I saw those statues
On Conan O Brian show
I laughed really hard.
by WyldKyss
Chicken Mushroom stuff
Ramen flavoring that I just found
The taste is quite stale.
by WyldKyss
Priest and Saint are fine
I will see Priest tonight, so
I will make him post
by Drophammer
hand inside hot pants
rub ah rub ah rub OH GOD
coming sweet jesus
by mellie
yeah drop I am
have you been in jail mate?
pray tell where's the priest?
by mellie
fistful of warm flesh
my hand down your pants again
rub rub rub mmm bop
by boobles the clown
she's gone maaad
by ronin@lachikaLOCA
divide and conquer....
by ronin@aintbiting
My intestines scream
Bloated like overripe fruit
They burst with stench-froth
by Drophammer
Long absent, returned
I see Mellie is still here
Good to be back, yep.
by Drophammer
utterly speechless
suffer the little children
like lambs to slaughter
by mellie
Hoops with Jesus, it
ain't hard, just score one for God
America wins!
by k
"Little Johnny, I'm
always here to help you hit
homeruns, Trust Jesus"
by k
Football with the kids!
Father O'Leary always
told me it was fun!
by k
Age: just a number
Plus I'm Jesus not just a
priest but a savior!
by k of a sort of "hats off" to the 'abstinence makes the church grow fondlers' author as well as the world cup and whatever else
ah, the return of
bung daddy....you know there is
a point where this site
goes way beyond bad
haiku, and it becomes a
posting board for Bored......assholes
by k
roggydoggie dog
logging on in a big fog
you need your own blog
by ash of clang association football
she's gone maaad
by ronin@lachikaLOCA
the heat of the sun
loosened the chaff from the grain
one fuels the fire
by indiana
The shit hit the fan
It blew back in her fat face
She can choke on it.
by Bung Daddy
Where's my Unerwood?
computer illiterate
screen full of white-out
by transient
it makes me so bored
to read all these bathroom walls
jody is a slut
by roggydoggie
sorry about that
i was just going with
the flow
by roggydoggie
i am right
you are not
fuck off fuckers
i'd get laid if you
all weren't such fuckers
by roggydoggie
i am a genius
everyone else is a fucked off
take that, world!
by roggydoggie
i am a genius
everyone else is a fucked off
take that, world!
by roggydoggie
i too can write fucking haiku fucking everybody else off
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
you you you you you
everyone else is a fuck
so go get fucked off
by roggydoggie
syllables like summer rain
by transient
Scorpio to Scorpio
are you hitting on me, Jerm?
it's like God damn highlander
"there can be only one"
only in the movies...
by Moxie
Hi! What's on this plate?
Seeking meat and potatoes,
peels and rinds might do.
by Anonymous Poet
Thanks for linking to
Adventure Gamer
we moved to
(dang, one word too much! anyways I saw the link in 'any stuff' when i was googling, cool site)
by Marek
.....i dream of cognac
its effervescence swirling
........into my palate
by ronin@timetogohomefromwork
dreamed i was walking
bipedal locomotion
today's fantasy
by ash
I ask but a dull,
dreamless sleep in my own bed
feeling no remorse
by k
clear night in sf
i contemplate the tv
and sink into bliss
by k
productive time out
letters to the editor
and freelance writing
by ash
productive time out
by ash
.....how profound moxie
a veltanschaung expressing
......simply nothingness
by ronin@8)himmellieyourboyfriendseemstobeontherescuenowthatsniceunlikesomepeoplewhoCANTappreciate
It's for this reason
I would like to forsake
the human race, to
be myself, alone
by Moxie
that's not nice ronin
just minding my own beeswax
I wish you'd fuck off
by mellie
I was in bad mood
When I vented on here, K
Thanks, tho, just the same
by WyldKyss
internet finally
back up after 2 days of
broken dsl
seems like the well has
become more poisoned, sorry
bout your sis w'ldKyss!
by k
I didn't expect,
a haiku pissing constest,
spring rain misty hills.
by Anonymous Poet
it must be the beer
or is it the memory
but e5 beckons!
by indiana
I should check spelling
check submit enter go on
gotta piss off now
by mellie
I dont go with mox
I travell along okay
stop pissing me off
by mellie
....yes i did bait mox
i just wanted to see how
you get pissed off dude
(fuck off Asshole Prime)
by ronin@whydomellieandmoxiealwaysgotogether
moxie and ronin are the same asshole
by Anonymous Poet
if my head explodes
mail the bits and pieces
to Hell, RFD 666
by Moxie