the last gut who wrote is an
ass hammer
by Anonymous Poet
seriously, you are all LOSERS
this site officially totally sucks
by Anonymous Poet
Emulate snails trail
Drag my arse across the floor
Now see where I
by William Nippress
Footprints in the dew
My dog
by William Nippress
Written captured thoughts
Expressing ones own simple view
Has some real power
by William Nippress
Sexually, Bad night
Or just a mighty come down
Stay clean and think right
by William Nippress
Painted word picture
So descriptive view I see
Welcome back to Ash
by William Nippress
veils of grey water
sepia shades of landscape
waiting for rainbows
by ash
the teething rugrat
drooling like a rabid dog
slaps across the boards
by ash
on the verandah
kookaburra sits dripping
scanning wet green grass
by ash
My heart beats so hard,
It's impossible to breathe,
All because of you.
by something rosie
support broken homes
mommy and daddy's divorce
my one merit badge
by sexually frustrated
sunday afternoon
the sickening malaise of
life's Everydayness.
by sexually frustrated
miracle of birth
not very miraculous
after billionth time
by sexually frustrated
fierce halitosis
emanating from old men
the stink of dead years.
by sexually frustrated
jackass professor
if you had some real talent
then you would not teach
by sexually frustrated
really no surprise
how writing professors are
so mediocre
by sexually frustrated
our writing programs
diploma mills that destroy
the creative drive
by sexually frustrated
not to life they go
but to writing workshops to
become great writers
by sexually frustrated
academic void
his blank stare from the lectern
we take as wisdom
by sexually frustrated
middle-aged poet
his broken hopes of greatness
no wonder he's mad
by sexually frustrated
thinks he's poetic
thumbing through a thesaurus
writing desk haiku
by sexually frustrated
he's clever no doubt
for the sake of cleverness
but art escapes him
by sexually frustrated
they may be ugly
but mother loves them no less
so goes my haiku
by sexually frustrated
my words are clumsy
but they're mine so i love them
write on graceless one!
by sexually frustrated
plays the judge on high
the connousiouer of good taste
cause he's all tapped out
by sexually frustrated
better to create
than decontruct from lofty
academic heights
by sexually frustrated
if someone is in
serious trouble on line
the trouble with many
chats, bboards and so on
is to act the snob and
harm the person reaching out for help
then again it could be an excuse
but, says a lot about those who
aim the hurt in the first place
by MSX
I'm not sure how to
help, the way out is to figure out
a healthy new life
and leave the painful
one behind you, family sucks
for pain, for sure...
by MSX
please help me get out of my pain,
of leaving my family who i now
hate, i am web cam ho
by sheila newton of round rock tx
crticism then, is part
of the drivel here, and I've
been on court, drivveling
the ball too
by MSX
it's easy to critique
but it's not easy to coach
and advise, and teach...
by MSX
makes me want to burn
down a library of "great"
books because it is wise
to be suspicious of the so called
knows how to write sonnets but can
the dull fucker enjoy anything anymore or his his penis calloused to sexual feeling?
by MSX
trouble with critics is they usually build up on others drivel and make themselves feel better about how good their writing is and if the competition kills themselves then the insecure fucker secretly admires one enemy out of the way
by MSX
duck duck goose...the goose
is green, made of shape of spit
from dying SARS lungs
you can see the goose shape
from the blood spilling from the the puddle...
by MSX
just stand down and flush
the bastards down, and let the
drivel rot in septic
decompose and renew
by MSX
God bless the whore and
the bullshit worker and the
janitors, who go
about picking up
the shit of these people who
all they do is shit
by MSX
the poet slices her
wrists, because she couldn't see
when the market changed...
so the drivel that sold
was being praised by the same
mindless asshole that condemned
it with the elite crowd...
I say gas em and turn em into lamps, now that's the ultimate in demonic tacky...
by MSX
made to flatter but
just tear down my confidence,
I hate prom dresses.
by something rosie
Well-done Ricky George
Not necessarily good
But it is funny
by William Nippress
Dingleberry hangs
Little balls of excrement
Why didn
by Tommy of Oregon
Chicken and capon
Turkey, grouse, duck and pheasant
This is foul haiku
by Rickey George of N. Carolina
Do I need say more?
by William Nippress
aim for the gynoid
the cybernetic chicks in
the new cold war world...
by MSX
oh, and don't worry
about the tomatoes, they'll
take care of themselves
by MSX of
the usual sandtrap
the social golf ball lands in
the corporate buff
by MSX
Want a date? Find me, Sheila
Newton of Round Rock, TX. I am
easy. I will show you...
by Sheila Newton of Round Rock, TX
I am the Whore of Babylon,
I will suck out your soul,
I will show you..on my web cam.
by Sheila Newton of Round Rock, TX