only ever gruff
billy always rammed my butt
nanny was so slack
by mellie
sell mohammed, buy
mahatma, chill the jehad
and choke that fatwa
by ash
mellie left a trail
of breadcrumbs and poor ronin
wants to eat a crumb.
by indiana
now it's so itchy
and hot and sore from scratching
bee leave me it hurt
by mellie
what a goat I felt
when I bent over to pluck
an horrific sting
by mellie
BaD hAiKu iT iS
bEeN tRyiNg To WrIte LikE yOu
bUt aLaS, i cAn't
by goku
.......TO GOKU
you're good at haiku
as if you're a natural
.just like in "eating"
by ronin
.....ahh mellie my dear
i see you've been on a trip
........why do it alone
.....when you feel like it
dont call on the other guys
......just give me a mail
by ronin
SmOke RiNgS iN tHe AiR
a BaTtlE wiLL sOon Be FoUghT
fRont rOw SeAts foR Me
by goku
the goat (like satan) is crafty
he might go for other names
.........MEBBE Jeremy
...(he can't resist haiku, it's
........his sole vocation)
by ronin@stillthepsychologist'sclerk
.........moxie does haiku
and pulls down the barricades
by ronin@nicegoingdude
.......he is stalking you
with his army of gruff goats
...their stench fills the air
by ronin@themountaingoestomuhammad
Blind to the future
materialistic hoarders
helpless in the dark
(hi there, goku! )
by jewel1
The Acacia Tree
Stands regal and majestic
but gee, the stench!
One wish for one leaf
falling from acacia trees
Is this true, or not?
by jewel1toIndy
You jog in the morn
I smell the breath from your lungs
such vigor, such life!
by jewel1
Race, and give it all
For the rest, leave them behind
to the finish line
by jewel1
went down to the swamp
purple louisianna
purple haze moving
by mellie
Q : Why is bin Laden scared of panties?
A : 'Coz behind every panty is a Bush!
by ronin@tryingitoutatVegaswherethegoatmightbe
AnD tO dEar JeWeL
yOu aRe InVitEd As Well
eAt, dRink, be Merry!
by goku
...........the AP-sushi:
pound the old squirt to a pulp,
....choke it tight with grass.
by ronin@8)
...a toast then goku
and as for our dessert
.crab sushi with grass
by ronin
BoiLeD rIcE aNd SmOkEd FisH
mY MeAL fOr a RaInY dAy-
wiTh SaKe oF CouRse!
by goku
Oh her daily grind
Anne is jolted silly stiff
A thief in the night
by jewel1
my mind wanders off
Church bells chime at early dawn
Grandma wearing veil
by jewel1
TaDpoLes oN a RaCe
tHe pOnD teEmiNg WitH yOuNg LiFe
mOtHerHoOd bEcKoNs
by goku
...........brown dry fields of rice
where once green sprouting leaves sway planted with grass
by ronin
sniff the scent of home
memories of childhood rush
carried high by waves
by jewel1
on the boulevard
hustling the empty old men
your heels went click clack
by Hollywood Bonfire
red magic markers
nice-smelling yellow raincoats
bouncy new sneakers
by Hollywood Bonfire
there's shit in my ass
do your best, noble sphincter
eject that vile log
by Hollywood Bonfire
Sound is how I sleep
while gliding across your skin
my curves matching yours
by Betty LeBomb
pausing above you,
balls slightly swaying, heavy
with themselves; then slap!
by moxie
the stillness of day
forebodes strong storm threatening
a furious battle
by jewel1
will you wipe yourself?
cleanliness today is what
people call sunshine
by Jeremy of NH
your ass is stinky
the scent is miles away
male prostitution
by Jeremy of NH
labial juices
the breakfast of champions
before brushing teeth
by Jeremy of NH
closing open doors
having to wipe up the spill
when creaming ones pants
by Jeremy of NH
we all have cravings
some are stronger than others
abstinence never
by mellie
filthy orifce
your head is in the gutter
filling up manholes
by Jeremy of southeast NH
Craving to vanish...
an absence would be blissful
- seek adventure - life
by ComiCat of Jerzey
twice vexed by gonzo
hunter s. thompson resides
at ground zero in my soul
(I wish!!!)
by MoxLee
twiced vexed by ronin
ap chased scott to blue yonder
as ash to ashes
by indiana
ap like soft paper
pretty in the roller, up
until the stain comes
by indiana
I think I do like
it better when I write 5
7,'re right!
by Lee
Ill will cleaned up
ocean breeze and salt smell still
and smoking to it......
by Lee
the sack with ronin and
friends sinks in the icy stream
Ah! fresh autumn breeze
by Anonymous Poet
floating on the clouds;
your soft belly, breasts sway
and roll as I strain
by moxie
janis please bring back
the endless scroll - easier
to bypass the chat
(pages and pages of 97% crap)
by Anonymous Poet