Her face close to mine
Her warm cheek on mine
Her arms around me
by Tisme
She moves towards me
I take her into my arms
She fits like a glove
by Tisme
The curve of her back
Smooth soft warm smell of woman
An invite for love
by Tisme
it learned a new trick
bringing in leash and collars
make humans walk out
by vince
I absorb the way
life looks through your artist's eyes
when I am near you.
by snail
Eyes as wide as moons
reflect the light they take in
until they can glow.
by snail
My senses explode
whenever he is around.
Such intensity!
by snail
wishing you would hurt
just a little in return
is how i waste time
by vince
Here you are bs
The museum of witchcraft
Go enjoy yourself
by http://gothisplace.com/View/3o3j_cdKTkG_hMBcxL3uSAS3Gj
You must visit to
Boscastle Cornwall
Info on Crowley
Recordings of him
There's most of his
working tools
He died a madman
by I knew BS was into bad stuff
It means that I am
withdrawn and easily crushed,
but adaptable.
by snail explains her name.
well if snail means you
know, taking your time, well that
patience thing, works welll
by bs
some say the self is
the will...crowley was the beast
666, but eh....
by bs
Do you go by "Lush"
because of the music group?
Do you like their songs?
by snail of click my link if you like Lush.
smiles in framed photos
preserve moments; most of which
never existed
by vince
beauty in few words
images drawn from pixels
sight out of nothing
by vince of likewise, snail (wonder snail?)
What kind of super
heroine would I be if
I could change my name?
by snail
migrane chick sounds
like a superheroine
name, maybe brainstormed?
by bs
Zombies don't despair
They only wander around
bugs nesting in hair
by Migraine Chick of michigan
Vince, I like your style.
Sometimes you write things that give
me happy goosebumps.
by snail
humming made up songs
infant nestled in her arms
wanting nothing else
by vince of happy birthday ma
I am glad that I had
a chance to live and see God's
lovely creation.
by snail
the mind wants to die
while the body sputters on
who made this machine?
by sf
We walked along cliffs
overlooking the ocean
with birds beneath us.
by snail
Romance exists in
comedies and in our heads.
Rarely is it real.
by snail the dreamer
scratches head, but like me
we all come back to that
which is familiar
by bs
to sound hallmark card-
ish and using lots of words
that end in -tion...shun
by bs
to be all consumed
by love and the downfall of
subconcious dreamers
by bs
when people get used
to something, it doesn't hit
hard so much, ne-more
by bs
I woke up to thoughts
of his body pressing so
gently against mine.
by snail
my cousin tells lies
you look the same now as then
twenty years past
by mellie
some things never change
and that can be a good thing
or it can be bad
by ash
digits flit, encrypt
easily deciphered shit
surface inhibits
by Lush
donut glaze encased
i flee sucrose yet submit
and lie, comatose
by Lush
my robe slips aside
exposing to fall, mine hide
nude upon the tile
by Lush
bloody cursor looms
blood alcohol content croons
sing the flash acid
by Lush
I would throw myself
at you if I knew for sure
that you would catch me.
by snail
He hugged me and I
felt my heart bursting with the
unbearable joy.
by snail in real life!
allows artists more freedom.
I will dress strangely.
by snail
Returning once more
To advance myself further
Get it right this time
by A Student of Again
I know it's the end.
Dying doesn't scare me, but
dying alone does.
by snail acknowledges the warning
Warm night at Knotts Haunt
Two beautiful scared women
hold tightly to me
by Technokoi of Venice Beach
you're like an infant
strapped in a car seat, cooing
just before the crash
by sf
manner oblivious
no content, no context all there
pretext determined
by bs
Brief eye contact on
the third pseudo-date is not
quite enough for me.
by snail longs for his touch.
Tomorrow we plan
to interact without speech,
forcing us to look.
by snail is nervous
the old man's head turned
his car smashed into a pole
as he looked at boobs
by Boob: fool ..Oh irony is fun to play with maybe the old manwas an English prof too!! LOL
quiet remorse loom
over bowls of cereal
add some more raisins
by vince
You're grammars so bad
that you're error's shore distract.
There like juvenile!
(This is not for a
specific person. It's a
general complaint,
designed to be an
ironic expression of
something trivial.)
by My imitation of your grammatical ignorance is not a form of flattery.
since yesterdays gone
there once was a sea right there
time changes so much
by check-s in the mail