Flip Flap Flippty flap
Likes to eat seeds
Wakes me up in the morning
That's budgies
by Booga
Sick Sick Sick like a snopp doggy dog
pour me some gin and neo-citran
and i'll goto bed
by Boris
the wounding of the ego
can be rough on all people
competition is the rule sadly
by Moxie (has been Goku, Lee, PXC)
read Marcus Arelius
by Moxie
lying sack of shit
idiot with a keyboard
that's the way it is
by ap
Well, there's a point when I say "I need to leave
here and get a real life" then someone else takes the handle I've used...I have two I use, once as Goku here, and when I come back, same thing...
Wake up call, wasted life on line
by Moxie
Are you guys a bit
bored writing haikus all day?
Do you have a life?
by IAmTheCaptain
true poetic justice:
that they who plot to ruin
are disgraced and shamed
by indiana
your silence is true
as your guilt sticks on the wall
eternal blunder
by indiana
playing both sides of
the street has its own hazards
watch out for traffic
by ap
oooh, that was nasty
i suspect a writer with
multiple handles
by ap
what good does it do
to call each other idiots or racists?
it just makes noise
by Moxie
Love your neighbor
do boring Greatest Generation things
love yourself
by Goku
Everyone needs a scapegoat
Until they realize
They need to live and eat
by Moxie
Nyx is friendlier
than angry critique
because the stars don't talk back
I am who I am
You are who you are
by Mox
A woman in Afghatistan
can die for getting out of her bounds
and you're free here to ask me to die
Consider your alternatives and join RAWA
by Moxie
by lone wolf!@themasterlovesyajewelhesjusttendinghisbonsaitomaintainhisusualbalance
educated fool
showing off your ignorance
pitiful foul mouth
by mellie
Dance in the moonlight
Offer myrrh to goddess Nyx
(if you don't get it, just shut up
you don't have to display your
by jewel1really?sowhyreactifugotmydriftshitmouth
maggies cheeks are sweet
she moves her arse knowingly
little boxer bitch
by mellie,my box's not shallow :-)
the great whale leaping
forming a rainbow at sea
resplendent splashes
(you juz couldn't resist that can you?
your petty nom de guerre will never
work...that's it, just write on similar
lines, you are shallow anyway)
by jewel1
I had a cat once
looked like a little tiger
then I smashed its face
broke its little ribs
when I stopped the car to look
dying eyes still loved
by mellie
Like a pittbull once
the bulldog's face all mashed in
with an upturned nose
by jewel1
Boxer's cheek drooping
to the ground so magnetized
its face leaning right
by jewel1
laid deep and buried
the truth of his own folly
silent shame to bear
by indiana
A sAnDcaStle bUilt
sO muCh To bE aSpireD foR
All teMpoRarY
by goku
The pug and its nose
a long necktie for a tongue
so grotesque, so cute
by jewel1
The pug and its nose
a long necktie for a tongue
ao grotesque, so cute
by jewel1
moxie- leaning on
mouse while mastrubating-"no
haiku submited"
by lee
aS tHe laSt lEaf fAlls
PeAce TucKs iN foR HaRsH WinTeR
by goku
Dolphins showing off
hungry for the human touch
plays for just one rub
by jewel1
In its depth I dive
peach sea anemone flirts
with the pert clownfish
by jewel1
Rugged Palau
Jellyfishes left alone
tamed, losing its sting
Such grace, such beauty!
looking through its clear bloodstream
dancing in my hand
by jewel1
your guilt will haunt you!
no wrong will correct itself
loud thumping heart beats
by indiana
the prime fairy dropped
to see its horrible deed
with buttons it flew
by indiana
time is running out
time's running out of my head
running out of time
by mellie
it wsn't me Ash
been lots of thrashing taken
but still I submit
by mellie
that's asking for it
we'd like to see you submit
after a thrashing
by ash
pushing all the wrong buttons
again and again
by ash
a lonely outpost
with no communication
i have to submit
by ash
it was a quickie
plain and simple with grunting
pure satisfaction
by ap
as the screen flickers
you are gently reminded
how you lost your name
by indiana
we wage war, my love
in order to zip up those
men who unzips them
by indiana
Neo Paul Bunyan
but for the fire ablazing
grips as vice within
by jewel1
Genuflex to Nyx
Niobe I shall become
For the Old Glory
by jewel1
the cause he pursues
perforce by love inspiring
In my shell I weep
by jewel1
One with the bell's peals
beating secretly within
for his fervor
by jewel1
read the oracle
of the rainman, who saw
himself actually
by indiana