chains of love that bind,
are the same chains that pull you,
one to the other.
by Cornea Pete of Poopnscoop, TX
life: quite frustrating
would like to wake in heaven
for i am in hell
by Bob Jones, Esq. of El Armpito, Tx
fam' wants me to choose
between them and my true love
they don't want to lose...
by Bob Jones, Esq. of El Armpito, Tx.
But it makes a change
Which adds colour to the page
In quite a rude way
by A Student of Artificial insemination via the ear canal
No, I was talking
Of your general haiku
If you'd call it that
by A Student of Artificial insemination via the ear canal
Light dusting of snow
Wild birds call to each other
Sound of wilderness
by William Nippress
Thanks so very much
Do you mean the one that spells
Well at least the first letters
by Anonymous Poet
In english haiku
There are no proper strict rules
Hence AP's haiku
by A Student of fuckoffmoxie
The rules of Haiku
Avoid adverbs and adjectives
Well that
by William Nippress
For all your bad words
Unless you understand them
Could you be more wrong
Kindly don
by Anonymous Poet
Mania it is
But life without challenges
Is death to the soul
by William Nippress
I try very hard
But my work seems to vex you
Is my Haiku poor
by William Nippress
Some are too lucky
Talking of things such as sleep
I wish I could sleep
by A Student of Artificial insemination via the ear canal
spring jumps up and lives
after a long night of sleep
boner in the morn
by thunder stork of edit yourself nippress
The stong believer
Fails to see his actions are
Not what he believes
by A Student of Artificial insemination via the ear canal
the obsessed writer
not seeing his mania
fails to stop himself
by ash
Men have penises
Unless you have just found it
Please leave it alone
by Anonymous Poet
by William Nippress
Its Sunday morning
by William
#1 Stunner
likes to take it up the ass:
mmm penis penis.
by #2 Stunner of sc
The ideal form of
masturbation for me is
women giving head.
by #1 Stunna of making a long-awaited and glorious return
tumbled by big surf
bathers peeled down to my waist
sand in odd places
by mellie, yeah, I was dumped too :-)
Midgets come for me
Whatever will I do now
Kill the little fucks
by Steven "Shorty" Reents of Illinois
Blood sugar is low
Diabetic insistence
Tells me I must eat
by William Nippress
Age gives us wisdom
Only wish I was sixteen
by William Nippress
A bad idea
Do a charity event, awake
For thirty six hours
by A Student of Artificial insemination via the ear canal
What is in a name
That some others should steal it
Maybe jealousy
by William Nippress
Is this really ash
Or is it his imposter
Only he will know
by Anonymous Poet
Where did the day go
I just turned around it was gone
by William Nippress
Came into this world
Born in Edo now Tokyo
Works of art his joy
by William Nippress
Master of his art
The farmer of Katsushika
Prints so wonderful
by William Nippress
You will know his work
The great wave or breaking wave
His name Hokusai
by William Nippress
Here they come again
Where do they come from and go
Wheeling in the sky
by William Nippress
Thousand rooks fly
by William Nippress
Sounds so exciting
Explorer on the radio
by William Nippress
Masks hanging on wall
Hidden faces at a ball
Wish I knew them all
by William Nippress
Polzeth is the spot
By the Camel estuary
Right by the wide mouth
by William Nippress
Tried surfing last year
I loved the momentum
In Cornwall I went
by William Nippress
My coffee
by William Nippress
tumbled by big surf
white saline effervescence
sand in my bathers
by ash
Cars out of action
Where I go I have to walk
Is that what legs for
by William Nippress
Grey sky hanging low
Gloomy clouds heavy with rain
Winds waiting to blow
by William Nippress
All politicians
Will tell you what you wanted
But some time later
by William Nippress
What is it I want?
I do not know wish I did
by William Nippress
Tried some religion
I said show me a Christian
They can
by William Nippress
Give me a bottle,
cup, glass, keg, pint, gallon jug...
just get me some beer
by Betty LeBomb
Good night, time for bed
Early rise, been up since six
So bed now, been fed
by W
New life
by William Nippress