Lee press on kilter
f-you so and so
thank you very much!!!
It's the attention, good or bad
by Moxie
there are people who
will always believe their first impression
and always, will aim for the heart
by Moxie
kissing her orchid
work down to the butterfly
save the rose for last
by ap
is she clean?
does she look good inside
tatoo or not her temple within is it
what about your temple?
is it clean inside?
rush my cobwebs and drivel!
by Moxie
hmm there's alot of
hate around draggin me down
time to force it out
by maven of the cosmos
I love dirty girls
tattooed pierced and shaved so slick
they love me back, too
by ap
Determined foes
point out one's flaws
better than friends
by Moxie
Drivel is useless
only when it mucks up the high class
and bogs the pretentions down
by Moxie
So, K, can you write?
One thing I need
to learn is when they say go
go, the fight is the drug
that's the dumb thing, but I keep coming back
that's sick
by Moxie
So if I went on and on
and I talked to myself over and over
and ask myself, do I enjoy it?
Hmm, do you want to go to hell with me? I'm sure as hell going, avoid that fate by accepting the Big Guy, tell him "Kick Jerry's ass"
by Moxie of more stupid drivel
Personally, I think
if you stopped calling me an asshole
and gave me a chance
I wouldn't know what the fuck to do
and I'd go cluelessly off
bullet in head, and cured by suicide
by Moxie-against-K
Can't play the victim forever
can't play on and on
for here who is anything worth relating
who else would you put on shit list 101?
by Moxie
Some people would
well, like you dead before you were born from the womb, can't really worry about them
They were dead when they were born
by Moxie
If we met in person
Would I get a gauge of you
or would I get a 12 gauge in the mouth
and a good cover up for murder by
you all?
by Moxie
It's easier to hate than forgive...
It's easier to throw away than accept
It's easier to walk on than be the Samaritan
by Moxie
You always need enemies
It would be nice if I didn't have them
but sometimes, life goes on
by Moxie
summer heat returns
storm clouds finally lifting
the swelter begins
by ash
really serious
i always obey the rules
except for sometimes when i disregard them totally, because i am not that rigid actually, but it gives me a chance to turn
by ash
Is this your site k?
love it, wonderful, thank-you.
spirit-lifting stuff.
wise, informative, and pointing the way as well
by not to say bad haiku isn't one of MY favorite's except for that moxie asshole and the dungballs
however, there are
always exceptions to even
my rules, like Moxie.
by k_against_Moxie of that doesn't mean I like your useless drivel though....you are one stupid asshole. Try meds.
it seems that this site
is fun only in one type
of haiku? I'll be
breaking away.
by k_against_rigid_rules_that_only_serve_to_reflect_ignorance_and_enforce_it of more info to bolster my claim (my Credentials) http://www.ahapoetry.com/haiku.htm
looks like the site code
finally disallows tags.
things are safer now.
by k_against_bad_code of good job on the html stripping Janis
ash may be a little
constipated, penned in by
rules of his own making
it's too bad that he
doesn't realize that most
haiku experts have
made exceptions
for speakers of english
by k_against_ash of like one needs credentials for this site...i mean REALLY ash! www.ahapoetry.com/keirule.htm
held him in my arms
and he threw it all away
hold me in your arms
love me just the same
hold me in your arms again
grandma has a cock
held him in my arms
I've been thinking it over
and over again
by mellie
without flooding us
you are still totally wet
dry you with my flames
by ash
moxie must fight fire with fire or in his case non-haiku with non-haiku.......if he can do it why can't I?
Huh? eh? Huh? eh? huh? eh??? huh? eh???
by Anonymous Poet
as hard as i try
i still don't appreciate
haiku which isn't
by ash
I will always hate you moxie, you ignorant shit-head
by Anonymous Poet
It is easy to be critical
without enjoying anything
for some reason some people enjoy
saying someone else's stuff is shit
without even trying to like it
by Moxie
Wish I could keep that style up
here I get caught up in the in fighting
I write like Louis L'amour on depressants
by Moxie of TO K for being creative...
from my perspective
criticism is easy
without credentials
by ash_against_people_writing_endless_comments_'cos_they_can't_write_succint_haiku
strong criticism
brutalised by your abuse
my heart is breaking
by ash
I loved the posted pictures
As much as 3D
by Janis
Thanksgiving is done
bird bones simmer in water.
Fall colors fading.
I think of the time
we teased vegetarians.
Enjoying all that
by k_against_everyone of oh yeah and I forgot to mention Mellie, what a fuckin crackpot!
It seems to me that
people who write so much on
their dicks, must be small.
by k_against_repetitive_subjects of why did scott get special treatment from Janis over his idiotic 3d/2d haiku and Janis bitches at me for cool pics from Klee?
So is that all you
guys find to talk about here?
Yanking on your dicks?
Seriously folks,
it gets really quite boring.
Try thinking for once.
by k_against_stupid_minds_and_stupid_haiku of to ash, ap, anti-social, ronin, moxie, scott, comicat and any other penis obsessed contributer i may have for gotten. And Janis
Try to toast a sinner
and you sin yourself, and go with
the sinner, down and you knew better
because you died again
by Moxie
dumb kid envies cock
He wishes his was bigger
But it remains small
by anti social
the kid scratches crabs
He enjoys watching them crawl
They infest his crotch
by anti social
If you are still here
I mock you oh so badly
You read my dumb works
by anti social
I challenge you to
write some poetry that rhymes
said the ignorant
by anti social
The dumb prick sits there
He's stroking the salami
We all move away
by anti social
Poop-shoot punnisher
Is what they call the fat man
It must hurt a lot
by anti social
Your car may be black
You may think that it's fast, but
Your mom is faster
by anti social
Once white, now yellow
Do not eat this stuff it's bad
somebody peed here
by anti social
weaving left and right
moving up and down moaning
grandma has a cock
by mellie
futile politics
players weaving left and right
grandma has a cock
by ash
ones toss thier fences
nothing wrong with awareness
oh but "rights" judge more
by Jeremy
Jeremy is mad.
Filled with teen-aged angst; no logo
has warped fragile minds
by Right Wing Capitalist Pig
Fucking dumb leftist
Spewing lame-assed rhetoric.
Marx was a retard.
by Right Wing Capitalist Pig