I want your empty V
HS. MTVHS Tivo Beavis and Butthead.
Fuck haiku and the Nippos that invented them.
5-7-5 is gay.
I prefer South Park.
Rebel against numbers. Do the numbers care? 42.
by Darth Bifurcating Figpucker Poo of Smithsonian Institute Exhibit of Stinky People
must have something to
do with thinking rebellion
for rebellion's sake
is a reason for
the whole enterprise and thus
I want my MTV haiku
by vhs
Farts make me happy.
Especially when in church.
Muffled laughs echo.
A Tri-Delta smelt a fart from my ass wholly disgusted and perturbed by the disturbed misbehavior of my super-intelligent sphincter that stinked her out of the room with a sonic... BOOM!...
Or two... or three... or FOUR!...
She slammed the damned door like the plastic Barbie whore she is!
My, but my butt has its very own mind where you step please; you snooze, you'll lose your shoes. SPLAT!
(If you've never farted on and then stolen the shoes off a drunken sorority girl, you've never truly lived).
by evi1 - a novel about farts of attired uticesi
I ate bad tacos.
I made bifurcating poo.
It was really gross.
by Darth Figpucker
oh poop, and here we
are throwing ideas like those
primates throwing poo
was there a teletubby named poo?
by vhs
by BifurcatingPoo of digital potty sanitation engineer
the last minute, the
slump, forecast of doom it tells
what of history
how much has it been
said something will fail when years
later the thing goes on
by vhs
can we do haiku
about breakfast cereal
in honor of seinfeld?
by vhs
well given the world
we live in a place like this
gives us space to breathe
by vhs
Oh circumcision!
Literally a rip-off
Followed by bagels
by C.H. Nissan
Interesting fact:
First definition of "Geek":
man who screws chickens.
Or bites their heads off
as part of a circus show.
Now it means a nerd.
How did this happen?
Either way applies to me.
See the video.
by Chicken Fucker on YouTube of Sumo wrestler with diarrhea
and like a certain
subaru may it go for
100,000 more hits
by vhs
go you bad haiku
raging after all these years
well who'da thunk it ?
by ash
Bad Haiku on reaching yet
another milestone.
by Adam
irony is chic
still to me, not dead but a
tradition, well worn
by vhs
politics aside
I have older fashioned views
I am likely to
become silent, think
data is a dead thing to me
welcome to the machine
but this is janis's webby
let's back to haiku
by vhs
I found a new link.
To download my evil book.
Click on the link here.
It's just a word doc.
Not a computer virus.
Just a brain virus.
by evi1 - a novel about you of Planet Rupert
Considering the deforestation of the planet, I'm not against e-books. Considering e-books allows small time people to publish and be read/discovered. Considering publishers get 90% of profits.... Yeah, I don't like brick & mortar.
by who cares.
On a single Nook
I can fit a thousand books.
Now just have a look.
by Anonymous Poet
Fifty K haiku.
Fall into oblivion.
What else should we do?
by Darth Figpucker
think think? who thinks when
my smartphone can think for me
come to think oh I
don't have one
by vhs
generation x said
to generation y y
bother, 50,000
by vhs
the ego can't hide
from the id, as it would be
freud not dear sir, mom!!!!
by vhs of cut and paste
it's coming, aj
abrams whatever he does
some film, who cares? oh
laws of power aside...
by vhs
like the man in the
x wing said..."almost there" then
darth vader shot
by vhs
what you think us those
ewoks? I will be pleased with
my own ayn rand spasm...
by vhs
alas poor piggy, thus
the growth doth word accounts thus
bricks, mortar, shame
by vhs
yes I've heard it all
before and you're going to
have me sign your book
by vhs
But think, VHS.
Imagine the trees we'll save.
Trees we can live in!
Who needs to read books?!
Video games are better.
I'll wipe with Shakespear.
by Darth Figpucker
elmore leonard just
passed away and I will say
it's a crime he's gone
by vhs
groovy, well let's get
on with the countdown then and
make it go fiddy
by vhs
The countdown is on
The haiku odometer
Is about to roll
by Janis
fast instant and no
way to disconnect the new
wave had crashed and washed
away my old culture
by vhs
I think the paper
book is going the way of
the toilet paper
flush :(
by vhs
"Mom, what is S & M?"
She thinks for a few seconds.
Then replies, "Beats me!"
by Darth Figpucker of Sitting on comode, posting bad haiku. Technology is great!
I am told though that
a book a day keeps people
at bay, I was told
I was lost in a
world of symbols but sometimes
you just need to tell
people know thyself
and in some cases you need
to tell them fuck off
by vhs
so does chewing um
tobacco oh I tried to
quit verily, my
face doth falleth off
by vhs
Poets are grumpy
old men, and grumpy old men
are they, verily!
by Darth Figpucker of Reading books causes cancer.
I am too bitter
about some kid making a joke
about the death of
books, addendum was
not enough, my spirit demands
he eat flesh, drink blood
but that's the stale old
wafers and grape juice of the
protestant ritual
that's how pissed I am
by vhs
I should be working;
Not posting silly haiku.
That's my work ethic.
by evi1 - a novel about you - chapter 4 of VHS's attic. ;-)
Uploading my book.
To Booksie dot com. What fun!
It shall offend all!
by Naked pictures of zha zha gabor of haiting manifold
Hannibal Lecter;
my favorite character.
I like fava beans!
What do you call a banana that ate a banana?
A bananibal!
by evi1 - a novel about you, chapter 2 of Porn theater janitor's closet
Hush, my high poo fiend;
bare your hard dick cheese, oh squeeze
guy secrete over.
by evi1 - a novel about you of Norad Defense Base
what if I eat hannibal lecter?
by vhs
You are what you eat
So I became a nacho
Please do not eat me
by Alex of Melbourne
Lush, my haiku friend;
Share your hardened cheese, oh please
My secret lover
by Alex of Melbourne
holy cows and goats
I like camembert at noon
and feta at nine
by Lush
Post-microwave cheese
can be extremely tasty
if it's sharp cheddar.
Now this sounds crazy,
but a tangy Swiss will make
delicious nachos.
But never heat brie;
doing so ruins the taste.
Always eat brie cold.
by Hannibal Lecter's Apprentice.
so we grow old and
we grow with regrets, no shit
let it go damn it
maybe you give your
own ass a second chance but
I expect snarls, shrugs
by vhs
well you make what life
has in store, but you don't hear
from those happy in
the arts now do you?
just the guy bitching about
something to glen beck
by vhs