Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 61 Days and 77459 Haiku later...

Closing in on my
one-five-two tri-mester, can
walk, talk....still urps though.
Haiku # 22598, October 8, 2002 12:51 pm ET
by onjaysun
Hey, Betty la Bomb
Missed you, Missouri, and a
lack of pretension
Haiku # 22597, October 8, 2002 12:02 pm ET
by Lillie of California
another year gone
almost my birthday again
life goes by quite fast
Haiku # 22596, October 8, 2002 7:56 am ET
by ash
san francisco has
many fun places to have
a drink with Janis....
Haiku # 22595, October 8, 2002 3:57 am ET
by k

spent a week on the
north umpqua river...quite wet
grandma has a cock
Haiku # 22594, October 8, 2002 3:52 am ET
by k
from the sweet child's mouth
a great swarm of shrieking bats
a black cloud boiling
Haiku # 22593, October 8, 2002 1:13 am ET
by Hollywood Bonfire
summers' eve won't help
she should try hot kerosene
grandma has a cock
Haiku # 22592, October 7, 2002 9:59 pm ET
by ap
my cock is throbbing
thinking about all that yeast
we could make some beer
Haiku # 22591, October 7, 2002 9:56 pm ET
by ap
it's all good they say
art in any way
so what is the point of trying
art is crap
Haiku # 22590, October 7, 2002 9:42 pm ET
by peter searle the younger of australia
it's all good they say
art in any way
so what is the point of trying
art is crap
Haiku # 22589, October 7, 2002 9:39 pm ET
by peter searle the younger of australia
Sweat beads on her brow
Dough she is kneading needs yeast
Scratches her panties
Haiku # 22588, October 7, 2002 5:32 pm ET
by Crimson Tide
Where do the farts go?
When silence must be observed
Riding on the lift
Haiku # 22587, October 7, 2002 5:17 pm ET
by pinched rictus
Imperious lass
Accused of farting gives me
An icy cold stare
Haiku # 22586, October 7, 2002 5:04 pm ET
by cringer
bedded him at last
surprised...tiny equipment
Haiku # 22585, October 7, 2002 12:38 pm ET
by tanjeroo
Saw her Saturday
Liked the equipment so much
Now plays for that team.
Haiku # 22584, October 7, 2002 12:15 pm ET
by onjaysun
just because it's fall
doesn't mean we're over (yet)
summer love does end
Haiku # 22583, October 7, 2002 10:15 am ET
by ...sigh
that's the last time
no more
Haiku # 22582, October 6, 2002 7:17 pm ET
by peter searle the younger of australia
oh peenerschnitzels
Haiku # 22581, October 6, 2002 2:45 pm ET
by another Patriots FAN
c'mon Patriots!
first half...down by sixteen points!
I hate the Dolphins!
Haiku # 22580, October 6, 2002 2:30 pm ET
by fans r us
In hanging over
seven gin and tonics prove
cheap at twice the price
Haiku # 22579, October 6, 2002 12:26 am ET
by Betty LeBomb
October's summer
could really do without all
this humidity
Haiku # 22578, October 5, 2002 11:56 am ET
by another comment about bad air r us
wife told me to just
restrain myself, then the fart
dissolves into you
Haiku # 22577, October 4, 2002 10:13 pm ET
by monkfart
once, in the morning
she left a cheek flapper loose
she won't admit it
Haiku # 22576, October 4, 2002 9:17 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Date of the Great Female Left-
Cheek Sneak...You've been warned!
Haiku # 22575, October 4, 2002 5:45 pm ET
by onjaysun
there is a shade of nirvana
when the spirit is on the road
but there is but a semblance...
Haiku # 22574, October 4, 2002 5:41 pm ET
by Anything
women never fart
so where does all their gas go
my wife won't tell me
Haiku # 22573, October 4, 2002 4:09 pm ET
by ap
women need to fart,
louder, and with enjoyment,
then, life is a gas!
Haiku # 22572, October 4, 2002 1:40 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
without those laces
and with eyes up skirts, of course
your tongues hanging out
Haiku # 22571, October 4, 2002 12:52 pm ET
by idiocy r us
shoes also have eyes,
look out you women in skirts,
my shoes aren't tight laced :o
Haiku # 22570, October 4, 2002 12:10 am ET
by Anonymous Poet
what about grammy's
home baked chicken pot pie? It's
goodness I say, good.
Haiku # 22569, October 3, 2002 10:23 pm ET
by Sparkychica
Eminem, whom once
again has sold his soul for
another grammy
Haiku # 22568, October 3, 2002 10:19 pm ET
by Sparkychica
grammy has a cock
so don't go liftin' her skirt
'lest you want a shock
Haiku # 22567, October 3, 2002 8:02 pm ET
by ap
Flooding all over
the Western United States --
broken Canada
Haiku # 22566, October 3, 2002 5:26 pm ET
by K Tai of San Diego
beyond scarecrow's reach
twisted hinges creaking wind
fading V of geese
Haiku # 22565, October 3, 2002 1:33 pm ET
by autumn lovers r us
grasses of summer
now cooling winds barest touch
once green now shivers
Haiku # 22564, October 3, 2002 1:14 pm ET
by Gwenhyfar
all that men have built
the wind can so easily
blow it all away
Haiku # 22563, October 3, 2002 1:03 pm ET
by stormlovers r us
I think my Grammy's
advice on a long life still
Haiku # 22562, October 3, 2002 12:10 pm ET
by onjaysun for some internet chick
Decided to go
With a tableless design
('cept for haiku loop)
Haiku # 22561, October 3, 2002 11:09 am ET
by Janis
Gave up supporting
All those 5 year old browsers
Because they are fucked
Haiku # 22560, October 3, 2002 10:57 am ET
by Janis
bad haiku in the
netscrape browser is really
quite something to see
Haiku # 22559, October 3, 2002 5:04 am ET
by k
how could shoes smell bad?
they have no noses, just tongues
so they could taste bad

Haiku # 22558, October 3, 2002 3:51 am ET
by idiocy r us
I'd take off my shoes
but I don't know if they'll smell
they're not mine
Haiku # 22557, October 3, 2002 1:24 am ET
by peter searle the younger of australia
If I did take the pills
would I be normal
or just chemically enhanced
Haiku # 22556, October 3, 2002 1:21 am ET
by peter searle the younger of australia
Questions don't always have answers
Haiku # 22555, October 3, 2002 1:20 am ET
by peter searle the younger of australia
can we still post pics?
Like the old with
bad haiku comments?
Haiku # 22554, October 2, 2002 10:41 pm ET
by k
some internet chick...
you really have an unmatched
style with haiku
Haiku # 22553, October 2, 2002 10:40 pm ET
by k_for_some_internet_chick
I must go for now
Alas please do not have fear
for I will be back
Haiku # 22552, October 2, 2002 9:39 pm ET
by some internet chick
it seems pretty sad
that I dont have any life
sit here for hours

Writing Bad Haikus
for everyone out there to read
but yet I'm alone
Haiku # 22551, October 2, 2002 9:37 pm ET
by some internet chick
I know what you'll say
you like a different team
but that is Okay
Haiku # 22550, October 2, 2002 9:32 pm ET
by some internet chick
Is it Monday yet?
So that the Packers can play
time to beat Da Bears
Haiku # 22549, October 2, 2002 9:30 pm ET
by Some Internet Chick
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