in east coast blizzard's
tight grip time to end foolish
haiku find substance
by curl up and read a classic
America's reign
will crumble as the British
Empire did too
colonialism we're not
so different are we?!
by All things must pass
get historical
and hysterical leaves you
a blathering fool
by stick with your infantile erotic fantasies
Brits v. progeny
we sprang from your loins then won
our freedom sorry...
by one war we won
I'll name just a few
Vietnam, Cambodia,
Korea, Iraq
The List go's on and on and on!
by Anonymous Poet
spelling and grammar
not your forte, eh? "Your right"
You're right no matter
by flawed and scarred
The list is endless
We all know Americans
start fights but then lose
I'm with Dad on this one.
by List is too long
how can anyone
lose in unreality
world it's in your mind
by losing and humiliation in your mind
Your losing this fight
Your right! No competition
childish insults next?
by Just call me "DAD"
You shouldn't pick fights
At least those you can not win.
It will end in tears
I'm with Dad on this one.
by Anonymous Poet
if Lance Armstrong rode
'gainst Team Tricycle there's no
competition here
by now take your 3 wheeler and ride home
You don't like to lose
But you are! It's fun watching
I'm with Dad on this.
by Anonymous Poet
schemesis Spelled wrong
Just thought you may like to know
Since you criticize
by Just call me "DAD"
and every word
like a bandage bared reveals
emotional scars
by in your case less is more
haiku on the LEFT
handle [by...] on RIGHT there's no
Yiddish haiku here
by Reactions without thought
Haiku in Yiddish
Wow.A Jewish Haiku boy
Does your Mum know? Ah
by Anonymous Poet
enemy outflanking
crumbling defenses retreat
not an option here
by the good guys wore grey
in this fantasy
word-world haiku battles ebb and
flow sans consequence
by nemesis schnemesis
sorry I stepped on
your dream to impregnate the
world 'lil stud muffin
by I leave you to your wet dreams
'ere I was born he
spoke ENGLISH in a reckless
and banal manner
mummy cut him slack
because the Blitz made him daft
blame the concussions
by concussed in the Battle of Britain
Battle of halfwit
We all need a Nemesis
So recognize yours
Im on Dads side.
by Anonymous Poet
Check your old English
you will find your are wrong. OH!!!
oh ye little brain
by Just call him stupid of Just call me "DAD"
ill-will across the
pond by any other name
is still spelled the same
by Just call me stupid DADDY
hurling stones marked oaf
moron dullard bones broken
upon impact "Ouch!!"
by you are hurting my feelings
haiku persona
blustery threatening masked
his mild-manner
by Haiku half-with
reptilian tongue
markedly forked always pulled
in two directions
by speaking in tongues
Oh i speak English
Since before you were born. Oaf!
My native tongue
by just call me "DAD" of This time use an English Dictionary?
I'm searching my mind
The lone single sputtering
Overworked brain cell
by Offcameher head of Boulder, Colorado
each moment is fresh
simply because it never
existed before
by Haiku half-wit
A day in one's life
is like any other day
sun-up, then sun-down
The day is the same
but the contents make the life
and that's the difference
by Anonymous Poet
when it can be
most often the case-
it never will.
its not too early
its never too late-
well it is just late.
one never walks alone
one is never too far away-
distance is perception.
just a question
that wants no answer-
now what?
wearing a mask
standing in disguise-
is most revealing.
cannot escape fate
never from certainty-
not likely from memory.
by mundane
normal Venice day
then heard single thunder clap
found self in Norway
by Technokoi of Venice Beach
I once knew a girl
who Twittered during coitus
..."this fucking is great!"
by "This is great fucking" or "This is fucking great!"
dulard [sic] oaff [sic]
guess you're a hooked on phonics
kinda guy....guessin'
by you speaka da Queens ingles?
LSD day-trippers
meets Red Bull generation
major values clash
by sixties v. double 00s
Windows XP, you've
gone "tits up" for the last time:
replaced you with Linux
by studboy of Venice, CA
Oh how right you are
Prepubescent Moron minds
Not fathered by me
by Just Call me "DAD" of What a load of Dulards.
all was quiet on
the haiku front 'til morons
attacked us at dawn
by Anonymous Poet
want to make babies
take prophylactic measures
become a eunuch
by hitting the high notes
humor gone awry
go work on your material
foolish manchild
by I am your DADDY're my boy toy
your pubescent mind/spelling
levels congruent
by call me DADDY
Self important Oaff's
Severely lacking Humor
Oh what a good joke
by Just call me "DAD" of So easy to winde you up
imperfect beings
grist for God's mill stone emerge
the finest flour
by Haiku half-wit
a "sowing machine"
this baba-sucking manchild
cries out " me!!"
by LIVE...infantile eroticism
a "sowing machine"
this baba-sucking manchild
cries out WAH love me!!
dolt..Just call me DAD
by LIVE...infantile eroticism
best to clone yourself
and keep your gene pool PURE
brimming with GENIUS
by why propagate when you can clone
I just love baby's
Now I can live forever
So lets make some more
by Just call me DAD
In reality,
killing time is just a way
in which time kills us
by Crimson Mind of Phoenix, AZ
I am a looser
always last, never first; No
i am failure; Yes
by looser of texas
Such immature thoughts
are best left for fantasy
and not acted on
by Amongst The Rabble