old mazda bravo
300,000 k's +
goes varoom varoom
when I was a girl
I wrote off a wee vee dub
I hit the bulldust
flew, then hit a tree
hung upside down in seat belt
I was seventeen
by mellie
love that zoom- zoom kid
he's simply adorable
(tho' a Mazda ad)
by Siggy ( one I forgot)
why so many trees in
Compton? Because they cannot
afford cars
by Anonymous Poet
fucking idiots,
the zoom/zoom kid should die in
screaming agony.
hopefully he will
wrapped around a lamp-post..zoom-
zoom blood on sidewalk
by yeah get a car help to destroy the world you blind moronic fools and then feel 'good' about yourselves for having 'wheels' arrrr
have a Maxima
love the way it goes zoom-zoom
speed and luxury
by Max, Boston gal and Penelope ( A. Musing) A reformed Catholic et al
Just Spring
flowering under stars
Moon floating in trees
by k
it gears well at the speed
of 80 miles p hour
and it loves the snow
by k of i love my subaru imprez outback sport 2000 model
mellie's got a sub
are you driving too fast ap?
mine flies click speed trap
by mellie, I LOVE my subaru too
grudges are bad things,
so they make good haiku, mox
is toying with us
by fuck off moxie
new blue subaru
sucks the paint right off the road
scares my wife to death
by ap
carry no grudges
let's let haiku be haiku
when it is haiku
by ash
I can't change you
but I can change myself and
win or lose or tie
by Moxie
Fuck Off Moxie AND Max !
by Anonymous Poet
I think I'm routinely
confused, all the time 24
hours...it's my job...
by Moxie
please don't be confused
this Max is female
by Max
the "gay" thing...truth is
relative to most young Gen X
so, everyone's "disposable"
vote me off the island please...
the biggest lie is there is no truth
the demons of hell came up with that one
by Mox
most people believe
there's nothing out there because
they're afraid there is One
by Moxie
hey ap
love yas... Mox
by Mox
he got in early
ash's bun's in oven now
mastication hurts
by mellie
you know what they say
old molars they never die
they just rot away
by Boston gal
ancient dentition
biting more than i could chew
with these old molars
by ash
my dentist is cool
he could drill my cavity
then tell me to spit
by mellie
sucking caramel
a mouth full of gooeyness
a good friday
by mellie
scott is a freak for
buying a 57
dollar toilet brush
but even weirder
is that he freely adver
tises the whole deal
by k of a 'brush' with fate?
the easter bilby
lacking commercial contacts
remains endangered
by ash
no little mellie
a haiku tongue will tickle
your easter bunny
by Anonymous Poet
moxie counts at last
easter is miraculous
now work on syntax
by ash
it was pre-ordained
the world's first auto pilate
x marks the way point
by ash
hanging about here
just another good friday
same as the others
by mellie
by scott (how's THAT for living your bad haiku!)
hi Mox it's just me
and I'm one not to ignore
especially you
by Max
fuck the hell off moxie
by Anonymous Poet
It's later in the
evening and all you have
to do is ignore
by Mox
I'm Christian, so
i HAVE to turn the other
cheek resist, evil...
as dumb as that seems
mocking, wondering why and
to where have you been?
by Mox
Classical structure
A frame that will hold and won't
puncture. Fractured.
by ComiCat of Jerzey
fuck off mox
by Anonymous Poet
well, I was just to
fundamentalist webby
I guess we're all bad
by Moxie
highband's just jealous
I love you Mox, yes I do
(when you're being nice)
by Max
butt!!! you didn't have to
be so glaring! yes? it sticks
out covered or not on us all
by Moxie
I tend to prefer
jeans, and listen to other
people way too much
by Moxie
moxie and his freinds
out shopping for jeans, guess which
one is the moxter
by highband
sweet tiramisu
dollops from me just for you
Mox can be so sweet
by Max
all of life can be
a fight, it's hard but when that
is realized, all's cool
by Mox
well, Scorpio, change
comes very hard, painfully
and with much coffee
by Moxie
as seventeen syllables
can possibly be
by ash
haiku is haiku
but i'm not sure that's moxie
because it's haiku
by ash
i now a p likes
bananas, is bananas?
fuck right offfffff moxie
by Anonymous Poet
k needs a lap dance
worst part is the bad perfume
i now she wants it
by ap
crater in my tooth
making me irritable
i hate the dentist
by ash
Moon over the beach
1000 fuck offs could not
take the beauty out
by Moxie