just stand down and flush
the bastards down, and let the
drivel rot in septic
decompose and renew
by MSX
God bless the whore and
the bullshit worker and the
janitors, who go
about picking up
the shit of these people who
all they do is shit
by MSX
the poet slices her
wrists, because she couldn't see
when the market changed...
so the drivel that sold
was being praised by the same
mindless asshole that condemned
it with the elite crowd...
I say gas em and turn em into lamps, now that's the ultimate in demonic tacky...
by MSX
made to flatter but
just tear down my confidence,
I hate prom dresses.
by something rosie
Well-done Ricky George
Not necessarily good
But it is funny
by William Nippress
Dingleberry hangs
Little balls of excrement
Why didn
by Tommy of Oregon
Chicken and capon
Turkey, grouse, duck and pheasant
This is foul haiku
by Rickey George of N. Carolina
Do I need say more?
by William Nippress
aim for the gynoid
the cybernetic chicks in
the new cold war world...
by MSX
oh, and don't worry
about the tomatoes, they'll
take care of themselves
by MSX of ...you
the usual sandtrap
the social golf ball lands in
the corporate buff
by MSX
Want a date? Find me, Sheila
Newton of Round Rock, TX. I am
easy. I will show you...
by Sheila Newton of Round Rock, TX
I am the Whore of Babylon,
I will suck out your soul,
I will show you..on my web cam.
by Sheila Newton of Round Rock, TX
I am Sheila Newton of Round Rock,
Texas. I will show it all on a web
cam. Just ask anyone.
by Sheila Newton of Round Rock, TX
waring a new shirt
and i got hot and sweaty
belly button lint
by Funko of vegas
South West Texas sucks
wants to change their damn school name
New name wont help you.
by Funko of vegas
mindless gift giving,
i have become ponderous,
in showing i care.
by Cornea Pete
hey man what is that?
not real cool haiku bandit
got to keep it real.
by tiger of vegas
pete you seem chipper
how is everything going?
i skipped class today!
by tiger of vegas
i see what i want to see,
loving care... leave me.
by Cornea Pete
we spend time wading,
through shallow conversation,
no fear in drowning.
by Cornea Pete
when given the choice,
to save myself or just run,
i think i will run.
by Cornea Pete
not really sure what to think
still sort of confused.
Haiku #28846, by tiger of vegas
April 15, 2003 1:50 pm ET
Show us how to write
so i heard some news
not really sure what to think
still sort of confused.
Haiku #28846, by tiger of vegas
April 15, 2003 1:50 pm ET
Show us how to write
by copied ur stuff of hahahaa
so i heard some news
not really sure what to think
still sort of confused.
by tiger of vegas
Show us how to write
by William Nippress
Make profound haikus
Make us all suck in our breath
Make us astonished
by William Nippress
Here we go again
More critics than the poets
Show us your work
by William Nippress
Little doxie takes
down the deer he chases, my
Bosco dreams again
by onjaysun (like now what will you do with it, doggie buddy?)
i can barely look
where teh hell is the haiku
grandma has a cock
by ap
Viet Iraq!! Hows that? Pretty
Profound, huh? Ain't I snappy??
Don't I got funny stuff to say?
by Richard Larson of Springfield, IL
richard larson is a viet cong
sympathizer..stop the war in iraq
george w. had a DUI..hahahahaaa
by richard larson of springfield, IL
just say hi to em
and say you like them
and maybe they'll get
confused and go away...
by MSX
man, the old folks on here
have nothing good to say
period, at all, about
people they don't like...
just..."crap crap crap"
you're a fucking clique
getting a taste of your
own medicine...
by MSX
usually those who
know it all don't know
how to make anything new
by MSX
nobody would care
to be number one poet
by writing just crap
by mellie, it is SO frustrating seeing it page after page.. :-(
haiku increases
but it's hyperinflation
not entertainment
by ash
Free your self-control
Tell the truth and be dammed
Only if you dare
by William Nippress
Like turtles we wear
Cumbersome exteriors
Just so we fit in
by William Nippress
What ranks we join when
Society imposes
Its harsh rules on us
by William Nippress
Spring glow warmth at last
by William Nippress
After, tell me what truth
You have found about oneness
And understanding
by William Nippress
Stay all night naked
Alone six feet up a tree
Face your primal fears
(No higher than six feet in a very dark wood)
by William Nippress
Zen Masters only one!
There are others with oneness
Try Celtic Wicker
by William Nippress
oh my dear sweet tea,
no other beverage will do,
you satisfy me.
by something rosie "ode to tea"
If I do arrive
Forget love's just a figment.
Their touch blocks the truth.
by Frank Grimes
I'd walk the train tracks
But in dreams, I have no will
To give me power.
by Frank Grimes
Conductor of dreams
I want to ride just once more
Please take me to them.
by Frank Grimes
Blue, red and one more;
All they want is my presence.
by Frank Grimes
Blue serenity
Breathing because of your love
My girls with fish tails.
by Frank Grimes