unity is key
for those under control of
by someone of NH
poets like the moon
where the light is brightest found
shadows are deeper
by A. Musing
demonstrable truths will show
within every *fact*
by Penelope
crap from bung daddy
is really pretty good shit
although quite nutty
by scottological
Universal truth
is centered on a good poo
and a happy bung
by Bung Daddy
something about Scott
poetic logic he's got
got to love him - lots
by Penelope (Scott's s.a.)
a paradox then:
you fight for our acceptance
and so we fight back
who would wish you dead
if you didn't post this crap?
you're fighting yourself
by scott
listen, if you think
you're eternally damned
that's why i got off here
to live life with people
who I gave a shit about
and vice versa
not to listen to the opinions of those i did not know
by Moxie
no!! I just like to fight
to try and convince others
that I have a right to live
by Moxie
snowdrop and mittens
are playful pastel pussies
just watch your noggin....
by the fourth way of seattle
black coffee, i cry
if the haiku don't kill me
i'll live till i die
by scott
i think badhaiku's
your eternal damnation
and so for us, too
by scott
moved within my heart
rhythmic tonic soothes - it seems
sadness reaches out
by someone just stopping in
I'm very human
I enjoy life at times, and suffer
as we all do...
Those who see only the poetry here
miss the whole picture, and I miss
the ones whom they are, we are
both Frodo and Gollum
by Moxie of themadtaer@hotmail.com
I'm a Scorpio
that's no excuse to be a jerk like I was
but I evoke strong feelings...
I'd rather be on the side of light
by Moxie
the stress I got here
was from the hatred of some
they just want an easy out
and want to be right
at any cost
by Moxie
well, if I did that
I'm carrying the ring of doom
and I lived? who knew?
suicide is eternal damnation
no one should be encouraged to do so,
by Moxie
so I guess moxie
is important to haiku
he's the dark not light
but recognizing
his existence is a bad
thing...pandora's box.
by k of sorry 'bout the premature submission there
by scott (dropped it on the floor)
"im margret thatcher"
dipping fingers in my wine
pool cue in his eye
by scott (out of the gene pool!)
poets need a muse
somehow we got stuck with mox
grandma has a cock
by scott
what's good without bad?
and what's bad without awful?
mox serves his purpose
by scott (i think mox is like gollum...not to give the ending away or anything...)
like flying through flack
mox grotesque haiku attack
man that guy is whack
by ash
i don't really think
moxie is human, just a
bot sending out spew
by k
moxie finally
committing suicide would
be a promise kept
by k
i hope moxie gets
run over by monster trucks
on a drunk rampage
by k of to scott: I know you're a nice guy...but there are limits..serious limits..welcoming moxie is one of them
there are two good things
come out of texas: whitley
and highway 40
by scott (next up: When Texans Attack!)
a quick moxie treat:
christ, suicide, anal sex
good in small doses
by scott (this is terribly wrong, but i almost hope he'll come back)
years go by waiting
for someone else to under-
stand....choked on beauty
by k
"silence blossoms like
tumors on our lips" Cohen
likes the song also
by k of Tori Amos Silent All These Years spells is out also
din of ecstasy?
din of silence is more apt
but whitley does help
by k of Chris Whitely plays some damn good blues
pink pills, baby smooth
slice the nuts, snip the hoses
vasectomy day
by Paver
Wave of emotion
cascades over me like stench
from a sulphur fart
by Bung Daddy
bung daddy mourns loss
can't figure out the site
christ, what a moron
by Anonymous Poet
the taxman cometh.
the lord giveth and taketh.
I merely posteth
by the fourth way of seattle
i love not working
i can spend vast amounts of
time hitting "refresh"
by k of BTW - fuck you Moxie
turned down again by
a focus group, reason was
i used to program
by k
i regret late nights
but only in the morning
rise, rinse, and repeat
i love all my drunken friends
who call me at 2)
by scott, on a different note...hugs n' kisses
moxie has returned!
psychobabble is back!
did you take your meds?
by ap - my life is whole again
I welcome the rain
storms are so very sexy
need to end this drought
by A. Musing
i think rehashing
is a bad idea, moxie
please lay off the hash
by scott, because i care
well, like anything
if I keep rehashing
re-runs to the 700 club
might as well work at burger king
by Moxie
destroyer of words
the angel of death of thought
poetic a-bomb
by scott, introducing moxie (yes, it's re-run)
mox is biblical
right out the holy book
a plague of locusts
by scott, addressing the newbies (hope you ride this one out)
there are some people
telling me Christ is a sodomite
and making me want to
do myself in, AGAIN surprise
over Internet babble
as my friend cliff said,
by Moxie
entropy returns
buildings crumble into dust
welcome back, moxie
by scott, it's about time
Hello you old birds
God bless you, but
where the heck is Ms. Rosewater?
by Moxie
like a naked lunch
back to and a little twisted
and waiting for Jack
by Moxie of woof woof
ich bin nicht sehr froh
by seb of 1st floor