anyhow, verbal
filters removed, and this we
see what this will breed
probably a repeat of
"oh what drivel he writes,
how I continue to be a pompous worthless deep down suicidal wreckage"
i remember David Foster Wallace, wrote smart ass hip shit...died with a noose around his neck
I assume some will end this way from this place
by bs
I fantasize about
putting you in your place so
I am accepted
by bs
the reasons capos
got respect was people's fear
of being murdered
if you said that to
them, a piano wire
decoration you'd be
it's not right, but we
reduce ourselves to animals
instincts, Leviathan...
justification for the
Divine Right of Kings, how
by bs
if you want me to
be civil, act civil and
connect with your "foe"
by bs
how many times out of
frustration have I thought
crowbar through head, that
death will be the one
thing that will shut you up or
what about me, then let's
go to war, I mean
to win, I mean to crush, I mean
freaking business here
by bs
it's called pretention's a joke that keeps a
person on and on and on
your entire life will
consist of a lie, do I have
to meet you, break
your nose in front of
your brownnosers and it
will only get to you
when I whisper in
your ear "they will be talking
about this for weeks"
when reputation matters
over real being, suck my id
feel my id, enjoy my id
by bs
like I said "ap"
I think you're fake, and fake
is drivel to me
by bs
Does anyone read
the one lacking in talent
The endless drivel!!!!
by Anonymous Poet
now this is a strong
habit, to get up and go and
not respond to slaps
to move on, to say
ok, have your fun, I'm gone now
now what fun is that?
no one to play with?
by bs
people don't change from
the patterns they set right just
right away, some do...
some do change but some
keep the old crap flying with the
new, the wine skin thing
by bs
what's sad is that I'd
do it so long my own work
shits as a result
by bs
I feel like people
have a good intention but
get shit so they end
up getting mad and
then dish it back worse and to
the point others cave
by bs
in fact what does black
sheep mean but the sheep not part
of the flock, are there
wolves in here? they bark
and rave inside to wear sheep
skin, and pretend, fake
i resent a lot
of the fake fuckers in here
I'd rather insult
so if you don't want
insults, stop being so damn
fake, fake...childish, real?
by bs
so when a ken lay
lies rotting in his hell he
surely has his reward
by bs
the bully on the
playground sets the pattern for
his own life ahead
by bs
he has to rape your
christianity, beat it
dominate it, he's
the paragon of the
crowd of shit that populates
our worldly prisons
by bs
revenge fantasies
like this guy here with the ayn
rand thing, the sense of
being in control of
his own destiny, win lose
rather than the win win
someone has to take
the noose, the fall, but secret?
fuckers still unhappy
by bs
many provoke so
they can get a reaction
the slap on the head
of the kid in school
he hits back and they say "hey!"
"look what he did!!! hey!!!"
issues of power
issues of control, issues
of being top dog
by bs
it stands for "bullshit"
because so many here have
no regard for me so...
I feel down on me
by bs
For Sammytha
Love can really hurt
Lift you up! And Break your heart!
Love is wonderful
I have been in love
I have watched others in love
Lost in each other
Love puts you at risk
Love is vulnerability
What you need is love
by Tisme
the truth of life is
no one can understand you
forgive everyone
by doug
The fact of life is
Un-Happiness Self Centered
Be Big to others
by Big Sneeze
Cheerfulness is just
A face to cover up what I
Am really feeling inside
Will anyone ever know
Will anyone ever understand
Will anyone ever accept
The me that is hidden
The me that no one has ever
Tried to understand
The me that is wild
The me that is passionate
The me that is buried
The me that is always
Screaming out to be found by
That special someone
by Sammytha
If love's a disease,
give it to me fast and hard
until I'm queasy.
by uh...
let me breathe closer
i wear this love like a flu
hope this infects you
by vince
BS is Black Sheep
A far from talented man
Can't you spot the diff?
by Anonymous Poet
Is that what bs
stands for? I guess I need to
stop assuming things.
by snail never thought of "blue sky" as a possibility
missing you Blue Sky
the one who is pure of heart
elevate this site
by doug
Peanuts in your poop
I would eat them and then I
Would floss with your pubes
by moo of now that is true love
you enable that
by quoting some of his words
you sounded amused
by vince of answering your question
Why does your mind dwell
only on perverse things that
glorify your sin?
by snail
Through experience
moo knows all about this incest
family ties son!
by Love DAD
A glimpse, his mind wide
love, music, respect and time
my adoration...
by Thank you NYT~
What about your butt?
I will be slow and gentle
Just like your father
by moo of too far man, too far
In a debate on
the "headship" issue, he was
just a bit extreme.
by snail does not plan to sell her soul
"virgin labia?"
You must be kidding, pervert.
I am not THAT pure!
by snail giggles
finally they see
what it is you say to see
and I do wonder
by if this is good or bad
jump little peanut
get off the sac and whack dance
i see you got spunk
by sissy laughing..
Values won't deter
Your virgin labia from
Accepting my thrusts
by moo of pornographo religioso
comedy sources
every day I need to laugh
that is what I see
hee hee hee..xoxox
by sonny and cher..I got you babe..
cautious i say no..
give him your soul and serve him
girls are never free
by honestly..did you just ask that question?
Should I be cautious
that he wants me to submit
even my values?
by snail worries
Quick so say many
Christian values to destroy
Yet naught they offer
by Peace
by Poet Anon.
essence of creme pie
surplus spit overriding
and my tummy growls...
by I so desire to eat a crap load of fatty ass food MUWAH
And so I must begin my tale of woe
Of people who their fate they never sewed.
Of Russians who had lived their life complete
With orchards and with no one to compete.
It all starts when they come back from abroad.
No money did they have, their horse unshod.
And so they had to face an awful choice
One which an answer they would never voice.
To sell, or keep the question was then posed.
But in the shadows lurked a hope that rose.
A loan from some old aunt I hardly knew
To keep the sky from turning from its blue.
They gave their cash to people on the street
And so their waste in all things was replete
And once again were they to make their pick
And once again did they still end up sick.
And so to magic did the fam
by nombre of not a haiku, but cherry orchard chaucered.
softly so snow falls
silently at rest it lies
quite though it is not
by Blue Sky
I can't believe they
killed my most loved character!
Death Note lost some charm.
by snail was watching it to see L
watched a video
two birds feathering on love
nests of true colors
by aw... i m toucheddddddxoxo now dont do drugs
footprints and song notes
spilled flights of dancers in air
then we watched again
by shoes