"hopes" her Persian boy
early morning bad haiku
as the fur does fly
by me again
blue eyes open wide
a new sweetheart in my life
rag-doll pussy-cat
by Boston gal hope her Persian boy will adjust
is it wet down there?
has been here for days now
the pressure builds up
by mellie
tossed pussy scratched back
eyes as big as saucers too
interesting night
by mellie
tossed out the front door
into the first rain in months
that'll calm you down
by ash
talons in my flesh
arched like sydney harbour bridge
psychotic burmese
by ash
the cat's gone crazy
tail like a feather duster
eyes like two saucers
by ash
Oh no, I am fat
It is entirely your fault
Give me your money
by A Student of Artificial insemination via the ear canal
by Anonymous Poet
I've said it once, say
it again, "Annoyed Monkeys"...
great name for a band!
by onjaysun (thx Mr. Barry)
the tale of the old
gods seems to involve naked
women dancing gauzed...
by Lee
mocking the cedar
the trees freeze into wooden shapes
mockeries of wood
by Lee
I'm not sure of that
We cover that in two weeks
But at the moment
We're poking monkeys
With poles with socks on the end
To annoy them lots
by A Student of Artificial insemination via the ear canal
got me rubber gloves,
turkey baster...what's next step
via ear canal?
by onjaysun (and where does the thermometer go?)
Watched ABC last
night, all new reasons to hate
Melissa Rivers
by onjaysun (I'm haikuable, get me outta here!)
Blind faith is no faith
Thinking satanism is
by A Student of Artificial insemination via the ear canal
Sorry about that
The Sun doesn't feature news
Just celebrities
by A Student of Artificial insemination via the ear canal
The Sun? A paper?
With naked women? With news?
It's written for kids
by A Student of If you do not help Britain and the U.S. Iraq will invade you
The Sun's always right
Ten million can't be wrong
France is a disgrace
by A Student of Artificial insemination via the ear canal
Anti-french feeling
Do you not feel insulted
By 'the Sun' today?
by A Student of Artificial insemination via the ear canal
rave on old buddy
bebopaloola baby
by mellie, talking gobbledygook
it' mesmerising
for some it's sheer ecstasy
hynotic trances
by mellie
someone from Poland
we call them a Pole
a Hole from Holland
by Mellie, just wondering
bloody rave music
no wonder they take the drugs
i guess you'd need to
by ash
that haiku pixie
she's away with the faeries
but at least she counts
by ash
picture the present
wrapped in white~fresh spring bouquets
hidden underneath
by Gwenhyfar
the bachelorette
picked one sweet Renaissance man
romantic surprise
by musing that she may not have been so shallow afterall
don't be shy, saddam
c'mon, just show us your bombs
and we'll rain down ours
by ash
like two dogs in heat
we don't notice others' lives
lust makes you selfish
by ash (writing from memory i admit)
so hard to ignore
like pubic hair in my teeth
i must be in love
by ash
A gnome, two elf lords
Ancient spells wreaking much havoc;
Captain Kirk rules, too.
by Anonymous Poet
Like two trees entwined
None have felt this love before
Twin stars in the sky
by beat that for cliched, you bastards
ah, that Gwenhyfar
writes with ephemeral slant
(must be left-handed)
by lefties r us
against ancient skies
unicorns in the garden
alabaster spires
by Gwenhyfar
Boston gal does ask
please explain sci-fi remark
something there I missed
by Asimov r'nt us
I passed P E F
A quarter of the students
Failed, but did better
by A Student of Artificial insemination via the ear canal
How to pass phys chem:
Stay up late looking at porn
And drink lots of beer
by A Student of Artificial insemination via the ear canal
Boston gal killing
time - submit your verse at a
sci-fi convention
by for god's sake of missouri
ASCII and the man
in military uniform coaelsce like
Hershey's Quik
by Lee
Splashski can catch your
limit outside Stop'n'Go
and it's even bagged
by onjaysun (bit of icicle as bait)
blast of a beer fart,
ass cheeks flap, the sound effect
of sustained applause.
by Anonymous Poet
weather outside is
frightful and the....who am I
kidd in' Sunny Cal
by onjaysun (shoveling sunshine on the left coast)
Polish ice fishing
a bigger hole doesn't make
for a bigger fish
by SPLASH...that's all folks
prisms and bubbles
magic and light, miracles
undone by the night
by Boston gal killing time
a few haiku for you
first this simple statement here
then "good" and one "fun"
by here goes...
Meinen Hund ist tot
Es isst meine grosse Wurst
So ich sto
by A Student of Artificial insemination via the ear canal
Was ist P E F?
Es ist viele Bilanzen
Es ist sehr n
by A Student of Artificial insemination via the ear canal
by R. of PT
! ! ! ! !
! ! N O ! ! !
! ! ! ! !
by R. of PT
Progress (R-L):
< < < < <
< < < < < < <
< < < < <
by R. of PT