What have I eaten
To make the potty and I
Very close today?
by Lucylu of Kalamazoo
Went to your party
Horror! Aunt Flo has arrived!
Bitch ruined my dress
by Chellie of Florida
Man this cd sucks
I loved it when I bought it
What was I thinking?
by Chellie of Florida
This is my frist time
Writing a public haiku
Well, so far so good.
by Chellie of Florida
piece of crap tab key
sitting there, mocking me and
my incomplete post
by dirty washcloth of SantaClara, CA
pullover sweatshirt
by dirty washcloth of SantaClara, CA
if she sells sea shells
by the seashore, then what would
she sell her clam for?
by dirty washcloth of SantaClara, CA
John Robert Crawford
Haikus so bad, they call him
Mr. Bad Haiku
by Bryce
so i ignore her
and before long she's asleep
curled at my feet
by Simba's Beefteeth of Hogtown
she sees the cat treat
yet will not acknowledge it
for it is offered
by Simba's Beefteeth of Hogtown
from hedge past the Olds
the hyper 'Teeq' darts onto
the warm Festiva
by Simba's Beefteeth of Hogtown
o bewitched feline
your tortoise shell conceals
your devilish heart
by Simba's Beefteeth of Hogtown
ode to a dear friend
Tequila you coy princess
how i miss your "purrrt"
by Simba's Beefteeth of Hogtown
ran 10K today
need a mike's hard lemonade
need to quench my thirst
by Monty Hall of Venice
I have a dark secret
It's small and round and pointy
But in a good way
by Scrunty Device
My high moral ground
Can make it quite difficult
To lick your finger
by Scrunty Device
Oh to be your hand
Now that summer is here
And you are shaven
by Scrunty Device
Hey mister dj
Play that funky beat once more
No, the other one
by Scrunty Device
The wheels on the bus
Go right round, baby, right round
Like crazy fuckers
by Scrunty Device
Take one green pepper
And a handful of bacon
If you really want
by Scrunty Device
The glorious boy!
See how he flexes his brain!
Like a squishy goo
by Scrunty Device
If you had twelve cats
And you put them in a row
Which would you eat first?
by Scrunty Device
All the church ladies
Are concealing their wedgies
That the vicar gave
by Scrunty Device
What's in your trousers?
They bulge ever so slightly
Have you lost a sock?
by Scrunty Device
DVD buyers
we must have you for dinner
upon our return
by Monty Hall of Venice
Little wife must check
with her six foot five husband
to buy DVD
by Monty Hall of Venice
Look.. the odd buttons
At the bottom of the screen
Now sort of make sense
by Janis of Culver City
the swarm approaches
stimpack! tank cannon fire!
the zergish horde dies...
by Guy Montag
survivor withdrawl
no more jenna, no colleen
subscribe to playboy
by dirty washcloth of SantaClara, CA
eyes glued to the screen
Britney Spears dancing about
think I see nipple
by dirty washcloth of SantaClara, CA
The voice of the kids
So loud, so choking... it makes
me act like i do
by Guy Montag
does any truth exist?
or is it all in our minds?
we can never know
by Guy Montag
Man I feel whacked out
Train of thought in slow motion
I need to get laid
by Guy Montag
i wonder if we can
still use html to
make our haikus nice
by Guy Montag
Don't dis this dick, bitch
don't throw it out the window
like Lorena did
by PlayDOG of Boston
lazy lesbian
fat fingers means that she is
a well hung biatch
by Kackarott
cold calling sucks shit
most people are such assholes
I want to kill them
by haakenzoob
fart and penis jokes
immature? perhaps, who cares
rather LOL
by dirty washcloth of SantaClara, CA
feeling insecure
longing to be repected
for thoughtful haiku
by dirty washcloth of SantaClara, CA
I don't want to see
You're pretentious arse-talking
Any more, thank you
by Floatation Device
oh andi peters
i miss you and ed the duck
like i miss herpes
by Floatation Device
you think i don't know
and if i'm honest who can
see another's heart?
but i'm the closest
you'll get to seeing
your whys and wherefores
wish i could show you
the sympathy you don't want
wish you'd let me in
by sheena of yup, here
brother don't fall down
wish you could see how much i
wish i could be there
your lost horizon
where s/he'll walk the long young years
grieves me helplessly
by sheena of yup, here
do you really want
to hurt me - do you really
want to make me cry...
Haiku everywhere
In the computer of life;
In bad 80s songs.
by Janis of Santa Monica
first last center core rind seeds
keep the jihad on
by sheena of yup, here
first last center core rind seeds
keep the jihad on
by sheena of yup, here
she looked at my nose
crap!...something must be hanging
stay calm...snif...sniiiifffff...wipe
by dirty washcloth of SantaClara, CA
it's the longest word
by Nth Degree
If it wasn't for
Those voices inside my head
I'd feel all alone
They tell me secrets
Such as why delia smith
Uses limes so much
by Floatation Device