Is Twitter needed?
Do I need to know you pooped?
Save that for Facebook.
by Crimson Mind of Phoenix, AZ
Don't care who wins game
Watching for the commercials
and The Who halftime
by Crimson Mind of Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix: Large small town
Backassward, Ingnorant, Stale
Cultural Wasteland
by Crimson Mind of Phoenix, AZ
If I know better,
why don't I do the right things?
Can I know what's right?
by Amongst The Rabble
a broken clock
will not stop time-
only pauses it.
an old typewriter
and a smoking pipe-
wheres the moment?
time ascends
and time descends-
all in dark color.
gray foggy day
forsaken old stone path-
stillness prevails.
in the abandoned house
a vaporous image of youth-
rests halfway up the stairs.
when one icon
is not enough-
send up two.
fresh promise of youth
smashed and broken life-
city street death waits.
among steps no longer used
tree roots have taken over-
flowering weeds thrive.
morning sun breaks over
mist hidden lake waters-
moss covered pier decays.
beasts wait silently
invisible in deep forests-
impervious to time.
by mundane
Palin speaks to Tea
Party gathering "GREAT!!"
shrieks the Mad Hatter
and Queen of Hearts' blind fury
"now off with his head!"
by radical right heeds the call
Seven Eleven
clerk by day jihadist at
night check your Slurpee!
by the enemy is among us
whisking Haitian kids
to a better life and souls
saved in Jesus' name
by when you meet a zealot RUN!
Why can't I learn this:
When dirty and clean cross paths,
both end up the same
by Amongst The Rabble
Grecian urns adorn
her interior walls with
countless one true loves
by in tribute to karen p
admit it sometimes
you find solace in others'
pain and suffering
by misery loves company
feel good stories don't
fuel the ANGST give 'em double
by bartender make mine HIGH ANXIETY
mostly about you
the world turns, but then nature
breaks you fuckin heart
by the great weather/ always big news
some eight months ago
I joined haiku-robics to
exercise my mind
by Hans and Franz pump you up on haiku-robics
when its 1 0 5
i wont have an angry word
i'll just smile and sweat
by makotim
Once, unwittingly,
my words broke a young girl's heart;
One never forgets
by Amongst The Rabble
It snows every day,
or so it seems as of late
Will it snow this spring?
by Amongst The Rabble
34 degrees
it feels like a day in spring
except for the snow
by makotim of missouri
'neath unbearable
weight of steel stone grief
death's most foul callings
I am buried here
crushed hopes and life ebbing know
here I am dying
by Haiku half-wit
from the loosened edge
of her soggy bottom oozed
unspeakable stains
by who dares to call them Golden Years
the bank has crumbled
and i fall flat on my face
inhaling the dirt
by wretch weaver
he tried to explain
the king snake was safe as his
screaming classmates fled
man wears t-shirt with
seat belt design to not have
to wear his seat belt
by you can not make this up
screams and laughter
in the tub waves lap 'oer rim
aquatic cherubs
by Haiku half-wit
on a bigger note
the whole beast of on line life
great e-barrier reef
by bs
thousands of phrases
enfolding over time build
The Great Haiku Reef
by Haiku half-wit
screams and laughter from
the loo... "It's backing up!!!"
effluent children
by call the plumber
ego invested
parents drag their "mini-me"
from pillar to post
progeny reflects
folks' vicarious mission
"we" will...MUST succeed
by let the children play
thousands of dollars
spent on ballroom dance lessons
still can't dance worth shit
by Crimson Mind of Phoenix, AZ
making a strong comeback in
ole' Gommorah town
by Can I get a little
sex in a stable
guilty as charged but the horse
gave nary a neigh
by stable hand of Goshen Historic Track
Winters' sun alight
dimly through descending snow-
daydreams of summer.
by mundane
is there still a big
red button that doesn't do
anything online?
by bs
wayne schenk won one mil
but died of lung cancer 'fore
he cashed his first check
by lottery tales of woe
he won 31 mil
in the texas lottery
"worst thing that happened"
by suicide note of billie bob harrell jr.
they found him under
a concrete slab lottery
winner met jackals
by lottery tales of woe
win the lottery
next day struck and killed by car
fairly long odds yes?
by up one minute down the next
my super is a
sex offender with keys to
my apartment HELP
by only in NYC
Someone, anyone
Please mangle Nora Ephron
Before she types on
by Lush
Sumo you get up
You are much too fat to sit
on my very small lap
by Davita Lasalle of That Great Big Burlesque Show in the Sky
Artist gave painting all
But woman have twelve fingers
That does not seem right
by BAMOO Haiku Committee of Ohio
bad art hang on walls
the artist had no talent
heart was in right place
by Stu Koblentz of Ohio
hundreds of light years
afar they watch/listen/wait
what to do with US
by Anonymous Poet
organism sloughs
off waste products despoils
the land and is called...
by WE
Earth the Pale Blue Dot
It's Home to all we have been
For perhaps always?
by William Nippress
I could force my hands
to make creative movements
without any thoughts...
by snail
pick up the pace,
no room to cheat here,
what's your goal?
by shama of whateveropolis
beat me, one challenge
after another, love.
by Shama of whateveropolis
first the mac snack wrap
then the ipad, what the fuck
armageddon's here
by wretch weaver of 2010: the year of bad ideas
windblown dream of a
vast kite armada swooping
'oer dunes and land's end
by Haiku half-wit