Bad Haiku
Horrible poetry for the digital age
28 Years, 114 Days and 77564 Haiku later...

bollide comes crashing
down! who knew, but didn't tell?
more invasion, please.
Haiku # 12222, July 25, 2001 4:07 pm ET
by ekpyrotic apoapsis
Flittering fruit fly
projects a rather large smile
on his only day
Haiku # 12221, July 25, 2001 3:47 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
My haiku is bad
especially here today
it takes some practice
Haiku # 12220, July 25, 2001 3:27 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
I woke up so late
or was I dreaming about
being Japanese
Haiku # 12219, July 25, 2001 3:24 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
Because you face east
has put me in the mood to
move to the west coast
Haiku # 12218, July 25, 2001 3:22 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
You are Greek to me
I can tell since you have a
pocket of pitas
Haiku # 12217, July 25, 2001 3:20 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
You say, be careful!
but I can't... I need to run
put my toes at risk
Haiku # 12216, July 25, 2001 3:12 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
This toe-nail is broke
I stubbed it on your sharp edge
why won't it come off?
Haiku # 12215, July 25, 2001 3:11 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
today my poo is
sometimes chunky, sometimes wet.
Should I buy lotto?
Haiku # 12214, July 25, 2001 11:51 am ET
by Buns_of_Steel of Dallas, TX
me love you long time
short time just one hundred baht
me no make you sick
Haiku # 12213, July 25, 2001 9:52 am ET
by ap
o beginner lau
she calls, "i love you long time"
grandma has a cock
Haiku # 12212, July 25, 2001 7:21 am ET
by ash
when i was a boy
things were sure diff'rent round here
i was somewhere else
Haiku # 12211, July 25, 2001 7:19 am ET
by ash
Stupid hong kong man
Retired,fifty-four,life's fall
Want to talk?Please call.
Haiku # 12210, July 25, 2001 3:20 am ET
by beginnerlau of hong kong
bleak drizzle shivers
slate grey day so cold out there
mellie's warm inside
Haiku # 12209, July 25, 2001 1:36 am ET
by mellie
afternoon downpour
the drainpipe outside my door
gurgles yet some more
Haiku # 12208, July 25, 2001 1:17 am ET
by ash
I stare out the door,
anxious and nervous, watching
the zit is popped!
Haiku # 12207, July 24, 2001 6:26 pm ET
by monkeyking of inna tree
Danny sweats nonstop
Chatting he sits while it drips
he smells!
Haiku # 12206, July 24, 2001 4:40 pm ET
by Princess
librarian at desk
considers the convent
she just joined, some nun
Haiku # 12205, July 24, 2001 4:29 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
Colleen walks on air
glistening in the sun shine
what an attitude
Haiku # 12204, July 24, 2001 4:27 pm ET
by Devil
The sun shines after
8 months of gloom yet it
still feels like winter
Haiku # 12203, July 24, 2001 4:26 pm ET
by Danny Kissane of Oneonta, NY
he dropped off the face of Earth
somewhere in Utah
and she wanted nothing to do with Dr. gonzo...
and he was just a weirdo...
Haiku # 12202, July 24, 2001 4:18 pm ET
by Moxie
something about old duke
bowflex, getting "out" and getting lost
hours and hours on line and what?

Bad haiku and false prophecies
Haiku # 12201, July 24, 2001 4:17 pm ET
by Moxie of dropping into faces of death...
It's ryhiming Haiku
It brings me joy through and through
at least those with poo
Haiku # 12200, July 24, 2001 3:46 pm ET
by Saint
Between you and me
there is intense gravity
you and I both see
Haiku # 12199, July 24, 2001 3:43 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
For all your screaming
And all the dirty feelings
You still have nothing
Haiku # 12198, July 24, 2001 1:13 pm ET
by Dr. Claw
Read this line slow
And when I tell you, Go~ Now
Outside into the heat
Haiku # 12197, July 24, 2001 1:13 pm ET
by ComiCat of Jerzey
Slow time during class
Sing of Win2k, sing of
power, an%-33{BAD PACKET RECEIVED}
Haiku # 12196, July 24, 2001 12:43 pm ET
by Priest
The coffee had not
kicked in yet, mug size of Rome
Something on Ceres
Haiku # 12195, July 24, 2001 10:54 am ET
by Moxie
yes it's hard to beat
rhythm is another thing
that gets me rocking
Haiku # 12194, July 24, 2001 5:53 am ET
by mellie
I don't think in rhyme
never really had the time
or inclination
Haiku # 12193, July 24, 2001 4:47 am ET
by mellie
madness in the flock
makes this site a laughing stock
grandma has a cock
Haiku # 12192, July 24, 2001 1:07 am ET
by ash
rhyming haiku verse
doesn't make it any worse
but neither more terse
Haiku # 12191, July 24, 2001 1:04 am ET
by ash
The mites in my cat
ate a hole in this here mat
now eating my hat
Haiku # 12190, July 24, 2001 12:27 am ET
by Betty LeBomb
no violent verse
no bloody red rumming words
no hack-n-slash lines
Haiku # 12189, July 23, 2001 3:40 pm ET
by Drophammer
no feces haiku
no stinky excremental
words of bung wisdom
Haiku # 12188, July 23, 2001 3:37 pm ET
by Drophammer
In vain I complain
about the stars and the rain
and cars in my lane
Haiku # 12187, July 23, 2001 2:19 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
Not wise to be this
person on line, naive conned
But it is small stuff...
Haiku # 12186, July 23, 2001 2:19 pm ET
by Moxie
In vain I complain
about the stars and the rain
driving me insane
Haiku # 12185, July 23, 2001 2:18 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
Why do I like you?
It's something that I don't know
but want to find out
Haiku # 12184, July 23, 2001 2:16 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
One day I looked down
and began scanning around
'twas you that I found
Haiku # 12183, July 23, 2001 2:13 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
When I walked with you
there were good feelings of you
a future with you
Haiku # 12182, July 23, 2001 2:11 pm ET
by Betty LeBomb
Unleash the madness
In the framework that is all
you need. you have this
Haiku # 12181, July 23, 2001 12:58 pm ET
by Moxie
something as small as
a job change, even if this
is minor, is freeing

you saw a child man
not used to the "world" competing
responding in rage
Haiku # 12180, July 23, 2001 12:57 pm ET
by Moxie
Moxie is net mad-
ness. Ignorance, sloth, list goes on
This is no life...
Haiku # 12179, July 23, 2001 12:51 pm ET
by Moxie
I keep wondering
Is she real behind that nick?
And who would she be?
Haiku # 12178, July 23, 2001 12:02 pm ET
by Moxie
Prayer lists going on
forever to messed up Xians
I feel like St. Nick
Haiku # 12177, July 23, 2001 10:59 am ET
by Moxie
O visitation
devotion constancy faith
submissiveness yes
Haiku # 12176, July 22, 2001 11:26 pm ET
by mellie
some are out of whack
this is a bad haiku site
five seven five slap
Haiku # 12175, July 22, 2001 11:06 pm ET
by mellie
Eustis has that Red Bull
Nothing to the town at all
But it has that drink...
Haiku # 12174, July 22, 2001 8:14 pm ET
by Moxie
for all ya spelling
obsessed dufusses here ya
go fill yer boots
Haiku # 12173, July 22, 2001 5:43 pm ET
by Anonymous Poet
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