like the man in the
x wing said..."almost there" then
darth vader shot
by vhs
what you think us those
ewoks? I will be pleased with
my own ayn rand spasm...
by vhs
alas poor piggy, thus
the growth doth word accounts thus
bricks, mortar, shame
by vhs
yes I've heard it all
before and you're going to
have me sign your book
by vhs
But think, VHS.
Imagine the trees we'll save.
Trees we can live in!
Who needs to read books?!
Video games are better.
I'll wipe with Shakespear.
by Darth Figpucker
elmore leonard just
passed away and I will say
it's a crime he's gone
by vhs
groovy, well let's get
on with the countdown then and
make it go fiddy
by vhs
The countdown is on
The haiku odometer
Is about to roll
by Janis
fast instant and no
way to disconnect the new
wave had crashed and washed
away my old culture
by vhs
I think the paper
book is going the way of
the toilet paper
flush :(
by vhs
"Mom, what is S & M?"
She thinks for a few seconds.
Then replies, "Beats me!"
by Darth Figpucker of Sitting on comode, posting bad haiku. Technology is great!
I am told though that
a book a day keeps people
at bay, I was told
I was lost in a
world of symbols but sometimes
you just need to tell
people know thyself
and in some cases you need
to tell them fuck off
by vhs
so does chewing um
tobacco oh I tried to
quit verily, my
face doth falleth off
by vhs
Poets are grumpy
old men, and grumpy old men
are they, verily!
by Darth Figpucker of Reading books causes cancer.
I am too bitter
about some kid making a joke
about the death of
books, addendum was
not enough, my spirit demands
he eat flesh, drink blood
but that's the stale old
wafers and grape juice of the
protestant ritual
that's how pissed I am
by vhs
I should be working;
Not posting silly haiku.
That's my work ethic.
by evi1 - a novel about you - chapter 4 of VHS's attic. ;-)
Uploading my book.
To Booksie dot com. What fun!
It shall offend all!
by Naked pictures of zha zha gabor of haiting manifold
Hannibal Lecter;
my favorite character.
I like fava beans!
What do you call a banana that ate a banana?
A bananibal!
by evi1 - a novel about you, chapter 2 of Porn theater janitor's closet
Hush, my high poo fiend;
bare your hard dick cheese, oh squeeze
guy secrete over.
by evi1 - a novel about you of Norad Defense Base
what if I eat hannibal lecter?
by vhs
You are what you eat
So I became a nacho
Please do not eat me
by Alex of Melbourne
Lush, my haiku friend;
Share your hardened cheese, oh please
My secret lover
by Alex of Melbourne
holy cows and goats
I like camembert at noon
and feta at nine
by Lush
Post-microwave cheese
can be extremely tasty
if it's sharp cheddar.
Now this sounds crazy,
but a tangy Swiss will make
delicious nachos.
But never heat brie;
doing so ruins the taste.
Always eat brie cold.
by Hannibal Lecter's Apprentice.
so we grow old and
we grow with regrets, no shit
let it go damn it
maybe you give your
own ass a second chance but
I expect snarls, shrugs
by vhs
well you make what life
has in store, but you don't hear
from those happy in
the arts now do you?
just the guy bitching about
something to glen beck
by vhs
devoid of reason
and absent explanation
voided my bowels
by Lush
I opened the site
and read what I was doing
double u tee eff??
by Lush
a long time reader
and perpetual poster
now I've read and lived
by Lush
alex of Melbourne
i'm literally eating
hardened cheese right now
by Lush
I want castration.
To never get hard again.
To be a eunuch.
Marriage is pure hell.
As fucking a lifeless corpse.
She only wants cash.
Whores are more honest.
They don't pretend to love you,
while wanting your cash.
by Anonymous Poet
I made some nachos
There is no-one to share with
The cheese has hardened.
by Alex of Melbourne
A cake is baking.
Rum and scoured, partly devoured.
Fatter than me, hell.
by Fart PigDucker of Darth Brooks, Achy Breaky Fart
My asshole itches.
Damn those Philippine butt worms!
My farts won't kill them.
They're impervious
to even my flatulence!
Philippine butt worms
inspired Prometheus,
but are hella worse!
by Darth Figpucker of I never tell lies!
awake and aching
summoned, sourced, fully divorced
shatter evr'y bell
by Lush
damnable image
lost in metaphor once more
i just walked around
by Lush
Monday is so slow
How will I ever make it
Friday is so far
by Camrick Clark of Portland, Oregon
Fuck Priceline dot com.
They'll rebook you to Iran.
Two day layover.
by Darth Figpucker
I was like baby
baby baby oh - baby
baby baby no
by Non Beleiber
once adrift upon
then next inherent and soiled
today in orbit
by Lush
beckon the truth, mate
and suffer indigestion
no plate, a buffet
by Lush
if I have to read
the flowers of evil and
feel myself snore, a
ripe time to one up the old drug
addicted poet eh?
by vhs
and darth is a well
better writer than I am
so well, are we nuts?
the rest of the net
gone all flat and bland and corped
out, soroyama
where the hell is your
sexy cyborg women here
well dr. who's good
by vhs
well what about the
french, escouffier and wine
and cheese, no heart probs.
don't get me started
by vhs
We Americans
eat not for hunger, but fun.
Why do they hate us?
by Darth Figpucker
Balut McMuffin (R)
Hard boiled duck embryo
On toasted rice bread.
Abortion clinic
is right next door to McD's.
Is it really duck?
by Darth Figpucker
there's ethnic choices
in food in mcdonalds and it
sounds better the choice
peeps in india
have as well as japan they
might sell them here hmm?
by vhs
well pink is the cute
pop star who is kinda punk
commercially and...
the meat grinder thing
you see my mind works like that
without drugs, so think
of my mind up on
something, I'd become a
fucking accountant
"numbers, numbers!!! wow"
but I suppose, ever read
The Phantom Tollbooth?
by vhs of suggesting mind expanding cartoons and movies
"If my crack clenches,
fist it open before I
use it and lose my stool."
--The Poo
Almost a haiku.
by Darth Figpucker, The Highly Inappropriate; Chicken Fucker Video Link of letter ensinedy
we're just two lost souls
oh by the way, which one's pink ?
well my mind's a blank
by ash