Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 59 Days and 77457 Haiku later...

shut the fuck up you pretentious
piece of crap. "frustrated" you're
just a guy who gets his ass kicked
in the real world then comes on
internet to feel high mighty.
Haiku # 28151, April 2, 2003 5:09 pm ET
by sexually frustrated
I use your IDs
Like the marionette pulls
Puppet strings above.
Haiku # 28150, April 2, 2003 5:05 pm ET
by sexually frustrated
All of you are me
You're just products of severe
Haiku # 28149, April 2, 2003 5:02 pm ET
by sexually frustrated
They could all be Scott?
How could one person be so
Much of a arsehole?
Haiku # 28148, April 2, 2003 4:55 pm ET
by A Student of Well, actually, does he come from Chester and currently reside in Manchester?
rather obvious
"via", "frustrated" and more
are the same person
Haiku # 28147, April 2, 2003 4:51 pm ET
by ummm. could they ALL be SCOTT?
it is good to see
other contributors here
a breath of fresh air
Haiku # 28146, April 2, 2003 4:49 pm ET
by too bad we cna't ban a certain few
It's not a challenge
That's why this website is so
fucking popular.
Haiku # 28145, April 2, 2003 4:03 pm ET
by sexually frustrated
form is challenging
three lines and the syllables
i'm off to work now
Haiku # 28144, April 2, 2003 4:01 pm ET
by Bob Jones, Esq. of El Armpito, Tx
haiku is actually anything less than
seventeen syllables. the form
bores me, so I just write creative
paragraphs. sorry.
Haiku # 28143, April 2, 2003 3:59 pm ET
by sexually frustrated
Only the fool would show the best
side of himself on this website.
You keep your best a secret, lest
you spawn imitators.
Haiku # 28142, April 2, 2003 3:57 pm ET
by sexually frustrated
listen up bitches...
haiku is five, seven, five
'about haiku' link
Haiku # 28141, April 2, 2003 3:57 pm ET
by Bob Jones, Esq. of El Armpito, Tx
Strange how they seek out the
gems on the internet of all places,
definitely the forum for all high
art. I know whenever I write a
good haiku on paper I'm just ready
to post it all over the internet to
lend it that air of respectability.
Haiku # 28140, April 2, 2003 3:55 pm ET
by sexually frustrated
spring tightrope walker
now that one I'd say fer shure
is one of the gems
Haiku # 28139, April 2, 2003 3:52 pm ET
by no shovel needed there!
i bet janis laughed
even if my posting was
more a coup than 'ku

still a better read
than the senryu of late
painful sub-joku
Haiku # 28138, April 2, 2003 3:49 pm ET
by scotch of (generalizing...there may be some gems in here, but you'd need a friggin' shovel to find em)
No, I'm not really a model plane or
sports memorabilia type of guy.
Collecting aborted fetuses is more
my thing. Check out this one
right here. Notice the impeccable
craftmanship of the caved in skull,
the doctor must have been master
with the brainsucking vacuum tube.
It's strange, everytime I ask the
mother whether she wants to keep
her fetus in a jar of formaldehyde
as a momento, she always
screams, pulls her hair out, and
scratches herself all over in existential despair. some people
just don't appreciate art when they
see it.
Haiku # 28137, April 2, 2003 3:48 pm ET
by sexually frustrated
tongue in her pussy
have visual on pulsating rectum
How terrible, women do fart
Haiku # 28136, April 2, 2003 3:40 pm ET
by searle of Stewing in memories distant
it's that richard larson prick. just
ignore him.
Haiku # 28135, April 2, 2003 3:23 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Come here Justin Timberlake,
bend over and let me make a man
out of you.
Haiku # 28132, April 2, 2003 3:06 pm ET
by sexually frustrated
good try mr. forgery.
Haiku # 28131, April 2, 2003 3:01 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Wow, that last one wasn't even
close to my style but could try
mr. forgery.
Haiku # 28130, April 2, 2003 3:00 pm ET
by sexually frustrated
i fuck dead dogs
Haiku # 28129, April 2, 2003 2:59 pm ET
by sexually frustrated
bravo, hacker, that's what the
world needs, more censorship.
I honor his effort to try and make
the internet the respectable place
that it should be, a place where
one may simultaneously wack off
and send resumes to a potential
Haiku # 28128, April 2, 2003 2:58 pm ET
by sexually frustrated
the surge of the sea
is the heartbeat of the earth
we tempt fate with war
Haiku # 28127, April 2, 2003 2:28 pm ET
by ap
how darkly he waits
that patient and skulking crow
till the field is clear
Haiku # 28126, April 2, 2003 2:23 pm ET
by got all day r us
a bit of birdsong
clearly makes the afternoon
much more musical
Haiku # 28125, April 2, 2003 2:19 pm ET
by heh heh heh heh
just a sweet young thing
such a lucky girl is she
PFC. Jessica Lynch
Haiku # 28124, April 2, 2003 2:15 pm ET
by good news r us
Spring tightrope walker
swaying in sunlight above
wildly shifting steps
Haiku # 28123, April 2, 2003 2:11 pm ET
by Gwenhyfar
big furry friend of Big Bird
Haiku # 28122, April 2, 2003 2:08 pm ET
by or is he really real?
eschewing haiku?
via ear canal may leave
give us all a break
Haiku # 28121, April 2, 2003 2:00 pm ET
by one can only hope r us
I see what they meant
Bad haiku is getting worse
It's not even fun
Haiku # 28120, April 2, 2003 1:54 pm ET
by A Student of Artificial insemination via the ear canal
eschewing winter
extraordinary spring
Haiku # 28119, April 2, 2003 1:50 pm ET
by Boston gal
a breeze wafts up from the weeds
springing from the slush
Haiku # 28118, April 2, 2003 1:45 pm ET
by Mike
Spring a little late
breathless makes up for lost time
blooming all at once
Haiku # 28117, April 2, 2003 1:43 pm ET
by Earthmother
lovely crocuses
finally blooming long last
peering up from snow
Haiku # 28116, April 2, 2003 1:40 pm ET
by Earthmother
Boy George, His penis in my ass,
Lunch time in prison,
This is my life of gayness.

Haiku # 28115, April 2, 2003 1:38 pm ET
by Richard "Gayness" Larson of Springfield, IL
how do i love thee,
tortilla chips and salsa?
let me count the ways.
Haiku # 28114, April 2, 2003 1:37 pm ET
by Cornea Pete
Givin Richard Gere a Blow Job,
Hampsters, Gerbils, Ball Peen..
It's all good..
Haiku # 28113, April 2, 2003 1:36 pm ET
by Richard "Gumby" Larson of Springfield, IL
Spring is in my step
graceful flowing in and out
tendrils flowing green
Haiku # 28112, April 2, 2003 1:36 pm ET
by Earthmother noticing English ivy survived harsh winter
went to MickeyD's
wanted cookies, got Choco-
Crap! Where's my Grimace?
Haiku # 28111, April 2, 2003 11:26 am ET
by onjaysun (sign #24 of apocalypse)
what the balls was that?
bad haiku rules internet
must have haiku fix
Haiku # 28110, April 2, 2003 11:01 am ET
by Bob Jones, Esq. of El Armpito, Tx
Charlie Brown and Lucy,
Feelin' Kinda Juicy,
Kicking it with the homies...
Haiku # 28109, April 2, 2003 10:45 am ET
by Richard Larson of Springfield, IL
Charlie Brown and Lucy,
Feelin' Kinda Juicy,
Kicking it with the homies...
Haiku # 28108, April 2, 2003 10:44 am ET
by Richard Larson of Springfield, IL
There once was a man, who, one day
Tried to make bad haiku go away
But his plan it fell through
When people tried to do
Some more bad haiku anyway
Haiku # 28107, April 2, 2003 10:08 am ET
by A Student of Limericks rule
April 1's over -
Now it's April 2, they say -
Give us the site back
Haiku # 28106, April 2, 2003 9:16 am ET
by R. of PT
Fight against freedom
is typical behavior
of disturbed minds
Haiku # 28105, April 2, 2003 9:04 am ET
by R. of PT
Hope you will receive
twenty eight thousand haikus
straight on your dumb head
Haiku # 28104, April 2, 2003 8:59 am ET
by R. of PT
Do you really think
you can stop our bad haiku?
Janis will fight back!
Haiku # 28103, April 2, 2003 8:54 am ET
by R.
It seems a bad guy
pirated a fine web site.
Give us Janis back!!!
Haiku # 28102, April 2, 2003 8:17 am ET
by guess who of guess where
There once was a monkey called Phil
Who would always be rigidly still
He had a big nose
And seventeen toes
He shouted out "Whoop! Whoop!" at will
Haiku # 28101, April 2, 2003 8:05 am ET
by A Student of Limericks?
K is so cleaver
He can look up own arshole
Still not see brains
Haiku # 28100, April 2, 2003 2:46 am ET
by William Nippress
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