parsing out the "ISMS"
is like separating dog
from cat shit still's shit
by stinky skanky ideologies
if we tore it all
down and started over the
same thing would happen
by its the same old song
Marie Antoinette
did she really say "Let them
eat cake." what a bitch!!
by storm the Bastille
here the primal sounds
that play out in the halls of
politics each day
by they just use fancier words
Jealousy ain't good.
It's negative energy.
Get over it, dog.
by Get your own bone.
Waa waa waa waa waa,
Waa double waa waa waa waa!
Waaaaaaa wa wa wa wa...
by Waaaaa! of Boo Effing Hoo
No one shouts louder
work hard you lazy people
My father made it!!!
it's your fault you failed!
Than one who inherits! wealth.
You know what i mean?
I met a man who succedded to great welth! claimed all his own work! His company went bust. Did he claim that was him too? Did he hell!!! It was everybody ell's fault but his.
by Lets see you do ity then
by Anonymous Poet
Those who have had luck
look down their noses, lip curled
assume it was them.
by Just Lucky You Were Born Here, Not There! of Location, Location, Location!
Excuses flying.
Often young children have them.
Mostly, they all stink.
by Forward, No Excuses of Hard Work, No Cry-Babies
every time I
focus on POSITIVES my
dark side emerges
by glimmers of light in the darkness
All of your focus
on things being so damn hard
sure plan for failure
by Focus on The Positive
"no problem can be
solved from the same consciousness
that created it"
by Albert Einstein
sit next to you
find a reason to look away;
I can't.
by Cecinestpasunhaiku
maintaining BALANCE
when life's playing field is so
tilted is damn hard
by been down so long it all looks up to me
TRUISM that fear
sucks the lives out of us so
learn to ride life's wave
by Anonymous Poet
rise & fall golden ages
entropy follows
by birth death rebirth
Go confidently.
Be not naive, but still trust.
Fear can freeze movement.
by Balance, Not Fear
Humans have been scared,
predicting the end is near,
from the beginning.
by Be Not Afraid
The Apocalypse
is soon upon us now let
the real games begin
by Survival Olympics of The Road
corporate thugs rob
with impunity and get
bonuses not jail
by rising white collar crime of amoral USA
strong prey on the weak
in natural selection's
name that's just peachy
by caveat emptor grandma/pa
Darwinism strands used
to bolster Capitalism
Communism Facism
by the bloody dialectic
Hitler believed in
Natural Selection where
the strongest* survive
* - superior Aryan breed/race
by who is your role model?
Typos frustrate me.
I must have missed the red line.
I meant to type "It's".
by Anonymous Poet of Headed back to School Myself! :)
I'ts not possible.
One is part of the other.
Put the crack pipe down.
by Stay in School
manipulative behavior
from meaningful intent
by liza
Pearl necklace for me
It not bought from Tiffany's
Gooey mess to clean
by Pearl
Uganda hates gays
They want to murder us
We will get them back
by Anonymous Poet
Men in Ruwanda
Send me many scam emails
I am not a chump
by Anonymous Poet of Ohio
Take my gallbladder
Monday morning surgery
I feel so exposed
by Anonymous Poet of Ohio
The sounds monkeys make
reminds me of my third ex.
Or was it the fourth?
by I Like The Quiet Ones of In My Chair Being Serviced by The Beotch
"oh no, it wasn't
the planes. It was Beauty that
killed the Beast!!" Denham
by King Kong 1933
Take your damn dirty
paws off of me. You stinking
ape! Charlton Heston
by Planet of the Apes 1968
what is the law?! Not
to walk on all fours! Are we
not men?! Bela L.
by Island of Lost Souls 1932
One man's monkey sounds
is another man's wisdom.
Go find a mirror.
by We are all monkeys
rumblings from haiku
monkey house lots of noise but
not much more than that
by Anonymous Poet
So, off with you now.
Go and take your bad feelings
to Dr. Phil 's show.
by Feelings...nothing more than feelings...ahahahahahahaha
They say he took it.
No, they handed it to him.
Fool and his money...
by Natural Selection has no feelings. of The strong shall survive for the good of the species, Skippy.
it's like trying to
have a turnip develop
EMPATHY ain't there
by I waste my energy on you
you are so off the
mark I'm diversified and
safe I just feel bad.........
for all the others
who got royally fucked by
a broken system
by and we get made at the govt.
most normal people
DO address underlying
issues to problems
by keep playing the sage
You put all your eggs
into the one small basket
Shame on you too, son.
by Con Man wrong, conned man stupid
most normal people
don't accept mega bonuses
when company tanks
by where are core values
most normal people
don't rationalize screwing
others royally
by normal people with ethics
Wise man understands
Crying children need strong hand
Teach them to work hard
by Lazy Mind and Body Becomes Unbalanced
most normal people
don't lie on a grand scale to
maximize profit
by greed is greed is greed
most normal people
don't rape people of their life
savings sans remorse
by ponzi scheming
Most normal folks say
crashing aircraft on purpose
evidence of kook
by Calm Down, Grow Up
and you wonder why
people fly planes into tall
buildings they're nuts right?!
by man flies plane into IRS offices