am writing this
because I just mentioned it
on #povar:stratics
by ghostxxx of Fort Worth
only seems that way
they've taken your email down
they're gonna find you
by The Fourth Way of seattle
Did anyone else
Notice that the email field
does not do a thing?
by ghostxxx of Fort Worth
if you smell the glove
then maybe in the winter
you see the weasel
by ghostxxx of Fort Worth
I lube up my thumb
so I can show you how I
stroke my cock and balls
by ghostxxx of Fort Worth
How many more now?
I could likely write day
these poems are suck.
by ghostxxx of Fort Worth
according to tool
you ARE the man, and me too...
gotta love Maynard
by The Fourth Way of seattle
Bitches with cell phones
do often drive SUVs.
wish I had a gun
by ghostxxx of Fort Worth
As I sit at work
I do strive to slack off more
"fuck the man," says me
by ghostxxx of Fort Worthless
Texas is full of
rednecks, cowboys and hicks
they love bar-b-que
by ghostxxx of Fort Worth
Your search engine sucks
Is that the best you can do?
Time for something new.
by BigBallz
Nasdaq is tanking
day traders wish they had kept
that insurance job
by doctor b
There's corn in my poo
Last night's succatash passed
like shit through a goose
by Bung Daddy
who am i to them,
twenty-some and spiky hair?
am i okay there?
by teemac of California
beEeoL say he is taaa'hrd
threw the biTch against the wall..
gots to gets his sleeps
by LObsTeR of fORT wOrf
I still sleepy now
Bed hair it sticking straight up.
Must go brush my teeth.
by BeeOOll of Dallas
That mound of umber
Goodness you just stepped into
Came from my dog's ass
by Buttercup of Athens
trying not to do
what I should but why should I?
today's just tuesday
by dee
Oh no! I sent porn.
It was not my intention.
Can you forgive me?
by tam a lama din don of DE-troit
Haiku written with
No inspiration are not
Very good, are they?
by Matt of Virginia
Sooty Telesto
This is causing a low yield
Something must be done
The filters must be dirty
by Barry of UNderneath the cleenroom
fat fool moon goads me
to spew a few words, all so
by VerbaLizer of NYC
Why trust a hand held
appliance? So thrilling when
it jerks you around.
by mellie
Another Failure!
Can you not perceive the faults?
Get out of my sight!
by Barry of Underneath the cleanroom.
is that a fact Ash?
we all knew it would happen.
even before you.
by mellie
I re-iterate
You must know that All Your Base
Are Belong To Us
by Barry of Underneath the cleanroom.